Marvel Universe
Series Regulares
2 Gun Western - vol.1 (1956)
3-D Action - vol.1 (1954)
3-D Tales of the West - vol.1 (1954)
A Date With Millie - vol.1 (1956)
A Date With Millie - vol.2 (1959)
A Date With Patsy - vol.1 (1957)
A-Force - vol.1 (2015)
A-Force - vol.2 (2016)
A+X - vol.1 (2012)
Actual Confessions - vol.1 (1953)
Actual Romances - vol.1 (1949)
Adventure Into Fear - vol.1 (1972)
Adventure Into Mystery - vol.1 (1956)
Adventures Into Terror - vol.1 (1950)
Adventures into Weird Worlds - vol.1 (1952)
Adventures of Homer Ghost - vol.1 (1957)
Adventures of Pinky Lee, The - vol.1 (1955)
Aero - vol.1 (2019)
Agent X - vol.1 (2002)
Agents of Atlas - vol.2 (2009)
Agents of SHIELD - vol.1 (2016)
All-New, All-Different Avengers - vol.1 (2016)
All-New, All-Different Avengers Annual - vol.1 (2016)
All-New Captain America - vol.1 (2015)
All-New Ghost Rider - vol.1 (2014)
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy - vol.1 (2017)
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy Annual - vol.1 (2017)
All-New Hawkeye - vol.1 (2015)
All-New Hawkeye - vol.2 (2016)
All-New Inhumans - vol.1 (2016)
All-New Invaders - vol.1 (2014)
All-New Wolverine - vol.1 (2016)
All-New Wolverine Annual - vol.1 (2016)
All-New X-Factor - vol.1 (2014)
All-New X-Men - vol.1 (2013)
All-New X-Men - vol.2 (2016)
All-New X-Men Annual - vol.1 (2015)
All-New X-Men Annual - vol.2 (2017)
All Select Comics - vol.1 (1943)
All Surprise Comics - vol.1 (1943)
All Teen Comics - vol.1 (1947)
All-True Crime - vol.1 (1949)
All-True Crime Cases - vol.1 (1948)
All Winners Comics - vol.1 (1941)
All Winners Comics - vol.2 (1946)
All Winners Comics - vol.3 (1948)
All Western Winners - vol.1 (1948)
Alpha Flight - vol.1 (1983)
Alpha Flight - vol.2 (1997)
Alpha Flight - vol.3 (2004)
Alpha Flight - vol.4 (2011)
Alpha Flight Annual (1986)
Alpha Flight Special (1992)
Amazing Adult Fantasy (1961)
Amazing Adventures - vol.1 (1961)
Amazing Adventures - vol.2 (1970)
Amazing Adventures - vol.3 (1979)
Amazing Comics - vol.1 (1944)
Amazing Detective Cases - vol.1 (1950)
Amazing Fantasy - vol.1 (1962)
Amazing Fantasy - vol.2 (2004)
Amazing Mary Jane, The - vol.1 (2019)
Amazing Mysteries - vol.1 (1949)
Amazing Scarlet Spider, The - vol.1 (1995)
Amazing Spider-Man, The - vol.1 (1963)
Amazing Spider-Man, The - vol.2 (1999)
Amazing Spider-Man, The - vol.3 (2014)
Amazing Spider-Man, The - vol.4 (2015)
Amazing Spider-Man, The - vol.5 (2018)
Amazing Spider-Man, The - vol.6 (2022)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual, The - vol.1 (1964)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual, The - vol.2 (2015)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual, The - vol.3 (2017)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual, The - vol.4 (2018)
Amazing Spider-Man: Extra!, The - vol.1 (2008)
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, The (2015)
Amazing Spider-Man Super-Special, The (1995)
Amazing X-Men - vol.1 (1995)
Amazing X-Men - vol.2 (2014)
Amazing X-Men Annual - vol.1 (2014)
America - vol.1 (2017)
Angela: Asgard's Assassin - vol.1 (2015)
Angela: Queen of Hel - vol.1 (2015)
Animated Funny Comic-Tunes - vol.1 (1944)
Animated Movie Tunes - vol.1 (1945)
Annie Oakley - vol.1 (1948)
Ant-Man - vol.1 (2015)
Ant-Man Annual - vol.1 (2015)
Apache Kid - vol.1 (1950)
Arizona Kid - vol.1 (1951)
Arrowhead - vol.1 (1954)
Asgardians of the Galaxy - vol.1 (2018)
Astonishing - vol.1 (1951)
Astonishing Ant-Man, The - vol.1 (2015)
Astonishing Tales (1970)
Astonishing X-Men - vol.3 (2004)
Astonishing X-Men - vol.4 (2017)
Avengers - vol.1 (2013)
Avengers, The - vol.1 (1963)
Avengers, The - vol.2 (1996)
Avengers, The - vol.3 (1998)
Avengers, The - vol.4 (2010)
Avengers, The - vol.5 (2017)
Avengers, The - vol.6 (2018)
Avengers, The - vol.7 (2023)
Avengers Annual - vol.1 (2014)
Avengers Annual, The - vol.1 (1967)
Avengers Annual, The - vol.2 (2012)
Avengers A.I. - vol.1 (2013)
Avengers Academy - vol.1 (2010)
Avengers Academy Giant-Size - vol.1 (2011)
Avengers Arena - vol.1 (2013)
Avengers Assemble - vol.1 (2012)
Avengers Assemble Annual - vol.1 (2013)
Avengers Classic - vol.1 (2007)
Avengers: No Road Home - vol.1 (2019)
Avengers Spotlight - vol.1 (1989)
Avengers: The Initiative (2007)
Avengers: The Initiative Annual (2008)
Avengers Undercover vol.1 (2014)
Avengers Unplugged (1995)
Avengers West Coast - vol.1 (1989)
Avengers West Coast Annual - vol.1 (1989)
Avengers World - vol.1 (2014)
Avenging Spider-Man vol.1 (2012)
Avenging Spider-Man Annual vol.1 (2012)
Awful Oscar - vol.1 (1949)
Battle - vol.1 (1951)
Battle Action - vol.1 (1952)
Battle Brady vol.1 (1953)
Battlefield - vol.1 (1952)
Battlefront - vol.1 (1952)
Battleground - vol.1 (1954)
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider - vol.1 (2017)
Best Love (1949)
Best Western vol.1 (1949)
Beware! vol.1 (1973)
Bible Tales for Young Folk (1953)
Bible Tales for Young People (1954)
Billy Buckskin Western - vol.1 (1955)
Bizarre Adventures vol.1 (1981)
Black Bolt - vol.1 (2017)
Black Cat - vol.1 (2019)
Black Cat - vol.2 (2021)
Black Goliath - vol.1 (1976)
Black Knight - vol.1 (1955)
Black Knight - vol.4 (2016)
Black Panther - vol.1 (1977)
Black Panther - vol.3 (1998)
Black Panther - vol.4 (2005)
Black Panther - vol.5 (2009)
Black Panther - vol.6 (2016)
Black Panther - vol.7 (2018)
Black Panther - vol.8 (2022)
Black Panther - vol.9 (2023)
Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda - vol.1 (2018)
Black Panther Annual - vol.2 (2018)
Black Panther: The Man Without Fear - vol.1 (2011)
Black Panther: World of Wakanda - vol.1 (2017)
Black Rider - vol.1 (1950)
Black Rider Rides Again! - vol.1 (1950)
Black Widow - vol.4 (2010)
Black Widow - vol.5 (2014)
Black Widow - vol.6 (2016)
Blackstone The Magician - vol.1 (1948)
Blackstone The Magician Detective - vol.1 (1948)
Blade - vol.3 (2006)
Blaze Carson - vol.1 (1948)
Blaze the Wonder Collie - vol.1 (1949)
Blonde Phantom - vol.1 (1946)
Buck Duck - vol.1 (1953)
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier - vol.1 (2014)
Cable - vol.1 (1993)
Cable - vol.2 (2008)
Cable - vol.3 (2017)
Cable & Deadpool - vol.1 (2004)
Cable & Deadpool Annual - vol.1 (2018)
Cable and X-Force - vol.1 (2013)
Cage - vol.1 (1992)
Captain America - vol.0 (1954)
Captain America - vol.1 (1968)
Captain America - vol.2 (1996)
Captain America - vol.3 (1998)
Captain America - vol.4 (2002)
Captain America - vol.5 (2005)
Captain America - vol.6 (2011)
Captain America - vol.7 (2013)
Captain America - vol.8 (2017)
Captain America - vol.9 (2018)
Captain America - vol.10 (2023)
Captain America & Black Widow - vol.1 (2012)
Captain America & Bucky - vol.1 (2011)
Captain America & Hawkeye - vol.1 (2012)
Captain America & Iron Man - vol.1 (2012)
Captain America & Namor - vol.1 (2012)
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers - vol.1 (2015)
Captain America Annual - vol.1 (1971)
Captain America Annual - vol.2 (2018)
Captain America Comics - vol.1 (1941)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty - vol.1 (1998)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty - vol.2 (2022)
Captain America Special Edition - vol.1 (1984)
Captain America: Symbol of Truth - vol.1 (2022)
Captain America's Weird Tales - vol.1 (1949)
Captain Marvel - vol.1 (1968)
Captain Marvel - vol.1 Bis (1995)
Captain Marvel - vol.2 (1989)
Captain Marvel - vol.3 (1999)
Captain Marvel - vol.4 (2002)
Captain Marvel - vol.6 (2012)
Captain Marvel - vol.7 (2014)
Captain Marvel - vol.8 (2016)
Captain Marvel - vol.9 (2019)
Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps - vol.1 (2015)
Captain Savage And His Battlefield Raiders - vol.1 (1968)
Captain Savage And His Leatherneck Raiders - vol.1 (1968)
Carnage - vol.2 (2016)
Cartoon Kids - vol.1 (1957)
Casey - Crime Photographer - vol.1 (1949)
Cat, The - vol.1 (1972)
Caught - vol.1 (1956)
Chamber Of Chills - vol.1 (1972)
Chamber Of Darkness - vol.1 (1969)
Chamber Of Darkness Special - vol.1 (1972)
Champions - vol.1 (2016)
Champions - vol.2 (2019)
Champions Annual - vol.1 (2019)
Champions, The - vol.1 (1975)
Chili - vol.1 (1969)
Chili Annual - vol.1 (1971)
Cindy Comics - vol.1 (1947)
Cindy Smith - vol.1 (1947)
Clandestine - vol.1 (1994)
Classic X-Men (1986)
Cloak And Dagger - vol.2 (1985)
Cloak and Dagger - vol.3 (1990)
Combat Casey - vol.1 (1953)
Combat - vol.1 (1952)
Combat Kelly - vol.1 (1951)
Combat Kelly and the Deadly Dozen - vol.1 (1972)
Comedy Comics - vol.1 (1942)
Comedy Comics - vol.2 (1948)
Comet Man - vol.1 (1987)
Comic Capers - vol.1 (1944)
Comics for Kids - vol.1 (1945)
Commando Adventures - vol.1 (1957)
Complete Comics - vol.1 (1944)
Complete Mystery - vol.1 (1948)
Contest of Champions - vol.2 (2015)
Cowboy Action - vol.1 (1955)
Cowboy Romances - vol.1 (1949)
Cowgirl Romances - vol.1 (1949)
Creatures On The Loose (1971)
Crime Can't Win - vol.1 (1950)
Crime Cases Comics - vol.1 (1950)
Crime Exposed - vol.1 (1948)
Crime Exposed - vol.2 (1950)
Crime Must Lose! - vol.1 (1950)
Crimefighters - vol.1 (1948)
Crypt of Shadows - vol.1 (1973)
Cupid - vol.1 (1949)
Curse Of The Weird (1993)
Cyclops - vol.2 (2014)
Daken: Dark Wolverine - vol.1 (2010)
Dakota North - vol.1 (1986)
Daredevil - vol.1 (1964)
Daredevil - vol.2 (1998)
Daredevil - vol.3 (2011)
Daredevil - vol.4 (2014)
Daredevil - vol.5 (2016)
Daredevil - vol.6 (2019)
Daredevil - vol.7 (2022)
Daredevil - vol.8 (2023)
Daredevil Annual vol.1 (1967)
Daredevil Annual vol.2 (2007)
Daredevil Annual vol.3 (2012)
Daredevil Annual vol.4 (2016)
Daredevil Annual vol.5 (2018)
Daring Comics (1944)
Daring Mystery Comics (1940)
Dark Avengers vol.1 (2009)
Dark Avengers Annual vol.1 (2010)
Dark Wolverine vol.1 (2009)
Darkhawk vol.1 (1991)
Dazzler - vol.1 (1981)
Dead of Night - vol.1 (1973)
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu, The - vol.1 (1974)
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Special Album Edition - vol.1 (1974)
Deadpool - vol.3 (1997)
Deadpool - vol.4 (2008)
Deadpool - vol.5 (2013)
Deadpool - vol.6 (2016)
Deadpool - vol.7 (2018)
Deadpool - vol.8 (2020)
Deadpool - vol.9 (2023)
Deadpool - vol.10 (2024)
Deadpool Annual - vol.1 (2011)
Deadpool Annual - vol.2 (2014)
Deadpool Annual - vol.3 (2016)
Deadpool Annual - vol.4 (2019)
Deadpool & Cable - vol.1 (2010)
Deadpool & the Mercs For Money - vol.2 (2016)
Deadpool Bi-Annual - vol.1 (2014)
Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth - vol.1 (2009)
Deadpool Team-Up - vol.1 (2010)
Deathlok - vol.2 (1991)
Deathlok - vol.3 (1999)
Deathlok - vol.4 (2014)
Defenders, The - vol.1 (1972)
Defenders, The - vol.2 (2001)
Defenders, The - vol.3 (2012)
Defenders, The - vol.4 (2017)
Defenders Annual, The - vol.1 (1976)
Della Vision - vol.1 (1955)
Despicable Deadpool, The - vol.1 (2017)
Devil Dinosaur - vol.1 (1978)
Devil Dog Dugan - vol.1 (1956)
Dexter the Demon - vol.1 (1957)
Dippy Duck - vol.1 (1957)
Doctor Doom - vol.1 (2019)
Doctor Strange - vol.1 (1968)
Doctor Strange - vol.2 (1974)
Doctor Strange - vol.3 (2015)
Doctor Strange - vol.4 (2018)
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme - vol.1 (2016)
Doctor Strange Annual - vol.2 (2016)
Doctor Strange Annual - vol.3 (2019)
Doctor Strange Classics (1984)
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme - vol.1 (1990)
Dolly Dill - vol.1 (1945)
Domino - vol.3 (2018)
Domino Annual - vol.1 (2018)
Dopey Duck Comics - vol.1 (1945)
Dr. Strange Annual (1976)
Dr. Strange Sorcerer Supreme Annual (1992)
Dr. Strange: Surgeon Supreme - vol.1 (2020)
Dracula Lives! - vol.1 (1973)
Dracula Lives! Annual - vol.1 (1975)
Drax - vol.1 (2016)
Elektra - vol.1 (1996)
Elektra - vol.2 (2001)
Elektra - vol.3 (2014)
Eternals, The - vol.1 (1976)
Eternals Annual, The - vol.1 (1977)
Excalibur - vol.1 (1988)
Excalibur - vol.4 (2019)
Excalibur Annual - vol.1 (1993)
Exiles - vol.1 (2001)
Exiles - vol.2 (2009)
Exiles - vol.3 (2018)
Exiles Annual - vol.1 (2007)
Exceptional X-Men - vol.1 (2024)
Extraordinary X-Men - vol.1 (2016)
Extraordinary X-Men Annual - vol.1 (2016)
Faithful - vol.1 (1949)
Falcon, The - vol.2 (2017)
Fantastic Force - vol.1 (1994)
Fantastic Four - vol.1 (1961)
Fantastic Four - vol.2 (1996)
Fantastic Four - vol.3 (1998)
Fantastic Four - vol.4 (2013)
Fantastic Four - vol.5 (2014)
Fantastic Four - vol.6 (2018)
Fantastic Four - vol.7 (2023)
Fantastic Four Annual - vol.1 (1963)
