Master of Kung Fu vol.1 #17
Marvel Premiere vol.1 #24
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 #86 (fuera de continuidad)
Alan Davis (realidad alternativa)
Excalibur vol.1 #14
Obnoxio Vs. X-Men /4
Ales Kot
Secret Avengers vol.3 #7 (sólo voz)
The Avengers vol.1 #215
The Thing vol.1 #7
The Incredible Hulk #291
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
Dazzler vol.1 #30
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Nova vol.1 #5
Ms. Marvel vol.1 #15
The Black Dragon vol.1 #4 (cameo) (fuera de continuidad)
Art Thibert
Fantastic Four vol.3 #27
Axel Alonso
Captain America: Who Won't Wield the Shield #1/4 (fuera de continuidad)
Tower of Shadows vol.1 #5/1
Chamber of Darkness vol.1 #7/1 (fuera de continuidad)
Beth Bleckley
Nova vol.1 #5
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Chamber of Darkness vol.1 #8/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Daredevil vol.2 #8
Marvel Premiere vol.1 #24
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu vol.1 #19
Howard the Duck Magazine vol.1 #5/1
Micronauts vol.1 #39
Alpha Flight vol.1 #86
Bob Budiansky
101 Ways to End the Clone Saga (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Bob DeNatale
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 #86 (fuera de continuidad)
Micronauts vol.1 #56
Dazzler vol.1 #30
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior vol.1 #5
101 Ways to End the Clone Saga
Bobbie Chase
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #3
Fantastic Four vol.3 #27
Brent Anderson
Ka-Zar the Savage vol.1 #10/2
What If... Jessica Jones had joined the Avengers?
What If... Karen Page had lived?
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up vol.1 #1 (Tierra Ultimate)
Ultimate Spider-Man vol.1 #66
Ultimate Spider-Man vol.1 #67
Daredevil vol.2 #70
Daredevil vol.2 #76
Captain America: Who Won't Wield the Shield #1/4 (fuera de continuidad)
Ka-Zar the Savage vol.1 #10/3
Ka-Zar the Savage vol.1 #20
Bud LaRosa
Daredevil vol.1 #318 (sólo voz)
Micronauts vol.1 #56
Strange Tales vol.1 #123
Original Sins vol.1 #5/3
Chris Bachalo
Generation-X vol.1 #31 (fuera de continuidad, dedicando el trabajo en esa serie a su esposa Hellen)

Marvel Premiere vol.1 #24
The X-Men #98
The X-Men #105
Iron Fist vol.1 #15
The X-Men #123
Man-Thing vol.2 #11 (flashback)
Man-Thing vol.2 #11
Spider-Woman vol.1 #45
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem
Fantastic Four vol.3 #23
Fantastic Four vol.3 #27
Excalibur vol.1 #14
Chamber of Darkness vol.1 #8/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Dan Slott
New Warriors Annual #3/3
Danny Fingeroth
Man-Thing vol.2 #11
Marvel Team-Up vol.1 #137
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 #86 (fuera de continuidad)
Darlane Cole
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7

Giant-Size X-Men #1
(primera aparición)
The X-Men #98
The X-Men #105
Iron Fist vol.1 #15
The X-Men #120
Denny O'Neil
Daredevil vol.2 #8
Sgt. Fury And His Howling Commandos vol.1 #22 (primera aparición; Stan Lee le ofrece dibujar historias de los Comandos Aulladores cuando vuelvan de la guerra)
Sgt. Fury Annual #4
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos vol.1 #100
The Avengers Annual vol.1 #2
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Tower of Shadows vol.1 #4 (fuera de continuidad)
Captain America: Who Won't Wield the Shield #1/1 (fuera de continuidad)
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
Dazzler vol.1 #30
Spider-Woman vol.1 #29
New Warriors Annual #3/3
Flo Steinberg
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #37/2
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #658
Flo Steinberg (realidad alternativa)
What If? vol.1 #11 (flashback)
What If? vol.1 #11
Iron Man vol.1 #72
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Daredevil vol.2 #8
Dazzler vol.1 #30
Fred Hembeck
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 #86 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets the Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #1/3
Sgt. Fury Annual #4
Sgt. Fury vol.1 #100
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Daredevil Annual vol.1 #1
Tower of Shadows vol.1 #4/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Tower of Shadows vol.1 #6/4 (fuera de continuidad)
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu vol.1 #19
The Avengers vol.1 #149
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Marvel Two-In-One vol.1 #60
The Avengers vol.3 #14 (fuera de continuidad)
Captain America vol.3 #21/1
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (páginas 1 - 6)
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #207 (páginas 1 - 8)
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (páginas 7 - 18)
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #207 (página 21)
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (página 20)
