Emma Frost

Esta sección ofrece un listado de las apariciones cronológicas de cada personaje.
Estas fichas están parcialmente basadas en los listados de Marvel Chronology Project y Marvel Calendar.

Generation-X vol.1 #48 (flashback)
Emma Frost vol.1 #1 (se manifiestan sus poderes mutantes)
Emma Frost vol.1 #2
Generation-X vol.1 #24 (flashback) (tras las escenas) (internada en un asilo para niños ricos por sus padres)
X-Men vol.2 #13 (flashback)
X-Men vol.2 #14 (flashback)
X-Men vol.2 #15 (flashback)
Generation-X vol.1 #24 (flashback) (escapa del manicomio)
Emma Frost vol.1 #3
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 #6 (flashback)
Emma Frost vol.1 #4
Emma Frost vol.1 #5
Emma Frost vol.1 #6
X-Men vol.1 #139 (flashback) ~ Emma Frost vol.1 #6
Emma Frost vol.1 #6 (abandona la casa de sus padres)
X-Men vol.1 #139 (flashback)
Emma Frost vol.1 #7
Emma Frost vol.1 #8
Emma Frost vol.1 #9
Emma Frost vol.1 #10
Emma Frost vol.1 #10 (flashback)
Emma Frost vol.1 #10
Emma Frost vol.1 #11
Emma Frost vol.1 #12
Generation-X vol.1 #49 (flashback)
Generation-X vol.1 #49 (flashback)
Emma Frost vol.1 #13
Emma Frost vol.1 #14 (conoce a Astrid Bloom)
Emma Frost vol.1 #15 (desarrolla sus poderes)
Emma Frost vol.1 #16
Emma Frost vol.1 #17
Emma Frost vol.1 #18 (deja a Astrid Bloom en estado catatónico)
X-Men: Deadly Genesis vol.1 #5/2
Generation-X vol.1 #-1
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 #6 (flashback)
Generation-X vol.1 #23 (flashback)
X-Men vol.1 #139 (flashback)
X-Men: Hellfire Club vol.1 #4 (flashback)
X-Treme X-Men vol.1 #41 (flashback)
Classic X-Men vol.1 #7/2 (junto a Shaw, matan al Círculo Interno del Club Fuego Infernal)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #531 (flashback)
Uncanny X-Men Annual vol.2 #2 (flashback)
Classic X-Men vol.1 #34/2
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 #6 (flashback)

The X-Men #129 (primera aparición; intenta reclutar a Kitty Pryde para el Club Fuego Infernal y captura a Tormenta, Lobezno y Coloso)

The X-Men #130 (captura a Charles Xavier)
The X-Men #131 (se enfrenta a Fénix, que la da por muerta tras la caída de un edificio)
X-Force vol.1 #87
The Uncanny X-Men #151 (cambia su mente con Tormenta)

The Uncanny X-Men #152 (Tormenta vuelve a su cuerpo)

The Uncanny X-Men #154 (tras las escenas)
Firestar vol.1 #1 (descubre a Angelica Jones antes que Charles Xavier)
Amazing Spider-Man: Spirits of Earth (flashback)
The Uncanny X-Men #169 (sufre un ataque mental que la deja en estado catatónico)
The Uncanny X-Men Annual #7
The Uncanny X-Men #180 (recibe a Kitty y a Doug Ramsey en el avión que les ha de llevar a su academia)
The New Mutants vol.1 #15 (engaña a los Nuevos Mutantes para capturarlos)
The New Mutants vol.1 #16
The Uncanny X-Men #182
The New Mutants vol.1 #17 (los Nuevos Mutantes y Kitty huyen)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #502 (flashback)
Firestar vol.1 #2
Firestar vol.1 #3
Firestar vol.1 #4
The New Mutants #26 (prueba la ambición de Émpata y le dice que le colocará inhibidores síquicos en su cerebros)
Secret Wars II vol.1 #7
The New Mutants vol.1 #38 (ofrece su ayuda para los Nuevos Mutantes a Magneto que, manipulado por Émpata, la acepta)

The New Mutants vol.1 #39 (Magneto descubre que ha sido manipulado, pero advierte a las autoridades que ha descubierto que Magneto va a atacar a la academia)

