Julio 2007
Con fecha de portada de este mes se publicaron los siguientes cómics:
Avengers: The Initiative Vol.1 #2
Black Panther Vol.4 #28
Blade Vol.3 #9
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America vol.1 #3
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America vol.1 #4
Fantastic Four Vol.1 #546
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol.1 #20
Hulk Visionaries: Peter David vol.4
Iron Man: Director of SHIELD Vol.1 #18
Marvel Adventures Iron Man vol.1 #1
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Sub-Mariner vol.2 / Variant Edition #81
Marvel Zombies: Dead Days
Marvel Zombies Vs. Army of Darkness Vol.1 #3
Ms. Marvel Vol.2 #15
Newuniversal Vol.1 #6
New X-Men Vol.2 #38
Silent War Vol.1 #5
Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four vol.1 #2
The Amazing Spider-Girl Vol.1 #8
The Incredible Hulk Vol.2 #106
The Mighty Avengers Vol.1 #3
The New Avengers Vol.1 #30
The New Avengers: Illuminati Vol.2 #3
Ultimate Power Vol.1 #5
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1 #109
Ultimate Vision Vol.2 #4
Ultimate X-Men vol.1 #82
Wolverine vol.2 #54
Wolverine Black and White vol.1 #54
Wolverine: Origins vol.1 #14
World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker
X-23: Target X vol.1 #6
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