Fantastic Four Annual - vol.2 (2014)
Fantasy Masterpieces - vol.1 (1966)
Fantasy Masterpieces - vol.2 (1979)
Fear - vol.1 (1970)
Fearless Defenders, The - vol.1 (2013)
FF vol.1 (2011)
FF vol.2 (2013)
Film Funnies - vol.1 (1949)
Foolkiller vol.1 (1990)
Franken-Castle - vol.1 (2010)
Frankenstein Monster, The - vol.1 (1973)
Frankie and Lana Comics - vol.1 (1948)
Frankie Comics - vol.1 (1946)
Frankie Fuddle - vol.1 (1946)
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man - vol.1 (2005)
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man - vol.2 (2019)
Frontier Western - vol.1 (1956)
Funny Frolics - vol.1 (1945)
Funny Comic-Tunes - vol.1 (1944)
G.I. Tales - vol.1 (1957)
Gambit - vol.3 (1999)
Gambit - vol.4 (2004)
Gambit - vol.5 (2012)
Gay Comics - vol.1 (1944)
Gay Comics - vol.2 (1944)
Generation Hope - vol.1 (2011)
Generation-X - vol.1 (1994)
Generation-X - vol.2 (2017)
Georgie and Judy Comics - vol.1 (1949)
Georgie Comics - vol.1 (1945)
Ghost Rider - vol.1 (1973)
Ghost Rider - vol.2 (1990)
Ghost Rider - vol.5 (2006)
Ghost Rider - vol.6 (2011)
Ghost Rider - vol.7 (2017)
Ghost Rider - vol.8 (2019)
Ghost Rider - vol.9 (2022)
Ghost Rider, The - vol.1 (1967)
Giant-Size Captain America vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size Captain Marvel vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size Chillers - vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Chillers - vol.2 (1975)
Giant-Size Creatures - vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Daredevil (1975)
Giant-Size Defenders (1974)
Giant-Size Dr. Strange (1975)
Giant-Size Dracula - vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Fantastic Four - vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Invaders - vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size Iron Man - vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size Kid Colt vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size Man-Thing - vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Marvel Triple Action - vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Ms. Marvel vol.1 (2006)
Giant-Size Power Man vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size Special Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction - vol.1 (1976)
Giant-Size Spider-Man - vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Spider-Man - vol.2 (2014)
Giant-Size Super-Stars - vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up - vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size The Avengers - vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Thor - vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size Werewolf - vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size X-Men - vol.1 (1975)
Girl Comics - vol.1 (1949)
Girl Comics - vol.2 (2010)
Girl Confessions - vol.1 (1952)
Girls' Life - vol.1 (1952)
Groot - vol.1 (2015)
Groovy - vol.1 (1968)
Guardians 3000 - vol.1 (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy - vol.1 (1990)
Guardians of the Galaxy - vol.2 (2008)
Guardians of the Galaxy - vol.3 (2013)
Guardians of the Galaxy - vol.4 (2015)
Guardians of the Galaxy - vol.5 (2019)
Guardians of the Galaxy - vol.6 (2020)
Guardians of the Galaxy - vol.7 (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual - vol.1 (1991)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual - vol.2 (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual - vol.3 (2019)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual - vol.4 (2021)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual - vol.5 (2024)
Guardians Team-Up - vol.1 (2015)
Gun-Slinger - vol.1 (1973)
Gunhawk, The - vol.1 (1950)
Gunhawks - vol.1 (1972)
Gunsmoke Western - vol.1 (1955)
Harvey - vol.1 (1970)
Haunt of Horror, The - vol.1 (1973)
Haunt of Horror, The - vol.2 (1974)
Hawkeye vol.3 (2003)
Hawkeye vol.4 (2012)
Hawkeye vol.5 (2017)
Hawkeye Annual vol.1 (2013)
Hedy De Vine Comics - vol.1 (1947)
Hedy of Hollywood Comics - vol.1 (1950)
Hedy Wolfe - vol.1 (1957)
Hellions - vol.1 (2020)
Hercules - vol.1 (2011)
Hercules - vol.2 (2016)
Heroes for Hire - vol.1 (1997)
Heroes for Hire - vol.2 (2006)
Heroes for Hire - vol.3 (2011)
Homer Hooper - vol.1 (1953)
Homer, the Happy Ghost - vol.1 (1955)
Homer, the Happy Ghost - vol.2 (1969)
Honeymoon - vol.1 (1950)
Howard The Duck - vol.1 (1976)
Howard The Duck - vol.4 (2015)
Howard The Duck - vol.5 (2016)
Howard The Duck Annual - vol.1 (1977)
Howard The Duck Magazine - vol.1 (1979)
Howling Commandos of SHIELD - vol.1 (2015)
Hulk - vol.1 (1999)
Hulk - vol.2 (2008)
Hulk - vol.3 (2014)
Hulk - vol.4 (2017)
Hulk - vol.5 (2022)
Hulk Annual - vol.1 (2014)
Hulk Annual - vol.2 (2023)
Hulk!, The - vol.1 (1978)
Human Fly, The (1977)
Human Torch, The - vol.1 (1940)
Human Torch, The - vol.2 (1974)
Iceman - vol.3 (2017)
Iceman - vol.4 (2019)
Ideal - vol.1 (1948)
Ideal Comics - vol.1 (1944)
Illuminati - vol.1 (2016)
Immortal Hulk, The - vol.1 (2018)
Immortal Iron Fist, The - vol.1 (2007)
Immortal Thor, The - vol.1 (2023)
Incredible Hercules, The - vol.1 (2008)
Incredible Hulk, The - vol.1 (1962)
Incredible Hulk, The - vol.2 (2000)
Incredible Hulk, The - vol.3 (2011)
Incredible Hulk, The - vol.4 (2023)
Incredible Hulk Annual, The (1968)
Incredible Hulks, The - vol.1 (2010)
Incredible Hulks Annual, The - vol.1 (2011)
Indestructible Hulk - vol.1 (2013)
Indestructible Hulk Annual - vol.1 (2013)
Infamous Iron Man - vol.1 (2016)
Inhuman - vol.1 (2014)
Inhuman Annual - vol.1 (2015)
Inhumanity - vol.1 (2014)
Inhumans, The - vol.1 (1975)
International Iron Man - vol.1 (2016)
Invaders - vol.1 (2019)
Invaders, The - vol.1 (1975)
Invaders Annual, The - vol.1 (1977)
Invincible Iron Man - vol.1 (2015)
Invincible Iron Man - vol.2 (2017)
Invincible Iron Man, The - vol.1 (1968)
Invincible Iron Man, The - vol.2 (1998)
Invincible Iron Man, The - vol.3 (2005)
Invincible Iron Man, The - vol.4 (2008)
Invincible Iron Man, The - vol.5 (2023)
Invincible Iron Man Annual, The - vol.1 (1970)
Invincible Iron Man Annual, The - vol.2 (2010)
Iron Fist - vol.1 (1975)
Iron Fist - vol.4 (2004)
Iron Fist - vol.5 (2017)
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon - vol.1 (2014)
Iron Man - vol.1 (1983)
Iron Man - vol.2 (1996)
Iron Man - vol.3 (2006)
Iron Man - vol.4 (2013)
Iron Man 2.0 - vol.1 (2011)
Iron Man 2020 - vol.1 (2020)
Iron Man Annual - vol.1 (1971)
Iron Man Annual - vol.2 (2014)
Iron Man: Director of SHIELD vol.1 (2007)
Iron Man and Sub-Mariner vol.1 (1968)
Iron Man: Legacy vol.1 (2010)
Irredeemable Ant-Man (2006)
It's a Duck's Life vol.1 (1950)
Jann of the Jungle - vol.1 (1955)
Jeanie Comics - vol.1 (1947)
Jean Grey - vol.1 (2017)
Jessica Jones - vol.1 (2016)
Joker Comics - vol.1 (1942)
Journey Into Mystery - vol.1 (1952)
Journey Into Mystery Annual - vol.1 (1965)
Journey Into Mystery - vol.2 (1972)
Journey Into Unknown Worlds (1950)
Jungle Action - vol.1 (1954)
Jungle Action - vol.2 (1972)
Jungle Tales - vol.1 (1954)
Junior Miss - vol.1 (1944)
Junior Miss - vol.2 (1947)
Justice - vol.1 (1949)
Justice Comics - vol.1 (1947)
Ka-Zar - vol.1 (1970)
Ka-Zar - vol.2 (1997)
Ka-Zar Annual (1997)
Ka-Zar: Lord of the Hidden Jungle vol.1 (1974)
Ka-Zar The Savage (1981)
Karnak - vol.1 (2015)
Kathy - vol.1 (1959)
Kellys, The vol.1 (1950)
Kent Blake of the Secret Service vol.1 (1951)
Kid Colt: Hero of the West vol.1 (1948)
Kid Colt Outlaw vol.1 (1948)
Kid from Dodge City, The vol.1 (1957)
Kid from Texas, The vol.1 (1957)
Kid Komics vol.1 (1943)
Kid Movie Komics vol.1 (1946)
Kid Slade, Gunfighter vol.1 (1957)
King-Size Marvel Superheroes (1966)
Komic Kartoons - vol.1 (1945)
Krazy Komics - vol.1 (1942)
Krazy Komics - vol.2 (1948)
Krazy Krow - vol.1 (1945)
Kree-Skrull War starring The Avengers / Special Edition, The - vol.1 (1983)
Lana - vol.1 (1948)
Lawbreakers Always Lose! - vol.1 (1948)
Legendary Star-Lord - vol.1 (2014)
Legion of Monsters, The - vol.1 (1975)
Li'l Kids - vol.1 (1970)
Li'l Pals - vol.1 (1972)
Li'l Willie - vol.1 (1949)
Life of Captain Marvel, The - vol.1 (1985)
Life of Captain Marvel, The - vol.2 (2018)
Life With Millie - vol.1 (1960)
Linda Carter, Student Nurse - vol.1 (1961)
Little Aspirin - vol.1 (1949)
Little Lana - vol.1 (1949)
Little Lenny - vol.1 (1949)
Little Lizzie - vol.1 (1949)
Little Lizzie - vol.2 (1953)
Loki: Agent of Asgard - vol.1 (2014)
Lorna The Jungle Girl - vol.1 (1954)
Lorna The Jungle Queen - vol.1 (1953)
Love Adventures - vol.1 (1949)
Love Classics - vol.1 (1949)
Love Dramas - vol.1 (1949)
Love Romances - vol.1 (1949)
Love Secrets - vol.1 (1949)
Love Tales - vol.1 (1949)
Love Trails - vol.1 (1949)
Loveland - vol.1 (1949)
Lovers - vol.1 (1949)
Luke Cage vol.1 (2017)
Luke Cage, Hero For Hire vol.1 (1972)
Luke Cage, Power Man vol.1 (1974)
Luke Cage, Power Man Annual vol.1 (1976)
Machine Man - vol.1 (1978)
Mad About Millie - vol.1 (1949)
Mad About Millie Annual - vol.1 (1949)
Magneto - vol.3 (2014)
Magnificent Ms. Marvel, The - vol.1 (2019)
Magnificent Ms. Marvel Annual, The - vol.1 (2019)
Man Comics - vol.1 (1949)
Man-Thing, The - vol.1 (1974)
Man-Thing, The - vol.2 (1979)
Man-Thing - vol.3 (1997)
Marauders - vol.1 (2019)
Marauders - vol.2 (2019)
Marc Spector: Moon Knight - vol.1 (1989)
Margie Comics - vol.1 (1946)
Marines at War - vol.1 (1957)
Marines in Action - vol.1 (1955)
Marines in Battle - vol.1 (1954)
Marvel 2-In-One: The Thing and The Human Torch vol.1 (2018)
Marvel 2-In-One Annual: The Thing and the Infamous Iron Man vol.1 (2018)
Marvel 2-In-One: The Human Torch and The Invisible Woman vol.1 (2018)
Marvel 2-In-One: The Thing and Mr. Fantastic! vol.1 (2018)
Marvel Adventure - vol.1 (1975)
Marvel Age - vol.1 (1983)
Marvel Age Annual - vol.1 (1985)
Marvel Age Preview - vol.1 (1990)
Marvel Boy - vol.1 (1950)
Marvel Boy: The Uranian - vol.1 (2010)
Marvel Chillers - vol.1 (1975)
Marvel Classics Comics - vol.1 (1976)
Marvel Collectors' Item Classic - vol.1 (1965)
Marvel Comics - vol.1 (1939)
Marvel Comics Presents - vol.1 (1988)
Marvel Comics Presents - vol.2 (2007)
Marvel Comics Presents - vol.3 (2019)
Marvel Comics Super Special (1977)
Marvel Double Feature - vol.1 (1973)
Marvel Fanfare - vol.1 (1982)
Marvel Fanfare - vol.2 (1996)
Marvel Feature - vol.1 (1971)
Marvel Feature - vol.2 (1975)
Marvel Graphic Novel - vol.1 (1982)
Marvel Knights - vol.1 (2000)
Marvel Knights - vol.2 (2002)
Marvel Knights 4 - vol.1 (2004)
Marvel Knights Double Shot - vol.1 (2004)
Marvel Knights Spider-Man - vol.1 (2004)
Marvel Masterpieces 2 Collection, The - vol.1 (1994)
Marvel Mystery Comics - vol.1 (1939)
Marvel Premiere - vol.1 (1972)
Marvel Presents - vol.1 (1975)
Marvel Preview - vol.1 (1975)
Marvel Saga, The - vol.1 (1985)
Marvel Spectacular - vol.1 (1973)
Marvel Spotlight - vol.1 (1971)
Marvel Spotlight - vol.2 (1979)
Marvel Super Action - vol.1 (1977)
Marvel Super-Heroes - vol.1 (1967)
Marvel Super-Heroes Special - vol.1 (1990)
Marvel Super Special - vol.1 (1978)
Marvel Tales - vol.1 (1949)
Marvel Tales - vol.2 (1966)
Marvel Tales Annual (1964)
Marvel Team-Up - vol.1 (1972)
Marvel Team-Up - vol.2 (1997)
Marvel Team-Up - vol.3 (2005)
Marvel Team-Up - vol.4 (2019)
Marvel Team-Up Annual - vol.1 (1976)
Marvel Treasury Edition - vol.1 (1974)
Marvel Triple Action - vol.1 (1972)
Marvel Two-In-One - vol.1 (1974)
Marvel Two-In-One Annual - vol.1 (1976)
Marvel Universe - vol.1 (1998)
Marvel's Greatest Comics - vol.1 (1969)
Marvin Mouse - vol.1 (1957)
Master of Kung Fu - vol.1 (1974)
Master of Kung Fu Annual - vol.1 (1976)
Masters of Terror - vol.1 (1975)
Matt Slade, Gunfighter - vol.1 (1956)
Meet Miss Bliss - vol.1 (1955)
Melvin the Monster - vol.1 (1956)
Men in Action vol.1 (1952)
Men's Adventures vol.1 (1950)
Menace vol.1 (1953)
Micronauts, The - vol.1 (1979)
Micronauts Annual, The - vol.1 (1979)
Micronauts Special Edition, The - vol.1 (1983)
Micronauts: The New Voyages, The - vol.1 (1984)
Mighty Avengers - vol.1 (2013)
Mighty Avengers, The - vol.1 (2007)
Mighty Captain Marvel, The - vol.1 (2017)
Mighty Marvel Collector's Album (1966)
Mighty Marvel Western, The - vol.1 (1968)
Mighty Mouse - vol.1 (1946)
Mighty Thor, The - vol.1 (1966)
Mighty Thor, The - vol.2 (1998)
Mighty Thor, The - vol.2 Annual (1999)
Mighty Thor, The - vol.3 (2011)
Mighty Thor, The - vol.4 (2016)
Mighty Thor Annual, The - vol.1 (1966)