The New Mutants vol.1 #40 (los Nuevos Mutantes vuelven con Magneto)
The Uncanny X-Men #210
The New Mutants vol.1 #51 (Magneto se convierte en Rey Blanco del Club Fuego Infernal)
The New Mutants vol.1 #53
The New Mutants vol.1 #54
The Uncanny X-Men #219
New Mutants vol.1 #56 (le dice a Émpata que utilice su poder para atraer a Amara)
New Mutants vol.1 #57 (Magma se une a los Infernales)
New Mutants vol.1 #62 (envía a Émpata con Amara)
X-Factor Annual #3
New Mutants Annual #4
New Mutants vol.1 #67 (tras las escenas)
New Mutants vol.1 #69
New Mutants vol.1 #70 (provoca a Shaw poniéndose a favor de Magneto contra él)
The New Mutants vol.1 #71
The New Mutants vol.1 #73
New Mutants vol.1 #74
New Mutants vol.1 #75
Generation-X vol.1 #43 (flashback)
Marvel Comics Presents vol.1 #78/4
Marvel Comics Presents vol.1 #82/2
New Warriors vol.1 #5 (es informada de una filtración en su red de seguridad que ha obtenido información acerca de Angelica Jones)
New Warriors vol.1 #8
New Warriors vol.1 #9
New Warriors vol.1 #10
New Warriors Annual #1/5
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #281 (invita a la Patrulla X al Club Fuego Infernal temiendo un ataque; Fitzroy asesina a Tobera y Músculos)

Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #282 (Jean Grey ocupa su cuerpo; Fitzroy mata al resto de Infernales)

Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #283
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #284 (Jean Grey vuelve a su cuerpo; queda en coma)
X-Men: Phoenix Warsong vol.1 #3 (flashback)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #310
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #311 (ocupa el cuerpo del Hombre de Hielo)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #312
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #313

Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #314 (descubre la muerte de los Infernales; Banshee le ofrece trabajar juntos)

Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #316
X-Men vol.1 #36
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #317
X-Men vol.1 #37
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #318 (se convierte en tutora de Generación-X)

Generation-X vol.1 #1 (empieza a dar clases al nuevo grupo)

Generation-X vol.1 #2
Generation-X vol.1 #3
X-Force vol.1 #42
Generation-X vol.1 #4
X-Men: Prime (tras las escenas)
Generation-X vol.1 #5 (tras las escenas)
Generation-X vol.1 #6
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #323
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #324
Generation-X vol.1 #7
Wolverine vol.2 #94
Generation-X vol.1 #8
Generation-X vol.1 #9
Uncanny X-Men '95
Generation-X '95
Generation-X vol.1 #10
Generation-X vol.1 #10 (flashback)
Generation-X vol.1 #11 (flashback)
Generation-X: Opening Volley (flashback)

Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #331 (el Hombre de Hielo pide su ayuda para controlar su poder)

Generation-X vol.1 #12
Generation-X vol.1 #13
Generation-X vol.1 #14
Generation-X vol.1 #15
Generation-X vol.1 #16
Generation-X vol.1 #17
Generation-X vol.1 #18
Generation-X vol.1 #19
Generation-X vol.1 #20
Generation-X vol.1 #21
Generation-X vol.1 #22
Generation-X vol.1 #23
X-Men '96
Generation-X '97
Generation-X vol.1 #24
Generation-X vol.1 #25
Generation-X vol.1 #26
Generation-X vol.1 #27
Generation-X vol.1 #28/2
Generation-X vol.1 #29
Generation-X vol.1 #30
Generation-X vol.1 #31
X-Men Unlimited vol.1 #16
Generation-X vol.1 #32
Generation-X vol.1 #33
Excalibur vol.1 #115
X-Force vol.1 #75 (flashback)
Generation-X vol.1 #34
Generation-X vol.1 #35
Generation-X vol.1 #36
Generation-X vol.1 #37
Generation-X vol.1 #38
Generation-X vol.1 #39
Generation-X vol.1 #40
X-Men vol.1 #77
Generation-X vol.1 #42
Generation-X vol.1 #43
Generation-X vol.1 #44
Generation-X vol.1 #45
Generation-X vol.1 #46
Generation-X vol.1 #47
Generation-X vol.1 #48
Generation-X vol.1 #49 (pide ayuda a su hermana Adrienne, que se convierte a cambio en la nueva directora)
Generation-X '98
Generation-X vol.1 #50
X-Man vol.1 #50
Generation-X vol.1 #51
X-Men Unlimited vol.1 #23
Generation-X vol.1 #52
Generation-X vol.1 #53
Generation-X vol.1 #54
Generation-X vol.1 #55 (tras las escenas)
Generation-X vol.1 #56
Wolverine vol.2 #141
Generation-X vol.1 #57
Generation-X vol.1 #58
Generation-X '99
Generation-X vol.1 #59
New Warriors vol.2 #5
Generation-X vol.1 #60
Generation-X vol.1 #61
Generation-X vol.1 #67
Generation-X vol.1 #68
Generation-X vol.1 #69 (flashback)
Generation-X vol.1 #69
Generation-X vol.1 #70 (mata a Adrienne)
Generation-X vol.1 #63
Generation-X vol.1 #64
Generation-X vol.1 #74
Generation-X vol.1 #71