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Conan the Barbarian vol.1 #12/1 (fuera de continuidad)
Glenn Greenberg
101 Ways to End the Clone Saga
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (páginas 1 - 6)
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #207 (páginas 1 - 8)
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (páginas 7 - 8)
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #207 (página 21)
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (página 20)
Werewolf by Night vol.1 #9
Marvel Premiere vol.1 #24
The X-Men #123
Hank Chapman
Astonishing vol.1 #4/3
Heather Antos
Deadpool vol.1 #250/8 (fuera de continuidad)
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Marvel Premiere vol.1 #24
Marvel Treasury Edition vol.1 #25
Howard Mackie
Star Brand vol.1 #11 (Nuevo Universo)
Star Brand vol.1 #12 (Nuevo Universo)
101 Ways to End the Clone Saga (tras las escenas)
Irene Vartanoff
Marvel Premiere vol.1 #24
Iron Man vol.1 #85
Tarzan vol.1 #26
Captain America vol.5 #11 (flashback)
Millie the Model vol.1 #107 (fuera de continuidad)
(primera aparición)

Fantastic Four vol.1 #10
(primera aparición en el Universo Marvel)
Patsy and Hedy vol.1 #88 (fuera de continuidad)
What If? vol.1 #19 (tierra alternativa)
Fantastic Four Annual #3
Not Brand Echh vol.1 #2/3 (fuera de continuidad)
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Iron Man vol.1 #85
The X-Men #98
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Fantastic Four vol.3 #27
Fantastic Four vol.3 #50
Fantastic Four vol.1 #510
She-Hulk vol.1 #11
Fantastic Four vol.1 #584
Fantastic Four vol.4 #16 (página 29 - 30) ~ FF vol.2 #16/2 (páginas 9 - 10)
What If? vol.1 #11 (flashback)
What If? vol.1 #11
Captain America: Who Won't Wield the Shield #1/1 (fuera de continuidad)
Deadpool vol.5 #40
Jason Latour
Deadpool vol.5 #40
Jeanie Thomas
The Avengers vol.1 #83 (junto a su esposo Roy)
Marvel Feature vol.1 #2 (junto a Roy)
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (junto a Roy)
Jeannie Schaffer
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #611 (fuera de continuidad)
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Iron Fist vol.1 #11
Iron Man vol.1 #123
Man-Thing vol.2 #11
Obnoxio Vs. X-Men /4
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
Marvel Team-Up vol.1 #137 (fuera de continuidad)
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior vol.1 #5
Master of Kung Fu vol.1 #17
Jimmy Palmiotti
Daredevil vol.2 #8
Joe Casey
The Incredible Hulk vol.1 #474 (fuera de continuidad)
Captain Marvel vol.4 #23
Captain Marvel vol.4 #30
Captain Marvel vol.4 #31 (tras las escenas)
Daredevil vol.2 #8
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up vol.1 #1 (Tierra Ultimate)
Marvel Knights 4 vol.1 #23
Fantastic Four vol.1 #543/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #611 (fuera de continuidad)
Captain America: Who Won't Wield the Shield #1/4 (fuera de continuidad)
The Avengers Annual vol.1 #2
Iron Fist vol.1 #15
The X-Men #121
The Thing vol.1 #7
Fantastic Four vol.1 #262
Star Brand vol.1 #11 (Nuevo Universo)
Star Brand vol.1 #12 (Nuevo Universo)
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #33 (fuera de continuidad)
Alpha Flight vol.1 #105
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #41 (fuera de continuidad)
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #43 (fuera de continuidad)
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #45 (tras las escenas)
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #50
Hulk vol.1 #1
Marvel Two-In-One Annual vol.1 #1
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Sgt. Fury Annual #4
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Iron Man vol.1 #85
Howard the Duck vol.1 #16 (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Nova vol.1 #5
Fantastic Four vol.1 #543/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Deadpool vol.5 #27/5
Deadpool vol.1 #250/8 (fuera de continuidad)
Iron Man vol.1 #85
Daredevil vol.2 #8
Untold Tales of Spider-Man '96/2
The Avengers vol.3 #14 (fuera de continuidad)
Captain America vol.3 #21/1
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
FF vol.2 #10
Fantastic Four vol.4 #16 ~ FF vol.2 #16/2
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (páginas 1 - 6)
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #207 (páginas 1 - 8)
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (páginas 7 - 18)
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #207 (página 21)
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (página 20)
Werewolf by Night vol.1 #9
Giant-Size X-Men #1
Marvel Premiere vol.1 #24
Iron Man vol.1 #85
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
The X-Men #123
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 #48
Man-Thing vol.2 #11
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
Dazzler vol.1 #30
The New Mutants #21
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #10