Mighty Thor Annual, The - vol.2 (2012)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man - vol.1 (2019)
Millie The Model - vol.1 (1945)
Millie The Model Annual - vol.1 (1962)
Miss America Comics - vol.1 (1944)
Miss America Magazine - vol.1 (1944)
Miss America Magazine - vol.2 (1945)
Miss America Magazine - vol.3 (1945)
Miss America Magazine - vol.4 (1946)
Miss America Magazine - vol.5 (1946)
Miss America Magazine - vol.6 (1947)
Miss America Magazine - vol.7 (1947)
Miss Fury - vol.1 (1942)
Mitzi Comics - vol.1 (1948)
Mitzi's Boy Friend - vol.1 (1948)
Mitzi's Romances - vol.1 (1949)
Mockingbird - vol.1 (2016)
Modelling With Millie - vol.1 (1963)
Molly Manton's Romances - vol.1 (1949)
Monkey and the Bear, The - vol.1 (1953)
Monster Menace - vol.1 (1993)
Monster of Frankenstein, The - vol.1 (1973)
Monsters of the Movies - vol.1 (1974)
Monsters of the Movies Annual - vol.1 (1975)
Monsters On The Prowl - vol.1 (1971)
Monsters Unleashed! - vol.1 (1973)
Monsters Unleashed! - vol.3 (2017)
Monsters Unleashed! Annual - vol.1 (1975)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur - vol.1 (2016)
Moon Knight - vol.1 (1980)
Moon Knight - vol.3 (2006)
Moon Knight - vol.4 (2011)
Moon Knight - vol.5 (2014)
Moon Knight - vol.6 (2016)
Moon Knight - vol.7 (2021)
Moon Knight Annual - vol.1 (2008)
Moon Knight Annual - vol.2 (2019)
Moon Knight Annual - vol.3 (2022)
Moon Knight Annual - vol.4 (2023)
Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu - vol.1 (1985)
Moon Knight Special Edition - vol.1 (1983)
Morbius, the Living Vampire - vol.1 (1992)
Morbius, the Living Vampire - vol.2 (2013)
Morbius, the Living Vampire - vol.3 (2020)
Mosaic - vol.1 (2016)
Movie Tunes Comics - vol.1 (1946)
Mutant Misadventures of Cloak and Dagger, The - vol.1 (1988)
Mr. and Mrs. X - vol.1 (2018)
Ms. Marvel - vol.1 (1977)
Ms. Marvel - vol.2 (2006)
Ms. Marvel - vol.3 (2014)
Ms. Marvel - vol.4 (2016)
Ms. Marvel Annual - vol.1 (2008)
My Diary - vol.1 (1949)
My Friend Irma - vol.1 (1950)
My Girl Pearl - vol.1 (1955)
My Love - vol.1 (1948)
My Love - vol.2 (1969)
My Love Special - vol.1 (1971)
My Love Story - vol.1 (1956)
My Own Romance - vol.1 (1949)
My Romance - vol.1 (1948)
Mystery Tales - vol.1 (1952)
Mystic - vol.1 (1951)
Mystic Comics - vol.1 (1940)
Mystic Comics - vol.2 (1944)
Mystical Tales - vol.1 (1956)
Mystique - vol.1 (2003)
Namor: The First Mutant - vol.1 (2010)
Namor: The First Mutant Annual - vol.1 (2011)
Namor The Sub-Mariner - vol.1 (1990)
Namor The Sub-Mariner Annual - vol.1 (1991)
Namora - vol.1 (1948)
Navy Action - vol.1 (1954)
Navy Combat - vol.1 (1955)
Navy Tales - vol.1 (1957)
Nellie the Nurse - vol.1 (1945)
Nellie the Nurse - vol.2 (1957)
New Avengers - vol.1 (2013)
New Avengers, The - vol.1 (2005)
New Avengers, The - vol.2 (2010)
New Avengers Annual - vol.1 (2014)
New Avengers Annual, The - vol.1 (2006)
New Avengers Annual, The - vol.2 (2011)
New Defenders, The - vol.1 (1983)
New Invaders, The - vol.1 (2004)
New Mutants, The - vol.1 (1983)
New Mutants - vol.1 (2003)
New Mutants - vol.2 (2009)
New Mutants - vol.3 (2020)
New Mutants Annual, The - vol.1 (1984)
New Mutants Special Edition, The - vol.1 (1985)
New Thunderbolts - vol.1 (2004)
New Warriors, The vol.1 (1990)
New Warriors vol.1 (1995)
New Warriors, The vol.2 (1999)
New Warriors vol.4 (2007)
New Warriors vol.5 (2014)
New Warriors Annual, The vol.1 (1991)
New X-Men vol.1 (2001)
New X-Men vol.2 (2006)
New X-Men: Academy-X - vol.1 (2004)
Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD - vol.1 (1968)
Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD - vol.2 (1983)
Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD - vol.3 (1989)
Nick Fury and his Agents of SHIELD (1973)
Night Nurse - vol.1 (1972)
Night Rider - vol.1 (1974)
Nightcrawler - vol.4 (2014)
Nomad - vol.2 (1992)
Nova - vol.1 (1976)
Nova - vol.2 (1994)
Nova - vol.3 (1999)
Nova - vol.4 (2007)
Nova - vol.5 (2013)
Nova - vol.6 (2016)
Nova - vol.7 (2017)
Nova Annual - vol.1 (2008)
Nova Annual - vol.2 (2015)
Nova: The Human Rocket - vol.1 (1999)
NYX - vol.2 (2024)
Occupy Avengers - vol.1 (2017)
Official True Crime Cases - vol.1 (1947)
Old Man Logan - vol.2 (2016)
Old Man Logan Annual - vol.1 (2018)
Omega The Unknown - vol.1 (1976)
Order, The - vol.1 (2002)
Order, The - vol.2 (2007)
Oscar Comics - vol.1 (1947)
Our Love - vol.1 (1949)
Our Love Story - vol.1 (1969)
Outlaw Fighters - vol.1 (1954)
Outlaw Kid - vol.1 (1954)
Outlaw Kid - vol.2 (1970)
Over the Edge - vol.1 (1995)
Patsy and Hedy - vol.1 (1952)
Patsy and Hedy Annual - vol.1 (1963)
Patsy and her Pals - vol.1 (1953)
Patsy Walker - vol.1 (1945)
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! - vol.1 (2016)
Patsy Walker's Fashion Parade - vol.1 (1969)
Patty Powers - vol.1 (1955)
Peter, the Little Pest - vol.1 (1969)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man - vol.1 (1996)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man - vol.2 (1999)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man Annual - vol.1 (1995)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man Annual - vol.2 (1999)
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man - vol.1 (1976)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man - vol.1 (2017)
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual - vol.1 (1979)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual - vol.1 (2017)
Petey - vol.1 (1970)
Phoenix - vol.1 (2024)
Police Action - vol.1 (1954)
Police Badge #479 - vol.1 (1955)
Power Man vol.1 (1977)
Power Man and Iron Fist - vol.1 (1978)
Power Man and Iron Fist - vol.3 (2016)
Power Pack - vol.1 (1984)
Powerhouse Pepper Comics - vol.1 (1943)
Prince Namor, The Sub-Mariner - vol.1 (1968)
Private Eye - vol.1 (1951)
Pulse, The - vol.1 (2004)
Punisher - vol.1 (1995)
Punisher - vol.2 (2009)
Punisher - vol.3 (2022)
Punisher Annual - vol.1 (2009)
Punisher, The - vol.1 (2018)
Punisher, The - vol.2 (1987)
Punisher, The - vol.3 (1998)
Punisher, The - vol.4 (2000)
Punisher, The - vol.5 (2001)
Punisher, The - vol.7 (2011)
Punisher, The - vol.8 (2014)
Punisher, The - vol.9 (2016)
Punisher, The - vol.10 (2018)
Punisher Annual, The - vol.1 (1988)
Punisher Annual, The - vol.3 (2016)
Punisher Annual, The - vol.4 (2019)
Punisher: Back to School Special, The - vol.1 (1992)
Punisher Holiday Special, The - vol.1 (1993)
Punisher Magazine, The - vol.1 (1989)
Punisher Summer Special, The - vol.1 (1991)
Punisher War Journal, The - vol.1 (1988)
Punisher War Zone, The - vol.1 (1992)
Punisher War Zone Annual, The - vol.1 (1993)
Pussycat - vol.1 (1968)
Quasar - vol.1 (1989)
Quick-Trigger Western - vol.1 (1956)
Rampaging Hulk, The - vol.1 (1977)
Rangeland Love - vol.1 (1949)
Rawhide Kid vol.1 (1955)
Rawhide Kid King-Size vol.1 (1971)
Real Experiences vol.1 (1949)
Red Raven Comics (1940)
Red She-Hulk - vol.1 (2012)
Red Warrior - vol.1 (1951)
Red Wolf - vol.1 (1972)
Red Wolf - vol.2 (2016)
Reno Browne, Hollywood's Greatest Cowgirl (1950)
Rex Hart - vol.1 (1949)
Ringo Kid - vol.1 (1955)
Ringo Kid, The - vol.1 (1970)
Ringo Kid Western - vol.1 (1954)
Riot - vol.1 (1954)
Riri Williams: Ironheart - vol.1 (2019)
Rocket - vol.1 (2017)
Rocket Raccoon - vol.2 (2014)
Rocket Raccoon - vol.3 (2017)
Rocket Raccoon and Groot - vol.1 (2016)
Rom - vol.1 (1979)
Rom Annual - vol.1 (1982)
Romance Diary - vol.1 (1949)
Romance Tales - vol.1 (1949)
Romances of Molly Manton - vol.1 (1949)
Romances of Nurse Helen Grant, The - vol.1 (1957)
Romances of the West - vol.1 (1949)
Romantic Affairs - vol.1 (1950)
Royals - vol.1 (2017)
Rugged Action - vol.1 (1954)
Runaways - vol.1 (2003)
Runaways - vol.2 (2005)
Runaways - vol.3 (2008)
Runaways - vol.4 (2015)
Runaways - vol.5 (2017)
Rusty Comics vol.1 (1947)
Rusty and her Family vol.1 (1949)
Sabretooth Classic vol.1 (1994)
Sam Wilson: Captain America - vol.1 (2015)
Sailor Sweeney - vol.1 (1956)
Savage Avengers - vol.1 (2019)
Savage Avengers - vol.2 (2022)
Savage Avengers Annual - vol.1 (2019)
Savage She-Hulk, The - vol.1 (1980)
Savage Tales - vol.1 (1971)
Savage Tales - vol.2 (1985)
Savage Tales Annual - vol.1 (1975)
Savage Wolverine - vol.1 (2013)
Scarlet Spider (1995)
Scarlet Spider - vol.2 (2012)
Scarlet Spiders - vol.1 (2015)
Scarlet Spider Unlimited (1995)
Scarlet Witch - vol.2 (2016)
Scream: Curse of Carnage - vol.1 (2020)
Secret Avengers - vol.1 (2010)
Secret Avengers - vol.2 (2013)
Secret Avengers - vol.3 (2014)
Secret Warriors - vol.1 (2009)
Secret Warriors - vol.2 (2017)
Secret Story Romances - vol.1 (1953)
Sensational She-Hulk, The - vol.1 (1989)
Sensational She-Hulk, The - vol.2 (2023)
Sensational Spider-Man, The - vol.1 (1996)
Sensational Spider-Man, The - vol.2 (2006)
Sensational Spider-Man Annual, The - vol.1 (1996)
Sergeant Barney Barker - vol.1 (1956)
Sgt. Fury - vol.1 (1963)
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos - vol.1 (1974)
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos Annual - vol.1 (1965)
Shanna The She-Devil - vol.1 (1972)
She-Hulk - vol.1 (2004)
She-Hulk - vol.2 (2005)
She-Hulk - vol.3 (2014)
She-Hulk - vol.4 (2022)
She-Hulk Annual - vol.1 (2019)
Sherry the Showgirl - vol.1 (1956)
SHIELD - vol.3 (2015)
Shogun Warriors - vol.1 (1979)
Showgirls - vol.1 (1957)
Showgirls - vol.2 (1957)
Shuri - vol.1 (2018)
Silk - vol.1 (2015)
Silk - vol.2 (2016)
Silk Annual - vol.1 (2016)
Silly Tunes - vol.1 (1945)
Silver Sable and the Wild Pack - vol.1 (1992)
Silver Surfer, The - vol.1 (1968)
Silver Surfer - vol.2 (1982)
Silver Surfer - vol.3 (1987)
Silver Surfer - vol.5 (2003)
Silver Surfer - vol.7 (2014)
Silver Surfer - vol.8 (2016)
Silver Surfer Annual - vol.1 (1988)
Silver Surfer Annual, The - vol.2 (2018)
Six Gun Western - vol.1 (1957)
Skaar: Son of Hulk - vol.1 (2008)
Skull the Slayer - vol.1 (1975)
Sleepwalker - vol.1 (1991)
Snafu - vol.1 (1955)
Solarman - vol.1 (1989)
Solo Avengers - vol.1 (1987)
Son of Hulk - vol.1 (2009)
Son of Satan, The - vol.1 (1975)
Space Squadron vol.1 (1951)
Space Worlds vol.1 (1952)
Special Marvel Edition vol.1 (1971)
Spectacular Scarlet Spider, The (1995)
Spectacular Spider-Man, The - vol.1 (1988)
Spectacular Spider-Man, The - vol.2 (2003)
Spectacular Spider-Man Annual, The - vol.1 (1988)
Spectacular Spider-Man Magazine, The - vol.1 (1968)
Spectacular Spider-Men, The - vol.1 (2024)
Speed Carter, Spaceman - vol.1 (1953)
Speedball - vol.1 (1988)
Spellbound - vol.1 (1952)
Spellbound - vol.2 (1988)
Spider-Girl - vol.2 (2011)
Spider-Gwen: The Ghost Spider - vol.1 (2024)
Spider-Man - vol.1 (1990)
Spider-Man - vol.2 (2016)
Spider-Man 2099 - vol.2 (2014)
Spider-Man 2099 - vol.3 (2015)
Spider-Man and the X-Men - vol.1 (2015)
Spider-Man Annual - vol.1 (2018)
Spider-Man/Deadpool - vol.1 (2016)
Spider-Man Family - vol.2 (2007)
Spider-Man Megazine (1994)
Spider-Man Super-Special (1995)
Spider-Man Team-Up (1995)
Spider-Man Unlimited - vol.1 (1993)
Spider-Man Unlimited - vol.3 (2004)
Spider-Man's Tangled Web - vol.1 (2001)
Spider-Woman - vol.1 (1978)
Spider-Woman - vol.3 (1999)
Spider-Woman - vol.4 (2009)
Spider-Woman - vol.5 (2015)
Spider-Woman - vol.6 (2016)
Spider-Woman - vol.7 (2020)
Spider-Woman - vol.8 (2024)
Sport Stars - vol.1 (1949)
Sports Action - vol.1 (1950)
Spy Cases vol.1 (1950)
Spy Fighters - vol.1 (1951)
Spy Thrillers - vol.1 (1954)
Squadron Supreme - vol.4 (2016)
Star-Lord - vol.1 (2016)
Star-Lord - vol.2 (2017)
Star-Lord Annual - vol.1 (2017)
Steve Rogers: Captain America - vol.1 (2016)
Stories of Romance - vol.1 (1956)
Storm - vol.3 (2014)
Strange Academy - vol.1 (2020)
Strange Stories of Suspense - vol.1 (1955)
Strange Tales - vol.1 (1951)
Strange Tales - vol.2 (1987)
Strange Tales Annual - vol.1 (1962)
Strange Tales of the Unusual - vol.1 (1955)
Strange Worlds - vol.1 (1958)
Strikeforce - vol.1 (2019)
Sub-Mariner - vol.1 (1970)
Sub-Mariner Comics - vol.1 (1941)
Sun Girl - vol.1 (1948)
Super Rabbit Comics - vol.1 (1944)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man, The - vol.1 (2013)
Superior Iron Man - vol.1 (2015)
Superior Spider-Man, The - vol.1 (2013)
Superior Spider-Man, The - vol.2 (2019)
Superior Spider-Man Annual, The - vol.1 (2014)
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up - vol.1 (2013)
Supernatural Thrillers - vol.1 (1972)
Super-Villain Team-Up - vol.1 (1975)
Suspense - vol.1 (1949)
SWORD - vol.1 (2010)
Sword Master - vol.1 (2019)
Tales of Justice - vol.1 (1955)
Tales of Suspense - vol.1 (1959)