Generation-X vol.1 #75 (Generación X se disuelve)

The Invincible Iron Man vol.3 #37

Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #13 (flashback) (Cassandra Nova le explica sus planes para Genosha)

X-Men vol.1 #115
X-Men vol.1 #116 (experimenta su mutación secundaria)
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 #6 (flashback)
X-Men '01
X-Men vol.1 #139 (flashback)
X-Men '01
Marvel Universe: The End vol.1 #1
Marvel Universe: The End vol.1 #4
Marvel Universe: The End vol.1 #5
X-Men vol.1 #117
X-Men vol.1 #118
X-Men vol.1 #119
X-Men vol.1 #120
X-Men vol.1 #121
X-Men vol.1 #122
X-Men vol.1 #123
X-Men vol.1 #124
X-Men vol.1 #125
X-Men vol.1 #126
Order vol.1 #5
X-Men vol.1 #128 (Scott empieza una terapia con ella en la que le habla de sus problemas conyugales)
Weapon X: the Draft: Sauron
X-Treme X-Men: X-Pose vol.1 #1
X-Men vol.1 #131
X-Treme X-Men vol.1 #20
X-Treme X-Men vol.1 #21
X-Treme X-Men vol.1 #22
X-Treme X-Men vol.1 #23
X-Men Unlimited vol.1 #42
X-Men vol.1 #134
X-Men vol.1 #135
X-Men vol.1 #136
X-Men vol.1 #137
X-Men vol.1 #138

X-Men vol.1 #139 (es atacada por Jean Grey)

X-Men vol.1 #140
X-Men vol.1 #141
Cable & Deadpool vol.1 #6
New Mutants vol.2 #7 (tras las escenas)
New Mutants vol.2 #8
Cable & Deadpool vol.1 #7
Cable & Deadpool vol.1 #8
New Mutants vol.2 #10 (sus estudiantes escogen nombre código)
New X-Men vol.1 #146
New X-Men vol.1 #150
X-Men vol.1 #155 (empieza oficialmente su relación con Scott)
X-Men vol.1 #156
X-Men vol.1 #157
X-Men vol.1 #159
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 #11
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #442
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #444
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #446
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #447
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 #1/2
Cable & Deadpool vol.2 #9
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 #2/2
Nightcrawler vol.3 #6
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #1
X4 vol.1 #1
X4 vol.1 #2
X4 vol.1 #3
X4 vol.1 #5
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #2
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #3
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #4
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #5
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #6
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 #4/2
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 #6
New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 #1
New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 #2
New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 #3
New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 #4
New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 #5
New X-Men: Academy X vol.1 #6
New X-Men: Academy X vol.1 #8
New X-Men: Academy X vol.1 #9
X-Men vol.1 #203 (flashback)
X-Men vol.1 #165
Marvel Knights Spider-Man vol.1 #6
X-Men: Phoenix Endsong vol.1 #1
X-Men: Phoenix Endsong vol.1 #2
X-Men: Phoenix Endsong vol.1 #3
X-Men: Phoenix Endsong vol.1 #4
X-Men: Phoenix Endsong vol.1 #5
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #452
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #453
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #454
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #455
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 #7/2
Rogue vol.3 #11
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #459
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #460 (páginas 1 - 14)
New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 #10
New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 #11
New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 #12
Wolverine vol.3 #21 (tras las escenas)
Wolverine vol.3 #23
Wolverine vol.3 #25
New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 #13
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #460 (páginas 15 - 22)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #461
Wolverine vol.3 #30
New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 #14
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #7
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #8
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #9
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #10
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #11
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #12 (se reencuentra con Cassandra Nova)
Marvel Team-Up vol.3 #5
The New Avengers vol.1 #8
The New Avengers vol.1 #9
The New Avengers vol.1 #10
Nightcrawler vol.3 #7
Nightcrawler vol.3 #8
Nightcrawler vol.3 #9
New X-Men: Hellions vol.1 #1
Gambit vol.4 #10
New X-Men: Hellions vol.1 #4
New X-Men: Academy X vol.1 #10
X-Men Unlimited vol.2 #10
X-Men vol.1 #171
Nightcrawler vol.3 #12
X-Men vol.1 #172
X-Men: Colossus Bloodline vol.1 #1
X-Men vol.1 #173
X-Men vol.1 #174
Uncanny X-Men: Gals on the Run (flashback)
Uncanny X-Men: Gals on the Run
X-Men vol.1 #175
Black Panther vol.4 #8
X-Men vol.1 #176
Black Panther vol.4 #9
House of M vol.1 #1
New Avengers vol.1 #42 (flashback)
House of M vol.1 #1
House of M vol.1 #2
House of M vol.1 #4
House of M vol.1 #5
Giant-Size Ms. Marvel vol.1 #1 (flashback)
House of M vol.1 #5
Captain America vol.5 #10
House of M vol.1 #6
House of M vol.1 #7
House of M vol.1 #8 ~ New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 #20
Decimation: House of M the Day After