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Iron Man vol.1 #85
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Thunderbolts vol.1 #3
Ultimate Spider-Man vol.1 #66
Fantastic Four vol.4 #16 ~ FF vol.2 #16/2
Mark Bernardo
101 Ways to End the Clone Saga
Sergio Aragones Massacres Marvel /1
Sergio Aragones Massacres Marvel /10
Marvel Two-In-One vol.1 #60
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
New Mutants Annual #3
Star Brand vol.1 #11 (Nuevo Universo)
Star Brand vol.1 #12 (Nuevo Universo)
Captain America vol.1 #347
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #50
Marvel Super-Heroes Special vol.1 #15/4
Marvel Holiday Special 1993/3
Sensational Spider-Man vol.1 #23
Mark Hanerfeld
Marvel Premiere vol.1 #24
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos vol.1 #100
Marvel Premiere vol.1 #24
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Nova vol.1 #5
Iron Man vol.1 #103
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior vol.1 #5
Matt Fraction
Captain America: Who Won't Wield the Shield #1/4 (fuera de continuidad)
FF vol.2 #10
Fantastic Four vol.4 #16 ~ FF vol.2 #16/2
Matt Idelson
The Incredible Hulk vol.1 #474 (fuera de continuidad)
Howard the Duck Magazine vol.1 #5/1
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
Fantastic Four vol.1 #262
Captain America vol.1 #312
Star Brand vol.1 #11 (Nuevo Universo)
Star Brand vol.1 #12 (Nuevo Universo)
Michael Hobson
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
FF vol.2 #10
Fantastic Four vol.4 #16 ~ FF vol.2 #16/2
Mike Carlin
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
Fantastic Four vol.1 #261
Dazzler vol.1 #30
Captain America vol.1 #312
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos vol.1 #100
Iron Man vol.1 #72
Marvel Premiere vol.1 #24
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Ultimate Spider-Man vol.1 #67
Patrick Oliffe
Untold Tales of Spider-Man '96/2
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #55
The New Avengers Vol.1 #7
The New Avengers Vol.1 #8
The New Avengers Vol.1 #9 (tras las escenas)
The New Avengers Vol.1 #10
Paul Smith
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7

The Incredible Hulk #418 (casa a Rick Jones y Marlo Chandler)
Captain America vol.3 #21/1
Marvel Two-In-One vol.1 #60
Micronauts vol.1 #56
Dazzler vol.1 #30
Daredevil vol.1 #318 (sólo voz)
101 Ways to End the Clone Saga
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up vol.1 #1 (Tierra Ultimate)
Randall Miller
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #611 (fuera de continuidad)
Renee Witterstaetter
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #40
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #41
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #43 (fuera de continuidad)
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #45 (tras las escenas)
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #50
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #51
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #60
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior vol.1 #5
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Marvel Knights 4 vol.1 #23
Marvel Knights 4 vol.1 #24
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Iron Fist vol.1 #11
The X-Men #123
Marvel Fanfare vol.1 #12/2
The Thing vol.1 #7
Ka-Zar the Savage vol.1 #20
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #400/4 (sólo comentarios) (fuera de continuidad)
Ron Garney
Hulk vol.1 #1
The Thing vol.1 #7
The Avengers Annual vol.1 #2
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Sgt. Fury Annual #6
The Avengers vol.1 #83 (junto a su esposa Jeanie)
Conan the Barbarian vol.1 #12/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Marvel Feature vol.1 #2 (junto a Jeanie)
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (junto a Jeanie)
Iron Man vol.1 #72
Iron Man vol.1 #85
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Nova vol.1 #5
What If? vol.1 #8/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Chamber of Darkness vol.1 #6/1 (fuera de continuidad)
Nova vol.1 #5
Fantastic Four vol.3 #23
Fantastic Four vol.3 #27
What The...? vol.1 #9
101 Ways to End the Clone Saga (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Sergio Aragonés Massacres Marvel /1
Sergio Aragonés Massacres Marvel /3
Sergio Aragonés Massacres Marvel /4
Sergio Aragonés Massacres Marvel /8
Sergio Aragonés Massacres Marvel /9
Sergio Aragonés Massacres Marvel /10
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Sol Brodsky (realidad alternativa)
What If? vol.1 #11 (flashback)
What If? vol.1 #11
Tarzan vol.1 #26
Sgt. Fury And His Howling Commandos vol.1 #22 (ofrece a Dick Ayers dibujar historias de los Comandos Aulladores cuando vuelvan de la guerra)
Astonishing vol.1 #4/3 (primera aparición)
Daredevil vol.1 #-1 (flashback)
Silver Surfer vol.3 #-1 (flashback)
Silver Surfer vol.3 #-1 (flashback)