Tales of the Marines - vol.1 (1957)
Tales of the Zombie - vol.1 (1973)
Tales of the Zombie Annual - vol.1 (1975)
Tales To Astonish - vol.1 (1959)
Tales To Astonish - vol.2 (1979)
Tangled Web - vol.1 (2001)
Team America - vol.1 (1982)
Teen Comics - vol.1 (1947)
Teen-Age Romance - vol.1 (1960)
Terry-Toons Comics - vol.1 (1942)
Tessie the Typist - vol.1 (1944)
Tex Dawson, Gun-Slinger - vol.1 (1973)
Tex Morgan vol.1 (1948)
Tex Taylor vol.1 (1948)
Texas Kid vol.1 (1951)
Thanos vol.1 (2003)
Thanos vol.2 (2017)
Thanos vol.3 (2019)
Thanos Annual vol.1 (2014)
Thanos Annual vol.2 (2018)
Thing, The - vol.1 (1983)
Thing, The - vol.2 (2006)
Thor - vol.1 (2007)
Thor - vol.2 (2014)
Thor - vol.3 (2018)
Thor - vol.4 (2020)
Thor Annual - vol.1 (2009)
Thor Annual - vol.2 (2015)
Thor Annual - vol.4 (2023)
Thor: God of Thunder vol.1 (2013)
Thunderbolts - vol.1 (1997)
Thunderbolts - vol.2 (2013)
Thunderbolts - vol.3 (2016)
Thunderbolts Annual - vol.1 (2014)
Tiny Tessie vol.1 (1949)
Tomb of Darkness vol.1 (1974)
Tomb of Dracula, The - vol.1 (1972)
Tomb of Dracula, The - vol.2 (1979)
Tony Stark: Iron Man - vol.1 (2018)
Totally Awesome Hulk, The - vol.1 (2016)
Tough Kid Squad Comics - vol.1 (1942)
Tower Of Shadows - vol.1 (1969)
Tower Of Shadows Special - vol.1 (1971)
True Adventures vol.1 (1950)
True Complete Mystery - vol.1 (1948)
True Complete Mystery - vol.1 (1948)
True Secrets - vol.1 (1950)
True Western vol.1 (1949)
Two Gun Western - vol.1 (1950)
Two Gun Western - vol.2 (1956)
Two-Gun Kid - vol.1 (1948)
U.S. 1 - vol.1 (1983)
U.S.Avengers - vol.1 (2017)
Ultimates, The - vol.4 (2016)
, The - vol.4 (2017)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, The - vol.1 (2015)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, The - vol.2 (2015)
Unbelievable Gwenpool, The - vol.1 (2016)
Uncanny Avengers - vol.1 (2012)
Uncanny Avengers - vol.2 (2015)
Uncanny Avengers, The - vol.1 (2015)
Uncanny Avengers Annual - vol.1 (2014)
Uncanny Avengers Annual, The - vol.1 (2016)
Uncanny Inhumans, The - vol.1 (2015)
Uncanny Inhumans Annual, The - vol.1 (2016)
Uncanny Origins - vol.1 (1996)
Uncanny Tales - vol.1 (1952)
Uncanny Tales - vol.2 (1973)
Uncanny X-Force - vol.1 (2010)
Uncanny X-Force - vol.2 (2013)
Uncanny X-Men - vol.1 (2001)
Uncanny X-Men - vol.2 (2012)
Uncanny X-Men - vol.3 (2013)
Uncanny X-Men - vol.4 (2016)
Uncanny X-Men - vol.5 (2019)
Uncanny X-Men, The - vol.1 (1981)
Uncanny X-Men, The - vol.2 (2024)
Uncanny X-Men Annual, The - vol.1 (1984)
Uncanny X-Men Annual - vol.2 (2006)
Uncanny X-Men Annual - vol.3 (2015)
Uncanny X-Men Annual - vol.4 (2017)
Uncanny X-Men Annual - vol.5 (2019)
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction (1975)
Unstoppable Wasp, The - vol.1 (2017)
Unstoppable Wasp, The - vol.2 (2018)
Untold Tales of Spider-Man (1995)
USA Comics (1941)
Valkyrie: Jane Foster - vol.1 (2019)
Vampire Tales (1973)
Vampire Tales Annual (1976)
Vault of Evil (1973)
Vengeance of the Moon Knight vol.1 (2009)
Vengeance of the Moon Knight vol.2 (2024)
Venom vol.1 (2003)
Venom vol.2 (2011)
Venom vol.3 (2017)
Venom vol.4 (2018)
Venom vol.5 (2021)
Venom Annual vol.1 (2018)
Venom Annual vol.2 (2019)
Venom: Space Knight vol.1 (2016)
Venus - vol.1 (1948)
Vision, The - vol.2 (2016)
Wacky Duck - vol.1 (1945)
Wacky Duck - vol.2 (1948)
War Action - vol.1 (1952)
War Adventures - vol.1 (1952)
War Combat - vol.1 (1952)
War Comics - vol.1 (1950)
War is Hell - vol.1 (1973)
War Machine - vol.1 (1994)
War Machine - vol.2 (2009)
War Machine: Weapon of SHIELD vol.1 (2008)
Warlock vol.1 (1972)
Warlock vol.2 (1982)
Warlock And The Infinity Watch (1992)
Weapon H - vol.1 (2018)
Weapon X - vol.1 (1995)
Weapon X - vol.2 (2002)
Weapon X - vol.3 (2017)
Web of Scarlet Spider (1995)
Web of Spider-Man - vol.1 (1985)
Web of Spider-Man - vol.2 (2009)
Web of Spider-Man Annual - vol.1 (1985)
Web of Spider-Man Super-Special (1995)
Web-Warriors vol.1 (2016)
Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man (1999)
Weird World - vol.1 (2015)
Weird World - vol.2 (2016)
Weird Wonder Tales - vol.1 (1973)
Wendy Parker vol.1 (1953)
Werewolf By Night - vol.1 (1972)
Werewolf By Night - vol.2 (1998)
Werewolf By Night: Red Band - vol.1 (2024)
West Coast Avengers - vol.2 (2018)
West Coast Avengers, The - vol.1 (1985)
West Coast Avengers Annual, The - vol.1 (1986)
Western Gunfighters - vol.1 (1956)
Western Gunfighters - vol.2 (1970)
Western Kid - vol.1 (1954)
Western Kid, The - vol.1 (1971)
Western Life Romances - vol.1 (1949)
Western Outlaws - vol.1 (1954)
Western Outlaws and Sheriffs - vol.1 (1949)
Western Tales of Black Rider - vol.1 (1955)
Western Team-Up - vol.1 (1973)
Western Thrillers - vol.1 (1954)
Western Trails - vol.1 (1957)
Western Outlaws and Sheriffs vol.1 (1949)
Western Winners - vol.1 (1949)
What If - vol.1 (1977)
What If - vol.2 (1989)
Where Creatures Roam (1970)
Where Monsters Dwell - vol.1 (1970)
Whip Wilson - vol.1 (1950)
Wild - vol.1 (1954)
Wild West (1948)
Wild Western (1948)
Willie Comics - vol.1 (1946)
Willie the Wise Guy - vol.1 (1946)
Winter Soldier - vol.1 (2012)
Witches vol.1 (2004)
Witness, The - vol.1 (1948)
Wolverine vol.1 (1988)
Wolverine vol.2 (2003)
Wolverine vol.3 (2010)
Wolverine vol.4 (2013)
Wolverine vol.5 (2014)
Wolverine vol.6 (2020)
Wolverine Annual vol.1 (2007)
Wolverine Annual vol.2 (2012)
Wolverine Annual vol.3 (2014)
Wolverine Annual vol.4 (2019)
Wolverine: First Class vol.1 (2008)
Wolverine: Origins (2006)
Wolverine: Origins Annual (2007)
Wolverine and the X-Men vol.1 (2011)
Wolverine and the X-Men vol.2 (2011)
Wolverine and the X-Men Annual vol.1 (2014)
Wolverine: The Best There Is vol.1 (2011)
Wolverine: Weapon-X vol.1 (2009)
Wolverines vol.1 (2015)
Wonder Duck vol.1 (1991)
Wonder Man vol.1 (1991)
Wonder Man Annual vol.1 (1992)
World of Fantasy - vol.1 (1956)
World of Mystery - vol.1 (1956)
World of Suspense - vol.1 (1956)
World's Greatest Songs - vol.1 (1954)
Worlds Unknown - vol.1 (1973)
Wyatt Earp - vol.1 (1955)
X-23 - vol.2 (2010)
X-23 - vol.3 (2018)
X-Factor - vol.1 (1986)
X-Factor - vol.2 (2006)
X-Factor - vol.3 (2006)
X-Factor - vol.4 (2006)
X-Factor Annual (1986)
X-Force - vol.1 (1991)
X-Force - vol.2 (2008)
X-Force - vol.3 (2014)
X-Force - vol.4 (2019)
X-Force - vol.5 (2020)
X-Force - vol.6 (2024)
X-Force Annual - vol.1 (1992)
X-Force Annual - vol.2 (2010)
X-Force & Cable Annual - vol.1 (1995)
X-Man - vol.1 (1995)
X-Men, The (1963)
X-Men vol.1 (1991)
X-Men vol.2 (2010)
X-Men vol.3 (2013)
X-Men vol.4 (2019)
X-Men vol.5 (2021)
X-Men vol.6 (2024)
X-Men Annual vol.1 (1992)
X-Men: Black vol.1 (2018)
X-Men: Blue vol.1 (2017)
X-Men: Blue Annual vol.1 (2018)
X-Men Classic - vol.2 (1990)
X-Men Giant-Size vol.1 (2011)
X-Men: Gold vol.1 (2017)
X-Men: Gold Annual vol.1 (2018)
X-Men Legacy vol.1 (2008)
X-Men Legacy vol.2 (2013)
X-Men Red vol.1 (2018)
X-Men Red Annual vol.1 (2018)
X-Men Red vol.2 (2022)
X-Men Unlimited vol.1 (1993)
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 (2004)
X-Statix vol.1 (2002)
X-Treme X-Men vol.1 (2001)
X-Treme X-Men vol.2 (2012)
Yellow Claw vol.1 (1956)
Young Allies vol.1 (1942)
Young Allies Comics vol.1 (1941)
Young Avengers vol.1 (2005)
Young Avengers vol.2 (2013)
Young Heart - vol.1 (1949)
Young Men - vol.1 (1950)
Young Men on the Battlefield! - vol.1 (1951)
Ziggy Pig Silly Seal Comics vol.1 (1944)
Series Limitadas
1602 Witch Hunter Angela vol.1 (2015)
1872vol.1 (2015)
Absolute Carnage vol.1 (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors vol.1 (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales vol.1 (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Scream vol.1 (2019)
Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool vol.1 (2019)
Adventures of the Thing, The vol.1 (1992)
Age of Apocalypse vol.2 (2015)
Age of Heroes vol.1 (2010)
Age of Ultron vol.1 (2013)
Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies vol.1 (2015)
Age of X: Universe vol.1 (2011)
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse and The X-Tracts vol.1 (2019)
Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men vol.1 (2019)
Age of X-Man: Nextgen vol.1 (2019)
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X vol.1 (2019)
Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler vol.1 (2019)
Age of X-Man: X-Tremists vol.1 (2019)
Agents of Atlas vol.1 (2006)
Agents of Atlas vol.3 (2019)
All-New Captain America: Fear Him vol.1 (2015)
All-New Doop vol.1 (2014)
Alpha: Big Time vol.1 (2013)
Amazing High Adventure - vol.1 (1984)
Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: Spider(Fly) Effect, The vol.1 (2016)
Amazing Spider-Man Presents: American Son vol.1 (2010)
Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Anti-Venom - New Ways To Live, The vol.1 (2009)
Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat vol.1 (2010)
Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Jackpot vol.1 (2010)
Amazing Spider-Man, The vol.1 (Canadá) (1990)
Annex vol.1 (1994)
Annihilation vol.1 (2006)
Annihilation: Conquest vol.1 (2008)
Annihilation: Conquest - Quasar vol.1 (2007)
Annihilation: Conquest - Starlord vol.1 (2007)
Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith vol.1 (2007)
Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus vol.1 (2007)
Annihilation: Nova vol.1 (2006)
Annihilation: Ronan vol.1 (2006)
Annihilation: Silver Surfer vol.1 (2006)
Annihilation: Super-Skrull vol.1 (2006)
Annihilators vol.1 (2011)
Annihilators: Earthfall vol.1 (2011)
Ant-Man & Wasp vol.1 (2011)
Ant-Man and The Wasp vol.1 (2018)
Armor Wars vol.1 (2015)
Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine vol.1 (2010)
Astonishing Thor vol.1 (2011)
Astonishing X-Men - vol.1 (1995)
Astonishing X-Men - vol.2 (1999)
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis vol.1 (2010)
Atlas vol.1 (2010)
Avengers 1959 vol.1 (2011)
Avengers & X-Men: Axis vol.1 (2014)
Avengers: Celestial Quest, The (2001)
Avengers: Millennium vol.1 (2015)
Avengers Prime vol.1 (2010)
Avengers: Solo vol.1 (2011)
Avengers: The Children's Crusade vol.1 (2010)
Avengers: The Origin vol.1 (2010)
Avengers: The Terminatrix Objective (1993)
Avengers vs. Atlas vol.1 (2010)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 (2012)
Avengers: X-Sanction vol.1 (2012)
AvX: Consequences vol.1 (2012)
AvX: Vs vol.1 (2012)
Axis: Carnage vol.1 (2014)
Axis: Hobgoblin vol.1 (2014)
Axis Revolutions vol.1 (2014)
Beauty and the Beast vol.1 (1985)
Balder The Brave vol.1 (1985)
Battle Scars vol.1 (2012)
Black Knight - vol.2 (1990)
Black Order, The - vol.1 (2019)
Black Panther - vol.2 (1988)
Black Panther & the Crew vol.1 (2017)
Black Panther vs. Deadpool vol.1 (2018)
Black Widow - vol.1 (1999)
Black Widow - vol.2 (2001)
Black Widow - vol.3 (2004)
Black Widow - vol.7 (2019)
Black Widow & The Marvel Girls - vol.1 (2010)
Black Widow: Deadly Origin - vol.1 (2010)
Blaze of Glory - vol.1 (2000)
Blood Hunt - vol.1 (2024)
Blood Hunt: Red Band - vol.1 (2024)
Book of the Dead - vol.1 (1993)
Books of Doom - vol.1 (2006)
Brute Force - vol.1 (1990)
Bullseye - vol.1 (2017)
Cable: Blood and Metal - vol.1 (1992)
Cage! - vol.1 (2016)
Captain America Corps - vol.1 (2011)
Captain America/Black Panther: Flags of our fathers - vol.1 (2010)
Captain America: Forever Allies - vol.1 (2010)
Captain America: Living Legend - vol.1 (2013)
Captain America: Man out of Time - vol.1 (2011)
Captain America: Patriot - vol.1 (2010)
Captain America: Reborn - vol.1 (2009)
Captain America: The 1940s Newspaper Strip - vol.1 (2010)
Captain America: The Chosen - vol.1 (2007)
Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders - vol.1 (2008)
Captain Marvel - vol.5 (2008)
Carnage - vol.1 (2010)
Carnage USA - vol.1 (2012)
Chaos War - vol.1 (2010)
Chaos War: Dead Avengers - vol.1 (2011)
Chaos War: Thor - vol.1 (2011)
Chaos War: X-Men - vol.1 (2011)
Citizen V and the V Battalion: The Everlasting (2002)
Civil War - vol.1 (2006)
Civil War - vol.2 (2015)
Civil War: Front Line (2006)
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways (2006)
Civil War II vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: Gods of War vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: Kingpin vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: Ulysses vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: X-Men vol.1 (2016)
Clandestine - vol.2 (2008)
Cloak and Dagger - vol.1 (1983)