New X-Men vol.1 #20 (tras el Día de M le dice a Danielle Moonstar que no tiene sitio en la escuela)

X-Men vol.1 #177
X-Men vol.1 #178
X-Men vol.1 #179
X-Men vol.1 #180
X-Men: the 198 vol.1 #1
X-Men: the 198 vol.1 #2
New X-Men vol.1 #21
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #466
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #467
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #468
New X-Men vol.1 #23 (el autobús que se llevaba a los antiguos mutantes es destruido por un misil)
New X-Men vol.1 #24
Claws vol.1 #1
Claws vol.1 #3
Wolverine vol.3 #36
Wolverine: Origins vol.1 #4
Wolverine: Origins vol.1 #5
Wolverine: Origins vol.1 #6
X-Men: the 198 vol.1 #4
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #473
Marvel Team-Up vol.3 #21
X-Men vol.1 #183
X-Men vol.1 #185
X-Men vol.1 #186
Free Comic Book Day 2006 (X-Men/ Runaways)
X-Men vol.1 #187
X-Men: Phoenix Warsong vol.1 #1
X-Men: Phoenix Warsong vol.1 #2

X-Men: Phoenix Warsong vol.1 #3 (descubre que utilizaron sus óvulos para engendrar a las Cucos)

X-Men: Phoenix Warsong vol.1 #4
X-Men: Phoenix Warsong vol.1 #5
X-Men: Deadly Genesis vol.1 #1
X-Men: Deadly Genesis vol.1 #2
X-Men: Deadly Genesis vol.1 #3
X-Men: Deadly Genesis vol.1 #5
X-Men: Deadly Genesis vol.1 #6
White Tiger vol.1 #4
Civil War vol.1 #1
Wolverine vol.3 #42
Civil War vol.1 #2
Civil War vol.1 #3
New X-Men vol.1 #25
New X-Men vol.1 #26
New X-Men Vol.2 #42 (flashback)
New X-Men vol.1 #28
New X-Men vol.1 #29
New X-Men vol.1 #31
Black Panther vol.4 #18
New X-Men vol.1 #32
X-Men vol.1 #188
Wolverine vol.3 #46 (flashback)
Wisdom vol.1 #1
Civil War: X-Men vol.1 #1
Civil War: X-Men vol.1 #2
Black Panther vol.4 #22 (flashback)
X-Men vol.1 #189
X-Men vol.1 #190
X-Men vol.1 #191
X-Men vol.1 #193
X-Men vol.1 #194
New Excalibur vol.1 #16
New X-Men vol.1 #33
New X-Men vol.1 #34
X-Men: Endangered Species
New X-Men Vol.2 #41
X-Men vol.1 #200
X-Men vol.1 #201
X-Men vol.1 #202
X-Men vol.1 #203
X-Men vol.1 #204
World War Hulk: X-Men vol.1 #1
World War Hulk: X-Men vol.1 #2
World War Hulk: X-Men vol.1 #3
New X-Men Vol.2 #42
New X-Men Vol.2 #43
Wolverine vol.3 #55
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #13
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #14
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #15
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #16
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #17
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #18
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #19
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #20
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #21
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #22
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #23
Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men vol.1 #1
X-Men: Messiah Complex
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #492
New X-Men Vol.2 #44 (tras las escenas)
X-Men vol.1 #205
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #493
New X-Men Vol.2 #45
X-Men vol.1 #206
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #494
X-Factor Vol.2 #27
New X-Men Vol.2 #46

X-Men vol.1 #207 (Cíclope disuelve la Patrulla-X)