Fantastic Four vol.1 #10 (primera aparición en el Universo Marvel)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1/3
Avengers Classic vol.1 #1/3 (fuera de continuidad)
What If? vol.1 #19 (tierra alternativa)
Strange Tales vol.1 #123
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #37/2
Fantastic Four Annual #3
Daredevil vol.1 #29
The Avengers Annual vol.1 #2
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Chamber of Darkness vol.1 #2/3
Daredevil vol.1 #79 (junto a su esposa Joan)
Sgt. Fury vol.1 #100
Iron Man vol.1 #85
The X-Men #98
Fantastic Four vol.1 #176
Nova vol.1 #5
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #169
Marvel Team-Up vol.1 #74
Obnoxio Vs. X-Men /4
Marvel Team-Up vol.1 #137
Web of Spider-Man vol.1 #73
Nightcat vol.1 #1
The Avengers vol.1 #332
Ravege 2099 #3
Fantastic Four vol.3 #9
Daredevil vol.2 #8
Fantastic Four vol.3 #27
Fantastic Four vol.3 #50
She-Hulk vol.1 #11
Fantastic Four vol.1 #543/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Thunderbolts vol.1 #112 (en un anuncio)
Stan Lee meets the Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #1 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets the Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #1/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets the Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #1/3 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets Doctor Strange vol.1 #1 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets Doctor Strange vol.1 #1/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets Doctor Strange vol.1 #1/3 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets the Thing vol.1 #1 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets the Thing vol.1 #1/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets the Thing vol.1 #1/3 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets Doctor Doom vol.1 #1 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets Doctor Doom vol.1 #1/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets Doctor Doom vol.1 #1/3 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets Silver Surfer vol.1 #1 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets Silver Surfer vol.1 #1/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Stan Lee meets Silver Surfer vol.1 #1/3 (fuera de continuidad)
Fantastic Four vol.1 #584
Fantastic Four vol.4 #16 (página 29 - 30) ~ FF vol.2 #16/2 (páginas 9 - 10)
What If? vol.1 #11 (flashback)
What If? vol.1 #11
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1/3
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (páginas 1 - 6)
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #207 (páginas 1 - 8)
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (páginas 7 - 18)
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #207 (página 21)
Amazing Adventures vol.2 #16 (página 20)
Master of Kung Fu vol.1 #17
Fantastic Four vol.1 #333
Man-Thing vol.1 #22 (flashback)
Marvel Treasury Edition (historia de texto) (entrevista a Howard, candidato a la presidencia)
Man-Thing vol.1 #22 (flashback)
Man-Thing vol.1 #22 (deja de hacer crónicas del Hombre Cosa)
Howard the Duck vol.1 #16 (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Howard the Duck vol.1 #16
Spider-Woman vol.1 #45
Steve Wacker
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #611 (fuera de continuidad) (tras las escenas)
Captain America: Who Won't Wield the Shield #1/4 (fuera de continuidad)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #647/5 (fuera de continuidad)
Stu Schwartzberg
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Sue Crespi
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #611 (fuera de continuidad)
Tower of Shadows vol.1 #5/3
The X-Men #120
The X-Men #123
Todd DeZago
101 Ways to End the Clone Saga
Tom Brennan
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #611 (fuera de continuidad) (tras las escenas)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #647/5 (fuera de continuidad)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #611 (fuera de continuidad)
Captain America: Who Won't Wield the Shield #1/4 (fuera de continuidad)
FF vol.2 #10
Fantastic Four vol.4 #16 ~ FF vol.2 #16/2
Deadpool vol.5 #27/5
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #50
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #400/4 (sólo comentarios) (fuera de continuidad)
Marvel Holiday Special 1993/3
101 Ways to End the Clone Saga
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #51
Iron Man vol.1 #72
Tower of Shadows vol.1 #4/3 (fuera de continuidad)
Chamber of Darkness vol.1 #4/2 (fuera de continuidad)
Marvel Premiere vol.1 #24
Sub-Mariner vol.1 #19
Virginia Romita
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
Tower of Shadows vol.1 #5/2
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #10
Warren Simons
Marvel Knights 4 vol.1 #23
Marvel Knights 4 vol.1 #24