Clone Conspiracy, The - vol.1 (2016)
Contagion - vol.1 (2019)
Damage Control - vol.1 (1989)
Damage Control - vol.2 (1989)
Damage Control - vol.3 (1991)
Daredevil: Dark Nights - vol.1 (2013)
Daredevil: Reborn - vol.1 (2011)
Daredevil/The Punisher - vol.1 (2016)
Daredevil: Yellow - vol.1 (2001)
Dark Avengers: Ares - vol.1 (2009)
Dark Reign: Hawkeye - vol.1 (2009)
Dark X-Men - vol.1 (2010)
Dark X-Men - vol.2 (2023)
Deadly Hands Of Kung Fu - vol.2 (2014)
Deadpool - vol.1 (1993)
Deadpool - vol.2 (1994)
Deadpool & Cable: Split Second - vol.1 (2016)
Deadpool & the Mercs For Money - vol.1 (2016)
Deadpool: Assassin - vol.1 (2018)
Deadpool: Back in Black - vol.1 (2016)
Deadpool: Dracula's Gauntlet - vol.1 (2014)
Deadpool Kills Deadpool - vol.1 (2013)
Deadpool the Duck - vol.1 (2017)
Deadpool: Too Soon? - vol.1 (2016)
Deadpool v Gambit - vol.1 (2016)
Deadpool vs. Carnage - vol.1 (2014)
Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan - vol.1 (2017)
Deadpool vs. Thanos - vol.1 (2015)
Deadpool vs. The Punisher - vol.1 (2017)
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars - vol.1 (2015)
Death of The Inhumans - vol.1 (2018)
Death of Wolverine - vol.1 (2014)
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy - vol.1 (2014)
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program - vol.1 (2015)
Death of X - vol.1 (2016)
Death's Head - vol.2 (2019)
Deathlok - vol.1 (1990)
Defenders - vol.1 (2005)
Defenders - vol.2 (2021)
Defenders: Beyond - vol.1 (2022)
Doctor Strange: Damnation - vol.1 (2018)
Doctor Strange: The Oath - vol.1 (2006)
Doctor Strange/The Punisher: Magic Bullets - vol.1 (2017)
Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural - vol.1 (2009)
Domination Factor: Fantastic Four - vol.1 (1999)
Domination Factor: The Avengers - vol.1 (1999)
Domino - vol.1 (1997)
Domino - vol.2 (2003)
Domino: Hotshots - vol.1 (2019)
Doomwar - vol.1 (2010)
Drax the Destroyer - vol.1 (2005)
E is for Extinction - vol.1 (2015)
Elektra - vol.4 (2017)
Elektra: Glimpse and Echo - vol.1 (2002)
Elektra: Root of Evil - vol.1 (1995)
Elektra Saga, The - vol.1 (1984)
Elektra: The Hand - vol.1 (2004)
Elektra & Wolverine: The Redeemer - vol.1 (2002)
Eternals vol.1 (2006)
Eternals, The vol.2 (1985)
eXtermination vol.1 (2018)
Falcon, The vol.1 (1983)
Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk vol.1 (2010)
Fall of the Hulks: The Savage She-Hulks vol.1 (2010)
Fallen Angels vol.1 (1987)
Fallen Angels vol.2 (2020)
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America vol.1 (2007)
Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising vol.1 (1995)
Fantastic Four: Fireworks vol.1 (2007)
Fantastic Four: The End vol.1 (2007)
Fantastic Four versus The X-Men vol.1 (1987)
Fear Itself vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Deadpool vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Fearsome Four vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Hulk vs. Dracula vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Spider-Man vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: The Deep vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: The Fearless vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: The Home Front vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Wolverine vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt vol.1 (2011)
Fearless vol.1 (2019)
FireStar vol.1 (1986)
First X-Men, The vol.1 (2012)
Foolkiller vol.2 (2007)
Foolkiller vol.3 (2017)
Future Foundation vol.1 (2019)
Future Imperfect vol.1 (2015)
Galactus The Devourer vol.1 (1999)
Gambit vol.1 (1993)
Gambit vol.2 (1997)
Gambit - vol.6 (2022)
Gamora vol.1 (2017)
Gargoyle, The vol.1 (1985)
Ghost Racers - vol.1 (2015)
Ghost Rider - vol.3 (2001)
Ghost Rider - vol.4 (2005)
Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance - vol.1 (2024)
Ghost Riders: Heaven's on Fire - vol.1 (2009)
Giant-Man vol.1 (2019)
Giant-Size Little Marvel: AvX vol.1 (2015)
GLA - vol.1 (2005)
Gorilla Man - vol.1 (2010)
Great Lakes Avengers, The vol.1 (2016)
Guardians of Infinity vol.1 (2016)
Guardians of Knowhere vol.1 (2015)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy vol.1 (2017)
Gwenpool Strikes Back vol.1 (2019)
Hail Hydra - vol.1 (2015)
Hawkeye - vol.1 (1983)
Hawkeye - vol.2 (1994)
Hawkeye & Mockingbird - vol.1 (2010)
Hawkeye: Blindspot - vol.1 (2011)
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool - vol.1 (2014)
HellCat - vol.1 (2000)
Hellverine - vol.1 (2024)
Heralds - vol.1 (2005)
Hercules - vol.1 (2005)
Hercules: Fall of an Avenger - vol.1 (2005)
Hercules: Prince of Power vol.1 (1982)
Hercules: Prince of Power vol.2 (1984)
Heroic Age: One month to live vol.1 (2010)
Heroic Age: Prince of Power vol.1 (12010)
History of the Marvel Universe vol.1 (2019)
House of M vol.1 (2005)
House of M vol.2 (2015)
House of X vol.1 (2019)
Howard The Duck vol.3 (2007)
Hulk Smash vol.1 (2001)
Hulk Smash The Avengers vol.1 (2012)
Hulked Out Heroes vol.1 (2010)
Hulkverines! vol.1 (2001)
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor vol.1 (2018)
Hunt for Wolverine: The Adamantium Agenda vol.1 (2018)
Hunt For Wolverine: The Claws of a Killer vol.1 (2018)
Hunt For Wolverine: Weapon Lost vol.1 (2018)
Hyperion vol.1 (2016)
I am an Avenger vol.1 (2010)
I Am Groot vol.1 (2017)
Iceman vol.1 (1984)
Identity Disc vol.1 (2004)
Immortal Weapons vol.1 (2009)
Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect, The - vol.1 (1992)
Infernal Man-Thing, The vol.1 (2012)
Inferno vol.1 (2015)
Infinity vol.1 (2013)
Infinity Abyss vol.1 (2002)
Infinity Countdown vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Countdown: Champions vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Entity, The vol.1 (2016)
Infinity Gauntlet, The vol.1 (1991)
Infinity Gauntlet, The vol.2 (2015)
Infinity: Heist vol.1 (2013)
Infinity: The Hunt vol.1 (2013)
Infinity Wars vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Warps: Arachknight vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex vol.1 (2018)
Inhumanity: The Awakening - vol.1 (2014)
Inhumans, The - vol.3 (2000)
Inhumans: Attilan Rising - vol.1 (2015)
Inhumans: Once & Future Kings - vol.1 (2017)
Inhumans vs. X-Men - vol.1 (2017)
Invisible Woman - vol.1 (2019)
Iron Fist - vol.2 (1996)
Iron Fist - vol.3 (1998)
Iron Fist/Wolverine: The Return of K'Un Lun - vol.1 (2000)
Iron Man: Armor Wars - vol.1 (2009)
Iron Man/Thor - vol.1 (2011)
Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas - vol.1 (2008)
Iron Man vs. Whiplash - vol.1 (2010)
Iron Patriot - vol.1 (2014)
Jack of Hearts, The - vol.1 (1984)
Jessica Jones: Blind Spot - vol.1 (2020)
Killmonger - vol.1 (2019)
King Thor - vol.1 (2019)
Kingpin - vol.2 (2017)
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine - vol.1 (1984)
Klaws of the Panther - vol.1 (2010)
Korvac Saga - vol.1 (2015)
Legion - vol.1 (2018)
Legion of Monsters - vol.1 (2011)
Lockjaw - vol.1 (2018)
Loki - vol.2 (2010)
Loki - vol.3 (2019)
Longshot - vol.1 (1985)
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe - vol.1 (2014)
Magik vol.1 (1983)
Magneto: Not a Hero vol.1 (2012)
Major X vol.1 (2019)
Man Without Fear - vol.1 (2019)
Man-Thing - vol.4 (2004)
Man-Thing - vol.5 (2017)
Marvel - vol.1 (2020)
Marvel Custom Edition: Avengers Alliance - vol.1 (2016)
Marvel Double Feature: The Avengers/Giant-Man (1994)
Marvel Knights 20th vol.1 (2019)
Marvel Knights: Hulk vol.1 (2014)
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man vol.2 (2013)
Marvel Knights: Wolverine & Punisher vol.1 (2004)
Marvel Knights: X-Men vol.1 (2014)
Marvel Rising vol.1 (2018)
Marvel Rising vol.2 (2019)
Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions vol.1 (1982)
Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects (2005)
Marvel Universe: The End vol.1 (2003)
Marvel Zombies vol.2 (2015)
Marvels: Eye of the Camera vol.1 (2009)
Marvels Project, The vol.1 (2009)
Master of Kung Fu vol.2 (2015)
Meet The Skrulls vol.1 (2019)
Mephisto vs... vol.1 (1987)
Models, Inc. vol.1 (2009)
MODOK Assassin vol.1 (2015)
Moon Knight vol.2 (1998)
Moon Knight: High Strangers vol.1 (1999)
Monsters Unleashed! - vol.2 (2017)
Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos vol.1 (2015)
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace vol.1 (2024)
Multiple Man - vol.1 (2018)
Nation X - vol.1 (2010)
New Avengers: Illuminati, The - vol.2 (2007)
New Avengers: Luke Cage, The - vol.1 (2010)
New Mutants: Dead Souls, The - vol.1 (2018)
New Warriors vol.3 (2005)
Nextwave vol.1 (2006)
Nick Fury vol.1 (2017)
Nick Fury vs. SHIELD - vol.1 (1988)
Night Hawk vol.1 (1998)
Nightcrawler vol.1 (1985)
Nighthawk vol.2 (2016)
Nightmare vol.1 (1994)
Nomad vol.1 (1990)
Nomad: Girl without a World vol.1 (2009)
NYX - vol.1 (2003)
NYX: No Way Home - vol.1 (2008)
Old Man Logan - vol.1 (2015)
Onslaught Unleashed - vol.1 (2011)
Operation SIN - vol.1 (2011)
Origin II vol.1 (2014)
Original Sin vol.1 (2014)
Original Sin Annual vol.1 (2014)
Original Sins vol.1 (2014)
Osborn vol.1 (2011)
Peter Parker vol.1 (2010)
Phoenix Resurrection vol.1 (2018)
Planet Hulk vol.1 (2015)
Power Man and Iron Fist vol.2 (2011)
Powers of X vol.1 (2019)
Prelude to Deadpool Corps vol.1 (2010)
Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner vol.2 (1984)
Prowler vol.1 (1994)
Prowler vol.2 (2016)
Psylocke vol.1 (2010)
Punisher, The vol.1 (1986)
Punisher: In the Blood vol.1 (2011)
Punisher Kill Krew vol.1 (2019)
Punisher: Nightmare vol.1 (2013)
Punisher: P.O.V. vol.1 (1991)
Punisher: The Ghosts of Innocents, The vol.1 (1993)
Punisher: The Origin of Microchip, The vol.1 (1993)
Punisher: The Trial of the Punisher vol.1 (2013)
Punisher: War Zone vol.2 (2012)
Punisher: Year One vol.1, The vol.1 (1994)
Punisher/Captain America: Blood and Glory vol.1 (1992)
Quicksilver: No Surrender vol.1 (2018)
Rawhide Kid vol.2 (1985)
Rawhide Kid vol.4 (2010)
Realm of Kings: Imperial Guard vol.1 (2010)
Realm of Kings: Inhumans vol.1 (2010)
Realm of Kings: Son of Hulk (2010)
Red Skull vol.1 (2011)
Red Skull vol.2 (2015)
Return of Wolverine vol.1 (2018)
Rise of the Black Panther vol.1 (2018)
Rocket Raccoon vol.1 (1985)
Rogue & Gambit vol.1 (2018)
Saga of the Original Human Torch, The vol.1 (1990)
Saga of the Sub-Mariner, The vol.1 (1988)
Savage Hulk vol.1 (2014)
Secret Empire vol.1 (2017)
Secret Empire: Brave New World vol.1 (2017)
Secret Invasion vol.1 (2008)
Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four vol.1 (2008)
Secret War - vol.1 (2004)
Secret Wars - vol.1 (1984)
Secret Wars - vol.2 (2015)
Secret Wars 2099 - vol.1 (2015)
Secret Wars II - vol.1 (1985)
Secret Wars: Battleworld - vol.1 (2015)
Secret Wars: Journal - vol.1 (2015)
Sentry, The - vol.1 (2000)
Sentry, The - vol.2 (2005)
Sentry, The - vol.3 (2005)
Shadowland - vol.1 (2010)
Shadowland: Blood on the Streets - vol.1 (2010)
Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow - vol.1 (2010)
Shadowland: Moon Knight - vol.1 (2010)
Shadowland: Power Man - vol.1 (2010)
Shadowmasters - vol.1 (1989)
Shanna The She-Devil - vol.2 (2005)
Shanna, the She-Devil: Survival of the Fittest - vol.1 (2007)
Shatterstar - vol.1 (2018)
She-Hulks - vol.1 (2011)
SHIELD - vol.1 (2010)
SHIELD - vol.2 (2011)
Siege - vol.1 (2010)
Siege - vol.2 (2015)
Siege: Embeded - vol.1 (2010)
Silent War - vol.1 (2007)
Silver Surfer - vol.6 (2011)
Silver Surfer: Black - vol.1 (2011)
Six Guns - vol.1 (2012)
Skaar: King of the Savage Land - vol.1 (2011)
Skrull Kill Krew - vol.1 (1995)
Slapstick - vol.1 (1992)
Slapstick - vol.2 (2017)
Solo vol.1 (1994)
Solo vol.2 (2016)
Spider-Force - vol.1 (2018)
Spider-Geddon - vol.1 (2018)
Spider-Girls - vol.1 (2018)
Spider-Island - vol.1 (2015)
Spider-Island: Cloak & Dagger - vol.1 (2011)
Spider-Island: Deadly Hands Of Kung Fu - vol.1 (2011)
Spider-Island: The Amazing Spider-Girl - vol.1 (2011)
Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four vol.1 (2007)
Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four vol.2 (2010)
Spider-Man: Breakout vol.1 (2005)
Spider-Man: Chapter One vol.1 (1998)
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Year One vol.1 (2004)
Spider-Man: Fever vol.1 (2010)
Spider-Man: House of M vol.1 (2005)
Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin vol.1 (2024)
Spider-Man/Human Torch vol.1 (2005)
Spider-Man / Punisher: Family Plot vol.1 (1996)
