Black Panther Vol.1 #9
Captain America vol.1 #221
Captain Marvel vol.1 #56
Conan The Barbarian Vol.1 #86
Crazy vol.3 #37
Crazy vol.3 #38
Daredevil vol.1 #152
Devil Dinosaur vol.1 #2
Dynomutt vol.1 #4
Fantastic Four vol.1 #194
Godzilla vol.1 #10
Howard The Duck Vol.1 #24
John Carter, Warlord of Mars vol.1 #12
Machine Man vol.1 #2
Man from Atlantis vol.1 #4
Marvel Super-Heroes vol.1 #71
Marvel Super Special vol.1 #4
Marvel Tales vol.2 #91
Marvel Team-Up vol.1 #69
Marvel Triple Action vol.1 #41
Marvel Two-In-One vol.1 #39
Marvel's Greatest Comics vol.1 #77
Master of Kung Fu Vol.1 vol.1 #64
Ms. Marvel vol.1 #17
Nova vol.1 #19
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 #18
Rawhide Kid vol.1 #145
Red Sonja Vol.1 #9
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos vol.1 #146
Spider-Woman vol.1 #2
Spidey Super Stories Vol.1 #34
Star Wars vol.1 #11
Star Wars Weekly vol.1 #13
Star Wars Weekly vol.1 #14
Star Wars Weekly vol.1 #15
Star Wars Weekly vol.1 #16
Star Wars Weekly vol.1 #17
Super Spider-Man vol.1 #273
Super Spider-Man vol.1 #274
Super Spider-Man vol.1 #275
Super Spider-Man vol.1 #276
Super Spider-Man vol.1 #277
Tarzan: Lord of the Jungle vol.1 #12
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #180
The Avengers vol.1 #171
The Complete Fantastic Four vol.1 #32
The Complete Fantastic Four vol.1 #33
The Complete Fantastic Four vol.1 #34
The Complete Fantastic Four vol.1 #35
The Complete Fantastic Four vol.1 #36
The Defenders vol.1 #59
The Human Fly vol.1 #9
The Incredible Hulk Vol.1 #223
The Invaders Vol.1 #28
The Invincible Iron Man vol.1 #110
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #271
The Mighty World of Marvel vol.1 #292
The Mighty World of Marvel vol.1 #293
The Mighty World of Marvel vol.1 #294
The Mighty World of Marvel vol.1 #295
The Mighty World of Marvel vol.1 #296
The Savage Sword of Conan vol.1 #7
The Savage Sword of Conan vol.1 #29
The Tomb of Dracula vol.1 #64
Yogi Bear vol.1 #4