Jack Kirby - Gene Colan - Don Heck - Frank Giacoia
Datos Generales Índice
Junio 1966
25¢ Color
64 Páginas + Cubiertas
Stan Lee
Este número contiene 6 historias:
  1. The Hunchback of Hollywood and the Movie Murder (17 págs.)
  2. I Am Prisoner of the Voodoo King (6 págs.)
  3. Beware the Uboongi (5 págs.)
  4. Bruttu (13 págs.)
  5. I Saw the End of the World (5 págs.)
  6. Weird Case of the Plundering Butterfly and the Ancient Mummies (11 págs.)
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"The Hunchback of Hollywood and the Movie Murder"
Comentarios de la historia

"I Am Prisoner of the Voodoo King"
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"Beware the Uboongi"
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"I Saw the End of the World"
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"Weird Case of the Plundering Butterfly and the Ancient Mummies"
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