Spider-Men vol.1 (2012)
Spider-Men II vol.1 (2017)
Spider-Verse - vol.1 (2015)
Spider-Verse - vol.2 (2015)
Spider-Verse - vol.3 (2019)
Spider-Verse Team-Up - vol.1 (2015)
Spider-Woman - vol.2 (1993)
Spider-Woman: Origin vol.1 (2006)
Spirits of Vengeance vol.1 (2017)
Squadron Sinister vol.1 (2015)
Starbrand and Nightmask vol.1 (2016)
Star-Lord And Kitty Pryde vol.1 (2015)
Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier vol.1 (2010)
Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier Annual vol.1 (2011)
Stoker's Dracula vol.1 (2004)
Storm - vol.1 (1996)
Storm - vol.2 (2006)
Storm - vol.4 (2023)
Strange vol.2 (2010)
Superior Carnage vol.1 (2013)
Superior Carnage Annual vol.1 (2014)
Symbiote Spider-Man - vol.1 (2019)
Taskmaster - vol.1 (2002)
Taskmaster - vol.2 (2010)
Taskmaster - vol.3 (2021)
Thanos: A God Up There Listening - vol.1 (2014)
Thanos Imperative, The - vol.1 (2010)
Thanos Quest, The - vol.1 (1990)
Thanos Rising - vol.1 (2013)
Thanos vs. Hulk - vol.1 (2015)
Thor Corps - vol.1 (1993)
Thor: First Thunder - vol.1 (2010)
Thor: Heaven & Earth - vol.1 (2011)
Thor: The Deviants Saga - vol.1 (2012)
Thors - vol.1 (2015)
Tomb of Dracula, The - vol.4 (2004)
Toxin vol.1 (2005)
Twelve, The vol.1 (2008)
Two-Gun Kid: The Sunset Riders vol.1 (1995)
Uncanny X-Men: First Class vol.1 (1997)
Union Jack the Ripper: Blood Hunt - vol.1 (2024)
Untold Legend of Captain Marvel, The vol.1 (1997)
Unworthy Thor, The vol.1 (2017)
Variants, The vol.1 (2022)
Vault of Spiders vol.1 (2018)
Vengeance vol.1 (2011)
Venom: First Host vol.1 (2018)
Venom: Lethal Protector vol.1 (1993)
Venom: Lethal Protector vol.2 (2022)
Venom Vs. Carnage vol.1 (2004)
Venom War vol.1 (2024)
Venomized vol.1 (2018)
Venomverse vol.1 (2017)
Villains for Hire vol.1 (2012)
Vision and the Scarlet Witch vol.1 (1982)
Vision and the Scarlet Witch, The vol.1 (1985)
Vote Loki vol.1 (2016)
Vs. Dracula (1993)
War of Kings vol.1 (2009)
War of the Realms, The vol.1 (2019)
War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery, The vol.1 (2019)
War of The Realms: New Agents of Atlas, The vol.1 (2019)
War of the Realms: Spider-Man & the League of Realms, The vol.1 (2019)
War of the Realms: The Punisher, The vol.1 (2019)
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men, The vol.1 (2019)
War of the Realms: War Scrolls, The vol.1 (2019)
Warlock Chronicles, The vol.1 (1993)
Way of X vol.1 (2021)
Web of Black Widow vol.1 (2019)
West Coast Avengers vol.1 (1988)
Where Monsters Dwell - vol.2 (2015)
Widowmaker - vol.1 (2011)
Winter Soldier vol.2 (2019)
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March - vol.1 (2014)
Wolfpack vol.1 (1988)
Wolverine vol.1 (1982)
Wolverine and Jubilee vol.1 (2011)
Wolverine and The Punisher: Damaging Evidence vol.1 (1993)
Wolverine and The X-Men: Alpha & Omega vol.1 (2012)
Wolverine: Deep Cut vol.1 (2024)
Wolverine/Hercules: Myths, Monsters and Mutants vol.1 (2011)
Wolverine: Infinity Watch vol.1 (2019)
Wolverine: Patch vol.1 (2022)
Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation vol.1 (1999)
Wolverine Saga, The vol.1 (1989)
Wolverine: The Long Night vol.1 (2019)Wolverine: The Origin vol.1 (2001)
Women of Marvel vol.2 (2011)
World War Hulk vol.1 (2007)
World War Hulk: Front Line vol.1 (2007)
World War Hulk: Gamma Corps vol.1 (2007)
World War Hulk: X-Men vol.1 (2007)
World War Hulks: Captain America vs. Wolverine vol.1 (2010)
World War Hulks: Spider-Man vs. Thor vol.1 (2010)
X-23 - vol.1 (2005)
X-23: Deadly Regenesis - vol.1 (2023)
X-23: Target X - vol.1 (2007)
X-Babies vol.1 (2009)
X-Club vol.1 (2012)
X-Corp vol.1 (2021)
X-Force: Sex and Violence vol.1 (2010)
X-Men & ClanDestine vol.1 (1996)
X-Men '92 vol.1 (2015)
X-Men And Alpha Flight vol.1 (1985)
X-Men and The Micronauts, The vol.1 (1984)
X-Men Archives Featuring Captain Britain vol.1 (1995)
X-Men: Battle of the Atom vol.1 (2013)
X-Men: Black Sun vol.1 (2000)
X-Men Classics - vol.1 (1983)
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - X-Men vs. Vampires - vol.1 (2010)
X-Men/Fantastic Four vol.1 (2005)
X-Men+Fantastic Four vol.1 (2020)
X-Men: First Class vol.1 (2006)
X-Men: First Class vol.2 (2007)
X-Men: First Class Finals vol.1 (2009)
X-Men: Magik vol.1 (2000)
X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back vol.1 (2010)
X-Men: Prelude to Schism vol.1 (2011)
X-Men: Schism vol.1 (2011)
X-Men: Second Coming vol.1 (2010)
X-Men: Second Coming: Revelations - Hellbound vol.1 (2010)
X-Men Spotlight on... Starjammers vol.1 (1990)
X-Men: To Serve and Protect vol.1 (2011)
X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas vol.1 (2009)
X-Men Vs The Avengers, The vol.1 (1987)
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever vol.1 (2016)
X-Terminators vol.1 (1988)
X-Termination vol.1 (2013)
X-Tinction Agenda vol.1 (2015)
Years of Future Past vol.1 (2015)
Young Allies vol.2 (2010)
Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Symbiote of Vengeance (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Symbiote Spider-Man (2019)
Absolute Carnage: The Avengers (2019)
Absolute Carnage: The Immortal Hulk (2019)
Age of X-Man Alpha (2019)
Age of X-Man Omega (2019)
All-New, All-Different Marvel Point One (2015)
All-New X-Men nš 1.MU (2017)
Alpha Flight: True North (2019)
Amazing Spider-Man: Exclusive Collectors' Edition, The (1980)
Amazing Spider-Man: Full Circle, The (2019)
Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big, The (2019)
Amazing Spider-Man: Skating on Thin Ice!, The (1993)
Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. Alpha (2018)
Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. Omega (2018)
Amazing Spider-Man: Wakanda Forever (2018)
Annihilation Prologue (2006)
Annihilation Conquest: Prologue (2007)
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Living Legends (2018)
Ant-Man's Big Christmas (2000)
Avengers nš 0 (2015)
Avengers vol.1 nš 500 (vol.3 nš 85) Director's Cut, The (2004)
Avengers: Back to Basics, The (2018)
Avengers: Finale, The (2005)
Avengers: Loki Unleashed, The (2019)
Avengers: No More Bullying (2015)
Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Alpha (2016)
Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Omega (2016)
Avengers Standoff: Welcome To Pleasant Hill (2016)
Avengers: Strikefile (1994)
Avengers: The Crossing (1995)
Avengers: Timeslide (1996)
Avengers/Ultraforce (1995)
Avengers: Wakanda Forever (2018)
Bizarre Adventures (2019)
Black Knight: Exodus (1996)
Black Panther: Long Live the King (2018)
Black Panther: The Sound and the Fury (2018)
Captain America and the Invaders: Bahamas Triangle (2019)
Captain America / Citizen V '98 (1998)
Captain Marvel: Braver and Mightier (2019)
Captain Universe (2006)
Champions nš 1.MU (2017)
Civil War vol.1 nš 1 Director's Cut (2006)
Civil War: The Initiative (2007)
Civil War: The Return (2007)
Civil War II Daily Bugle Newspaper (2016)
Civil War II: The Accused (2016)
Civil War II: The Fallen (2016)
Civil War II: The Oath (2017)
Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure (2019)
Cloak and Dagger: Shades of Grey (2019)
Crypt of Shadows (2019)
Daily Bugle: Civil War Newspaper Special (2006)
Damnation: Johnny Blaze - Ghost Rider (2018)
Daredevil: Father vol.1 nš 1 Director's Cut (2004)
Daughters of the Dragon: Deep Cuts (2019)
Deadpool #900 (2009)
Deadpool: Last Days of Magic (2016)
Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool (2018)
Decimation: House of M - The Day After (2006)
Defenders: The Best Defense (2019)
Doctor Strange nš 1.MU (2017)
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic (2016)
Doctor Strange: Mystic Apprentice (2016)
Doctor Strange: Season One (2012)
Doctor Strange: The Best Defense (2019)
Double Edge: Alpha (1995)
Double Edge: Omega (1995)
Empyre: Savage Avengers (2020)
Excalibur: Sword is Drawn (1987)
Fantastic Four vol.1 nš 500 (vol.3 nš 71) Director's Cut Edition (2003)
Fantastic Four: 4 Yancy Street (2019)
Fantastic Four: A Death in the Family (2006)
Fantastic Four: The End Roughcut vol.1 nš 1 (2007)
Fantastic Four Special Edition vol.1 nš 1 (1984)
Fantastic Four: The Legend (1996)
Fantastic Four: The Wedding Special (2006)
Fantastic Four: Wedding Special (2019)
Fight Man vol.1 nš 1 (1993)
FOOM! (2017)
Free Comic Book Day: All-New Guardians of the Galaxy (2017)
Free Comic Book Day: Civil War II (2016)
Free Comic Book Day: Blood Hunt (2024)
Free Comic Book Day: Secret Empire (2017)
Free Comic Book Day: Spider-Man (2019)
Free Comic Book Day: Spider-Man/Venom (2021)
Free Comic Book Day: Spider-Man/Ultimate Universe (2024)
>Free Comic Book Day: Steve Rogers: Captain America (2016)
Free Comic Book Day: The All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015)
Free Comic Book Day: The Amazing Spider-Man (2018)
Free Comic Book Day: The Avengers (2018)
Free Comic Book Day: The Avengers (2019)
Free Comic Book Day: The Avengers/Hulk (2021)
Future Fight Firsts: Luna Snow (2019)
Future Fight Firsts: White Fox (2019)
Generations (2017)
Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Punisher: Hearts of Darkness (1991)
Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Punisher: The Dark Design (1994)
Giant-Size Avengers vol.2 nš 1 (2008)
Giant-Size Super-Heroes vol.1 nš 1 (1974)
Giant-Size X-Statix (2019)
Guardians of The Galaxy nš 1.MU (2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Dream On (2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout (2017)
Gunhawks (2019)
Gwenpool Holiday Special (2016)
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix-up (2017)
Heroes for Hope Starring The X-Men (1985)
Hunt for Wolverine (2018)
Hunt For Wolverine: Dead Ends (2018)
Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War Alpha (2022)
I (Heart) Marvel (2006)
Immortal Hulk: Flatline, The (2021)
Immortal Hulk: Great Power, The (2020)
Immortal Hulk: The Best Defense, The (2019)
Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place, The (2020)
Immortal Hulk: Time of Monsters, The (2021)
Immortal Iron Fists (2018)
Immortal She-Hulk, The (2020)
Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular, The (1990)
Incredible Hulk: Last Call, The (2019)
Incredible Hulk Versus Quasimodo, The (1983)
Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock (2018)
Infinity Countdown: Black Widow (2018)
Infinity Countdown: Captain Marvel (2018)
Infinity Countdown: Daredevil (2018)
Infinity Countdown Prime (2018)
Infinity Wars: ∞ (2019)
Infinity Wars: Fallen Guardian (2019)
Infinity Wars Prime (2018)
Inhumans Prime (2017)
Inhumans: Judgment Day (2018)
Inhumans: The Untold Saga, The (1990)
Iron Fist: Phantom Limb (2019)
Jessica Jones: Blind Spot (2018)
Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter (2019)
Journey Into Mystery: The Birth of Krakoa (2018)
Journey into Unknown Worlds (2019)
Ka-Zar of the Savage Land (1996)
Kid Colt (2009)
King in Black: The Immortal Hulk (2021)
King-Size Spider-Man Summer Special (2008)
Legion of Monsters: Werewolf by Night (2007)
Love Romances (2019)
Luke Cage: Everyman (2018)
Marvel Comics nš 1000 (2019)
Marvel Comics nš 1001 (2019)
Marvel Heartbreakers (2010)
Marvel Holiday Special 1993 (1992)
Marvel Holiday Special 1994 (1993)
Marvel Holiday Special (2004)
Marvel Legacy (2017)
Marvel Monsters (2005)
Marvel Monsters (2019)
Marvel Super Action Featuring the Punisher (1976)
Marvel Treasury of Oz: The Marvelous Land of Oz (1975)
Marvel Westerns vol.1 (2006)
Marvel Zombie (2018)
Marvels Epilogue (2019)
Mighty Thor: At The Gates of Valhalla, The (2018)
Ms. Marvel Special (2007)
Ms. Marvel Special: Storyteller (2009)
Namor: The Best Defense (2019)
New Avengers vol.1 nš 1 Director's Cut, The (2005)
New Avengers: Illuminati, The (2006)
Original Graphic Novels: Avengers - Rage Of Ultron (2015)
Original Graphic Novels: Deadpool - Bad Blood (2017)
Original Graphic Novels: The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2016)
Power Man and Iron Fist: Sweet Christmas (2017)
Power Pack Holiday Special (1992)
Power Pack and Cloak & Dagger Graphic Novel (1989)
Power Pack: Grow Up! (2019)
Pulse: House of M Special, The (2005)
Punisher Ashcan Edition, The (1994)
Punisher: Bloodlines, The (1991)
Punisher: Die Hard in the Big Easy, The (1992)
Punisher: Empty Quarter, The (1994)
Punisher: G-Force, The (1992)
Punisher: No Escape, The (1990)
Punisher: The Prize (1990)
Punisher War Journal: Base (2023)
Punisher War Journal: Blitz (2022)
Punisher War Journal: Brother (2022)
Red Goblin: Red Death (2019)
Requiem for Dracula nš 1 (1979)
Season's Beatings (2019)
Secret Agent Deadpool (2019)
Secret Empire: Omega (2017)
Secret Empire: Underground (2017)
Secret Empire: United (2017)
Secret Empire: Uprising (2017)
Secret Invasion Prologue (2008)
Secret Invasion Saga (2008)
Secret Invasion: Who do you trust? (2008)
Sentry vol.2 nš 1 Rough Cut, The (2005)
Sgt. Fury & his Howling Commandos (2009)
Sleepwalker Holiday Special (1993)
Special Collector's Edition vol.1 nš 1 (1975)
Special Edition X-Men (1983)
Spider-Man & Araņa Special: The Hunter Revealed (2006)
Spider-Man and Power Pack (1984)
Spider-Man: Black & Blue & Read All Over (2006)
Spider-Man/Deadpool nš 1.MU (2017)
Spider-Man: Enter the Spider-Verse (2019)
Spider-Man Family - vol.1 (2005)
Spider-Man / Punisher / Sabretooth: Designer Genes (1993)
Spider-Man: Reptilian Rage (2019)
Spider-Man Spectacular (2014)
Spider-Man: The Other - Sketchbook (2005)
Spider-Man versus The Punisher (2000)
Spider-Man versus Wolverine (1987)
Spider-Women Alpha (2016)
Spider-Women Omega (2016)
Stan Lee Meets Doctor Doom (2006)
Stan Lee Meets Doctor Strange (2006)
Stan Lee Meets Silver Surfer (2006)
Stan Lee Meets The Amazing Spider-Man (2006)
Stan Lee Meets The Thing (2006)
Tales of Suspense: Captain America & Iron Man nš 1 Commemorative Edition (2005)
Thanos Legacy (2018)
Thanos: The Infinity Conflict (2018)
Thanos: The Infinity Ending (2019)
Thanos: The Infinity Finale (2016)
Thanos: The Infinity Relativity (2015)
Thanos: The Infinity Siblings (2019)
The Avengers nš 1.MU (2017)
The Avengers vol.1 nš 1 1/2 (1999)
The New Mutants: War Children (2019)
The Prodigal Sun: Fantastic Four (2019)
The Prodigal Sun: Guardians of the Galaxy (2019)
The Prodigal Sun: Silver Surfer (2019)
The Sensational Spider-Man: Self-Improvement (2019)
The Silver Surfer: The Best Defense (2019)
The Superior Octopus (2018)
The Totally Awesome Hulk nš 1.MU (2017)
The Uncanny Inhumans nš 1.MU (2017)
The Uncanny X-Men: Winter's End (2019)
The War of the Realms Omega (2019)
The War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Dark Elf Realm (2019)
The War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants (2019)
The War of the Realms Strikeforce: The War Avengers (2019)
Thor: The Legend (1996)
Thor vs. Hulk: Champions of the Universe (2018)
Thor: Where Walk the Frost Giants (2017)
Typhoid Fever: Iron Fist (2019)
Typhoid Fever: Spider-Man (2018)
Typhoid Fever: X-Men (2019)
Ultraforce/Avengers (1995)
Ultraforce/Avengers Prelude (1995)
USA Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
Venomverse: War Stories (2017)
War is Hell (2019)
Wedding of Dracula nš 1, The (1993)
Weapons of Mutant Destruction: Alpha (2017)
Web of Venom: Carnage Born (2019)
Web of Venom: Cult of Carnage (2019)
Web of Venom: Funeral Pyre (2019)
Web of Venom: Ve'nam (2018)
Web of Venom: Venom Unleashed (2019)
What If? (2004)
What If? Flash Thompson Became Spider-Man (2018)
What If? Infinity: Dark Reign (2015)
What If? Infinity: Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)
What If? Infinity: Inhumans (2015)
What If? Infinity: Thanos (2015)
What If? Infinity: X-Men (2015)
What If? Magik Became Sorcerer Supreme (2018)
What If? Marvel Comics went Metal with Ghost Rider (2018)
What If? Peter Parker Became The Punisher (2018)
What If? Special (1988)
What If? The X-Men (2018)
What If? Thor was raised by Frost Giants (2018)
Wolverine + Captain America: Weapon Plus (2019)
Wolverine: Bloodlust (1990)
Wolverine: Knight of Terra (1995)
Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure (1990)
Wolverine vs. Blade (2019)
World War Hulk: Aftersmash! (2008)
World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker (2007)
X-Factor: Prisoner of Love (1990)
X-Men Prime (2017)
X-Men vol.1 nš1 Special Edition (1991)
X-Men: Second Coming Prepare (2010)
X-Men: The Exterminated (2019)
X-Men: The Road to Onslaught vol.1 nš 1 (1996)
X-Men: The Wedding Special (2018)
X-Men: Wakanda Forever (2018)
X-Women (2010)
Young Avengers Special (2006)
Ziggy Pig Silly Seal Comics (2019)
Historias serializadas
Fast Lane (1999)
Marvel Encyclopedia - vol.1 (2002)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, The - vol.1 (1983)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition, The - vol.1 (1985)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition, The - vol.1 (1990)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89, The - vol.1 (1989)
Official Index to the Marvel Universe - vol.1 (2009)
Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Wolverine, Punisher & Ghost Rider - vol.1 (2011)
Official Marvel Index to Marvel Team-Up, The - vol.1 (1986)
Official Marvel Index to the Amazing Spider-Man, The - vol.1 (1985)
Official Marvel Index to the Avengers, The - vol.1 (1987)
Official Marvel Index to the Avengers, The - vol.2 (1994)
Official Marvel Index to the Fantastic Four, The - vol.1 (1985)
Official Marvel Index to the X-Men, The - vol.1 (1987)
Official Marvel Index to the X-Men, The - vol.2 (1994)
Punisher Armory, The - vol.1 (1990)
Spider-Geddon Handbook (2019)
A-Force Presents vol.1 (2015)
Acts of Vengeance Crossovers Omnibus HC (2011)
Amazing Fantasy nš 15: Spider-Man! (2012)
Amazing Fantasy Omnibus (2007)
Amazing Spider-Man: Hooky (2012)
Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus (2007)
Amazing Spider-Man: Parallel Lives (2012)
Amazing Spider-Man: The Graphic Novels, The (2012)
Amazing Spider-Man TPB, The (2001)
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection TPB, The (2001)
Amazing Spider-Man: The Death of Jean DeWolff, The (1990)
Amazing Fantasy Omnibus (2007)
Annihilation Classic HC (2008)
Annihilation Classic TPB (2009)
Ant-Man/Giant-Man Epic Collection TPB vol.1 nš 1 (2015)
Atlantis Attacks Omnibus (2011)
Avengers: Celestial Madonna (2002)
Avengers: The Complete Celestial Madonna Saga (2017)
Avengers Epic Collection TPB, The (2001)
Avengers: The Enemy Within TPB (2013)
Avengers: The Serpent Crown, The (2005)
Avengers: The Yesterday Quest (1994)
Avengers: Under Siege TPB (1998)
Avengers vs. Thanos TPB (2013)
Avengers: West Coast Avengers - Family Ties, The (2012)
Avengers West Coast Epic Collection TPB (2018)
Avengers/X-Men: Bloodties (1995)
Best of Marvel 1994 (1994)
Best of Marvel 1994 (1996)
Best of Marvel Comics HC, The (1987)
Best of Wolverine, The (2004)
Black Panther Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2016)
Black Widow TPB (2001)
Black Widow TPB: Web of Intrigue TPB (2016)
Black Widow: Web of Intrigue (1999)
Blaze of Glory (2002)
Bloodstone & the Legion of Monsters (2017)
Bring Back the Bad Guys (1998)
Bring On the Bad Guys (1976)
Bring On the Bad Guys: Revised Edition (1998)
Cable and the New Mutants (1992)
Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
Captain America Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2014)
Captain America: The BloodStone Hunt (1993)
Captain America: The Classic Years (1998)
Captain Britain vol.1 (1988)
Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps TPB (2015)
Captain Marvel By Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection (2016)
Captain Marvel: Carol Danvers vol.1 (2018)
Captain Marvel: Earth's Mightiest Hero vol.1 (2016)
Captain Marvel: First Contact (2015)
Captain Marvel Prelude TPB (2019)
Captain Marvel: Ms. Marvel Omnibus - A Hero is Born (2019)
Captain Marvel/Ms. Marvel: Secret Invasion Infiltration (2008)
Captain Marvel: Secret Invasion HC (2008)
Captain Marvel: Secret Invasion TPB (2009)
Captain Marvel TPB vol.1 (2003)
Captain Marvel TPB vol.2 (2012)
Captain Marvel TPB vol.3 (2014)
Captain Marvel TPB vol.4 (2016)
Captain Universe: Power Unimaginable (2005)
Captain Universe: The Hero Who Could be You (2013)
Civil War: Avengers (2010)
Classic Punisher (1989)
Cloak and Dagger: Runaways and Reversals (2018)
Clone Conspiracy: Omega, The (2017)
Contest of Champions TPB vol.1 (2016)
Daredevil and The Punisher: Child's Play (1988)
Daredevil by Frank Miller & Klaus Janson Omnibus (2007)
Daredevil by Frank Miller Omnibus Companion (2007)
Daredevil Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2016)
Daredevil / Elektra: Love and War HC (2003)
Daredevil: Frank Miller & Klaus Janson vol.1 (2008)
Daredevil: The Fall of the Kingpin (1993)
Dazzler: X-Song (2018)
Deadly Hands Of Kung Fu Omnibus vol.1, The (2016)
Deadpool Beginnings Omnibus (2017)
Deadpool Classic vol.1 (2008)
Deadpool Classic Companion vol.1 (2015)
Deadpool: Mission Improbable (1998)
Defenders Epic Collection TPB, The vol.1 (2016)
Defenders: Beyond TPB (2023)
Defenders: There Are No Rules (2022)
Destroyer (2010)
Devil Dinosaur By Jack Kirby Omnibus (2007)
Doctor Doom: The Book of Doom Omnibus (2022)
Doctor Strange: A Separate Reality (2002)
Doctor Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment TPB (2013)
Doctor Strange by Donny Cates TPB vol.1 (2018)
Doctor Strange by Mark Waid TPB vol.1 (2018)
Doctor Strange: Damnation The Complete Collection (2018)
Doctor Strange: Damnation TPB (2018)
Doctor Strange Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2016)
Doctor Strange Special Edition (1983)
Doctor Strange: Strange Origin (2016)
Doctor Strange Premiere vol.1 (2016)
Doctor Strange TPB vol.1 (2016)
Dracula vol.1 (2010)
Dracula HC (2010)
Drax the Destroyer: Earthfall (2006)
Drax: Guardian of the Galaxy (2016)
Elektra By Greg Rucka Ultimate Collection (2012)
Elektra Megazine vol.1 (1996)
Elektra Omnibus By Frank Miller (2008)
Elektra Saga TPB, The (1989)
Elektra: Scorpio Key (2002)
Elektra: The Complete Collection (2017)
Elektra: The The Hand TPB (2005)
Elektra: The Official Movie Adaptation TPB (2005)
Elektra TPB vol.1 (2002)
Essential Ant-Man (2002)
Essential Avengers (1998)
Essential Captain America vol.1 (2001)
Essential Captain Marvel vol.1 (2008)
Essential Classic X-Men vol.1 (2006)
Essential Daredevil vol.1 (2002)
Essential Dazzler vol.1 (2007)
Essential Defenders (2005)
Essential Doctor Strange (2001)
Essential Hulk (1999)
Essential Human Torch (2003)
Essential Iron Fist (2004)
Essential Iron Man (2000)
Essential Killraven (2005)
Essential Luke Cage, Power Man (2005)
Essential Man-Thing vol.1 (2006)
Essential Marvel Horror vol.1 (2002)
Essential Marvel Team-Up (2002)
Essential Moon Knight vol.1 (2006)
Essential Ms. Marvel (2007)
Essential Power Man and Iron Fist vol.1 (2007)
Essential Rawhide Kid vol.1 (2012)
Essential Sgt. Fury vol.1 (2011)
Essential Spider-Man (1996)
Essential Spider-Woman vol.1 (2005)
Essential Tales of the Zombie vol.1 (2006)
Essential The Monster of Frankenstein (2005)
Essential The Punisher vol.1 (2004)
Essential The Rampaging Hulk vol.1 (2008)
Essential The Savage She-Hulk vol.1 (2006)
Essential The Tomb of Dracula vol.1 (2003)
Essential Uncanny X-Men vol.1 (2002)
Essential Werewolf by Night vol.1 (2005)
Essential X-Factor vol.1 (2005)
Essential X-Men vol.1 (1996)
Evolutionary War Omnibus, The (2011)
Excalibur Classic TPB vol.1 (2004)
Excalibur Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2017)
Fantastic Four: Books of Doom (2006)
Fantastic Four/Inhumans: Atlantis Rising (2014)
Fantastic Four Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2014)
Fantastic Four: Extended Family (2011)
Fantastic Four: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection (2019)
Fantastic Four: Nobody Gets Out Alive (1994)
Fantastic Four / Spider-Man Classic (2005)
Fantastic Four Visionaries (2001)
Fireside (1974)
First X-Men HC, The (2013)
First X-Men TPB, The (2013)
Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Punisher: Hearts of Darkness TPB (2017)
Giant-Size Marvel (2005)
Grandson of Origins of Marvel Comics (1998)
Greatest Villains of the Fantastic Four (1995)
Guardians of The Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex HC (2015)
Guardians of The Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex TPB (2016)
Guardians of the Galaxy HC vol.2 (2015)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Road to Annihilation vol.1 (2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers vol.1 (2012)
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB vol.2 (2014)
Gunslingers (2000)
Hands of Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu, The vol.1 (2016)
Hawkeye and the Thunderbolts TPB vol.1 (2016)
Hawkeye Omnibus by Matt Fraction and David Aja (2015)
House of M: No More Mutants (2010)
Hulk by John Byrne & Ron Garney (2012)
Hulk: Heart of the Atom (2012)
Hulk: The Official Movie Adaptation TPB (2003)
Hulk TPB By Donny Cates vol.1 (2022)
Hulk Visionaries: Peter David (2005)
Hulk Visionaries: John Byrne (2008)
Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War TPB (2022)
Immortal Hulk Director's Cut vol.1, The (2019)
Immortal Hulk: Great Power TPB, The (2021)
Immortal Hulk TPB, The vol.1 (2018)
Incredible Hulk TPB, The (2002)
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection TPB vol.1, The (2015)
Incredible Hulk And Wolverine, The (1986)
Incredible Hulk: Beauty and the Behemoth, The (1998)
Incredible Hulk: Crossroads, The (2013)
Incredible Hulk HC, The (2002)
Incredible Hulk: House of M, The (2006)
Incredible Hulk: Hulk vs. The Marvel Universe, The (2008)
Incredible Hulk Megazine #1, The (1996)
Incredible Hulk: Pardoned, The (2012)
Incredible Hulk: Past Perfect, The (2012)
Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk, The (2008)
Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk HC, The (2007)
Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk Prelude, The (2006)
Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk Prelude, The (2010)
Incredible Hulk: Regression, The (2012)
Incredible Hulk: Return of the Monster, The (2002)
Incredible Hulk: Tempest Fugit, The (2005)
Incredible Hulk: The Dogs of War, The (2001)
Incredible Hulk: Transformations, The (1996/2001)
Inhumans: Beware the Inhumans, The (2018)
Inhumans: By Right of Birth, The (2013)
Iron Fist Epic Collection TPB (2015)
Iron Fist: The Return of K'Un Lun (2015)
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2013)
Lancer Books (1966)
Karnak: The Flaw in All Things TPB (2017)
Life of Captain Marvel TPB, The (2019)
Marvel 2-In-One TPB vol.1 (2018)
Marvel 65th Anniversary Special (2004)
Marvel 75th Anniversary Omnibus (2014)
Marvel Comics TPB by Stan Lee (1983)
Marvel Fanfare: Strange Tales (2008)
Marvel Firsts Omnibus: The 1990s (2015)
Marvel Firsts: The 1970's vol.1 (2012)
Marvel Firsts: The 1980's vol.1 (2013)
Marvel Firsts: The 1990's vol.1 (2013)
Marvel Horror: The Magazine Collection (2017)
Marvel Knights Black Widow The Complete Collection (2018)
Marvel Knights Magazine vol.1 (2001)
Marvel Legacy Companion TPB (2018)
Marvel Legends Reprint vol.1 (2002)
Marvel Masterworks (1987)
Marvel Masterworks: Sgt. Fury TPB vol.1 (2013)
Marvel Masterworks: Iron Man TPB vol.1 (2010)
Marvel Milestone Edition: Iron Fist nš 14 (1992)
Marvel Milestones: Dragon Lord, Speedball & The Man in the Sky (2006)
Marvel Milestones: Iron Man, Ant-Man & Captain America (2005)
Marvel Milestones: Legion of Monsters, Spider-Man and Brother Voodoo (2006)
Marvel Milestones: Millie the Model and Patsy Walker (2006)
Marvel Milestones: Rawhide Kid and Two-Gun Kid (2006)
Marvel Must Haves: Incredible Hulk #34-36 (2003)
Marvel Must Haves: Incredible Hulk #50-52 (2003)
Marvel Must Haves: Ms. Marvel #39-41 (2009)
Marvel Mystery Comics - vol.2 (1999)
Marvel Premiere Classic vol.1 (2006)
Marvel Romance Redux vol.1 (2006)
Marvel Special Edition The Spectacular Spider-Man (1975)
Marvel Treasury Edition: Heroes of Power - The Women of Marvel (2016)
Marvel Two-In-One Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2018)
Marvel Universe Omnibus By John Byrne (2016)
Marvel Universe: The End TPB (2013)
Marvel Visionaries vol.1 (2002)
Marvel Westerns HC (2007)
Marvel: Your Universe vol.1 (2009)
Marvel's Greatest Superhero Battles (1978)
Master of Kung Epic Collection TPB - vol.1 (2018)
Master of Kung Fu Omnibus - vol.1 (2016)
Meet The Skrulls TPB (2019)
Mighty Marvel Must Haves vol.1 (2002)
Mighty Captain Marvel TPB, The vol.1 (2017)
Monster Masterworks (1989)
Monster of Frankenstein, The (2015)
Moon Knight Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2014)
Ms. Marvel Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2019)
Ms. Marvel HC vol.1 (2006)
Ms. Marvel TPB vol.1 (2007)
Mystique (2004)
Namor Visionaries: John Byrne vol.1 (2011)
New Avengers: Luke Cage - Town Without Pity, The (2010)
New Mutants: Back to School (2003)
New Mutants: Back to School - The Complete Collection (2018)
New Mutants Classic vol.1 (2006)
New Mutants Epic Collection TPB, The vol.1 (2017)
New Mutants: The Demon Bear Saga, The (1990)
Nick Fury vs. SHIELD TPB (1989)
Night Nurse (2015)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, The - vol.2 (1986)
Omega: The Unknown Classic (2005)
Onslaught TPB vol.1 (1996)
Origins of Marvel Comics (1974)
Origins of Marvel Comics: Revised Edition (1997)
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! TPB vol.1 (2016)
Pocket Books (1977)
Power Man and Iron Fist Epic Collection vol.1 (2015)
Power Pack Classic vol.1 (2009)
Power Pack: Origin Album (1988)
Punisher: An Eye for an Eye, The (1991)
Punisher: Back to the War Omnibus, The (2017)
Punisher: Barbarian with a Gun, The (2008)
Punisher: Circle of Blood, The (1988)
Punisher Collected Edition, The (2000)
Punisher Epic Collection TPB, The vol.1 (2017)
Punisher HC, The vol.1 (2002)
Punisher TPB vol.1 (2022)
Punisher TPB, The vol.1 (2001)
Punisher: In the Blood TPB (2011)
Punisher: Nightmare TPB (2013)
Punisher Omnibus by Garth Ennis, The (2008)
Punisher: Shadowmasters, The (2018)
Punisher TPB, The vol.1 (2001)
Punisher: River of Blood, The (2005)
Rawhide Kid: Slap Leather HC (2010)
Rawhide Kid: The Sensational Seven TPB (2011)
S.H.I.E.L.D. by Lee & Kirby: The Complete Collection (2015)
S.H.I.E.L.D. by Steranko: The Complete Collection (2013)
Savage Avengers TPB vol.1 (2019)
Savage Avengers TPB vol.2 (2022)
Savage Land, The (1987)
Secret Avengers HC vol.1 (2011)
Secret Invasion: Rise of the Skrulls (2018)
Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four TPB (2009)
Secret Warriors HC vol.1 (2009)
Sensational She-Hulk by Rainbow Rowell, The vol.1 (2024)
Sensational Spider-Man: Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut, The (1989)
Sgt. Fury Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2019)
She-Hulk by Rainbow Rowell vol.1 (2022)
Silver Surfer Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2014)
Silver Surfer: The Coming of Galactus Trade Paperback (1992)
Son of Origins of Marvel Comics (1975)
Son of Origins of Marvel Comics: Revised Edition (1997)
Spider-Man: Death of the Stacys TPB (2012)
Spider-Man/Iron Man: Marvel Team-Up TPB (2018)
Spider-Man: Son of the Goblin TPB (2004)
Spider-Man: The Complete Ben Reilly Epic vol.1 (2011)
Spider-Man: The Death of Captain Stacy Special (2000)
Spider-Man: The Death of Captain Stacy TPB (2004)
Spider-Man: The Death of Gwen Stacy TPB (1999)
Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister Six (1994)
Spider-Man: Spider-Hunt (2012)
Spider-Man: Torment (1992)
Spider-Woman TPB vol.1 (2016)
Squadron Supreme Classic Omnibus (2016)
Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (2006)
Squadron Supreme Omnibus By Mark Gruenwald (2010)
Squadron Supreme TPB (1997)
Stan Lee Meets (2007)
Stoker's Dracula HC (2005)
Superhero Women, The (1977)
Superhero Women, The (1977)
Tales of Asgard - vol.1 (1968)
Tales of Asgard - vol.2 (1984)
Thanos: Marvel Universe - The End (2004)
The Avengers: Disassembled HC (2006)
The Champions Classic vol.1 (2006)
The Death of Captain Marvel (1994)
The Invincible Iron Man: The Many Armors of Iron Man (2008)
The Life and Death of Captain Marvel (2002)
The Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection TPB vol.1 (2015)
The Man-Thing Omnibus vol.1 (2012)
The Punisher and Wolverine: African Saga (1990)
The Punisher: Suicide Run (2017)
The Punisher Premiere: Welcome Back Frank (2008)
The Punisher vs. Daredevil (2000)
The Punisher vs. the Marvel Universe (2016)
The Punisher War Zone TPB (2002)
The Punisher War Journal TPB By Carl Potts and Jim Lee (2016)
The Punisher War Journal Classic (2008)
The Son of Satan Classic (2016)
The Tomb of Dracula: Day of Blood! Night of Redemption! (2019)
The Tomb of Dracula Omnibus vol.1 (2008)
The Tomb of Dracula: The Complete Collection vol.1 (2017)
The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus vol.1 (2006)
The Variants TPB (2023)
The Villainy of Doctor Doom (1999)
Thor Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2013)
Thor Visionaries: Mike Deodato Jr. (2004)
Thor vs. Hulk: Champions of the Universe (2018)
Thor: Worldengine TPB (1996)
Thors TPB (2016)
Timely Comics: Doctor Strange (2016)
Timely Presents: The Human Torch (1999)
True Believers: Annihilation - Moondragon (2020)
True Believers: Annihilation - Odinpower (2020)
True Believers: Captain Marvel (2015)
True Believers: Conan - Serpent War nš 0: The Valley of the Worm (2020)
True Believers: Conan - The Secret of Skull River (2019)
True Believers: Empyre - Galactus (2020)
True Believers: Empyre - She-Hulk (2020)
True Believers: Exiles (2018)
True Believers: Fantastic Four by Walter Simonson (2018)
True Believers: Fantastic Four - What If? (2018)
True Believers: King In Black - Beta Ray Bill (2021)
True Believers: Marvel Tails Starring Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham (2019)
True Believers: Planet Hulk (2015)
True Believers: Thanos the First (2018)
True Believers: The Amazing Spider-Man (2019)
True Believers: The Amazing Spider-Man - Morbius (2019)
True Believers: The Amazing Spider-Man vs. Mysterio (2019)
True Believers: The Avengers - Stormbreaker (2019)
True Believers: The Criminally Insane - Bushman (2020)
True Believers: Thor (2015)
True Believers: Venom - Lethal Protector (2018)
True Believers: What If Conan the Barbarian Walked the Earth Today? (2019)
True Believers: What If Jane Foster Had Found the Hammer of Thor? (2018)
True Believers: What If the Avengers Had Fought Evil During the 1950s? (2018)
True Believers: What If the Fantastic Four Had Different Super-Powers? (2018)
True Believers: What If... the Alien Costume Had Possessed Spider-Man? (2018)
True Believers: Wolverine and the X-Men (2017)
True Believers: Wolverine - Evolution (2018)
True Believers: X-Men - Saturnyne (2020)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl TPB, The vol.1 (2015)
Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past, The (1989)
Venom: Death Trap, The Vault (1993)
Venom: Space Knight TPB vol.1 (2016)
Vision TPB, The vol.1 (2016)
Weirdworld: Warriors of the Shadow Realm (2015)
Werewolf by Night Omnibus (2015)
Werewolf by Night: The Complete Collection vol.1 (2017)
What If? Classic: The Complete Collection vol.1 (2004)
What If? Classic TPB vol.1 (2015)
Wolverine and the X-Men Premiere By Jason Aaron vol.1 (2012)
Wolverine and The X-Men TPB vol.1 (2012)
Wolverine Battles The Incredible Hulk (1989)
Wolverine Black and White vol.1 (2007)
Wolverine: Bloody Choices (1993)
Wolverine/Nick Fury: Scorpio (2012)
Wolverine/Elektra: The Redeemer (2002)
Wolverine Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2015)
Wolverine Omnibus (2009)
Wolverine: Patch TPB (2022)
Wolverine/Punisher TPB (2004)
Wolverine vs. The Punisher (2017)
Women of Marvel vol.1 (2006)
Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Magazine (2010)
Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Omnibus (2010)
Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades TPB (2010)
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2017)
X-Force Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2017)
X-Force: Omnibus (2013)
X-Men: Adamantium Collection (2014)
X-Men/Alpha Flight: The Gift (1998)
X-Men/Avengers: Onslaught Omnibus (2015)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2004)
X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.1 (2014)
X-Men: Fall of the Mutants (2002)
X-Men: Firsts (1996)
X-Men: From the Ashes (2001)
X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills (1994)
X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills - Special Edition (2003)
X-Men: Inferno (1996)
X-Men: Lost Tales (1997)
X-Men: Mutant Genesis (1995)
X-Men: Mutant Massacre (1996)
X-Men: Old Soldiers (2004)
X-Men: The Complete Onslaught Epic vol.1 (2007)
X-Men: The Asgardian Wars (1989)
X-Men: Vignettes (2001)
X-Men: Vignettes - vol.2 (2005)
X-Men vs. Hulk TPB (2014)
X-Treme X-Men TPB vol.1 (2004)