X-Men: Divided We Stand vol.1 #1/4 (flashback)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #495 (flashback)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #495
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #496
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #497
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #498
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #499
X-Men Legacy vol.1 #210
Free Comic Book Day: X-Men
X-Men: Manifest Destiny vol.1 #1/3
X-Men: Manifest Destiny vol.1 #2/3
Cable vol.3 #6 (flashback)
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #215
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #216
X-Men: Original Sin vol.1 #1
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #500
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #501
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #502
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #503
Young X-Men vol.1 #7 (flashback)
Secret Invasion: X-Men vol.1 #1
Secret Invasion: X-Men vol.1 #2 (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Secret Invasion: X-Men vol.1 #2
Secret Invasion: X-Men vol.1 #3
Secret Invasion: X-Men vol.1 #4
Marvel Divas vol.1 #1
X-Men: Worlds Apart vol.1 #3
X-Men: Worlds Apart vol.1 #4
Wolverine: Origins vol.1 #33
Wolverine: Origins vol.1 #34
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #504
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #505
Secret Invasion: Dark Reign vol.1 #0
Secret Invasion vol.1 #8 ~ Secret Invasion: Dark Reign vol.1 #0
Secret Invasion: Dark Reign vol.1 #0
Dark Reign: the Cabal #1/2
Secret Invasion: Dark Reign vol.1 #0
Uncanny X-Men Annual vol.2 #2
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #25
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #26
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #27
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #28
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #29
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #30
Dark Reign: the Hood vol.1 #2
Dark Avengers vol.1 #6
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #506 (páginas 1 - 20)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #507 (página 3)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #506 (página 22)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #507 (páginas 4 - 21)
Cable vol.3 #7
Cable vol.3 #8
Cable vol.3 #9
Cable vol.3 #10
X-Infernus vol.1 #1
X-Infernus vol.1 #2
Fantastic Four vol.1 #569
The Mighty Avengers vol.1 #24
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #508
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #509
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #510
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #511
Runaways vol.3 #10/1
Dark Avengers/ Uncanny X-Men: Exodus (flashback)
Dark X-Men: the Confession
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #31
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #32
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #33
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #34
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #35
X-Men: Manifest Destiny: Nightcrawler
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis vol.1 #1
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis vol.1 #2
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis vol.1 #3
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis vol.1 #4
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis vol.1 #5
Wolverine: the Best There Is vol.1 #7
Wolverine: the Best There Is vol.1 #10
Wolverine: the Best There Is vol.1 #12 (flashback)
Wolverine: the Best There Is vol.1 #11
Wolverine: the Best There Is vol.1 #12
Dark Avengers - Uncanny X-Men: Utopia
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #513
Dark Avengers vol.1 #7
Dark X-Men: the Beginning vol.1 #3/1
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #514

Dark Avengers vol.1 #8 (traiciona a Norman Osborn; Scott crea Utopía)

Dark Avengers/ Uncanny X-Men: Exodus
X-Men: Legacy Annual #1
Dark Reign: the List: X-Men
Nation X vol.1 #4/4
Deadpool vol.4 #16
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #515
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #516
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #517
Nation X vol.1 #1/1
Nation X vol.1 #1/3
X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back! vol.1 #2
X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back! vol.1 #3
X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back! vol.1 #4
X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas vol.1 #1/1
X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas vol.1 #2/1
X-Factor: Nation X
Nation X vol.1 #3/3 (flashback)
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #518
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #519
Wolverine Weapon X vol.1 #10
X-Necrosha vol.1 #1
X-Force vol.3 #21
X-Force vol.3 #22
X-Force vol.3 #23
X-Force vol.3 Annual #1/2
X-Force vol.3 #25
Wolverine: Origins vol.1 #42
New Mutants vol.2 #9
New Mutants vol.2 #10
S.W.O.R.D. vol.1 #2
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #520
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #521
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #522
Doomwar vol.1 #1
Heralds vol.1 #1
Heralds vol.1 #2
Heralds vol.1 #3 (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Heralds vol.1 #3
Heralds vol.1 #4
Heralds vol.1 #5
The Sentry: Fallen Sun
Nation X vol.1 #4/2
Doomwar vol.1 #6
Psylocke vol.1 #1
X-Men: Second Coming vol.1 #1
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #523
X-Men Legacy vol.1 #235
X-Force vol.3 #26
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #524
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #236
X-Force vol.3 #27
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #525
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #237
X-Force vol.3 #28
X-Men Second Coming vol.1 #2/1
X-Men Second Coming vol.1 #2/2
Deadpool & Cable vol.1 #26
X-Men Second Coming vol.1 #2/4
Uncanny X-Men : The Heroic Age (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Uncanny X-Men : The Heroic Age
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #242 (flashback)
Chaos War vol.1 #1/1
Wolverine vol.4 #5.1 (flashback) (tras las escenas)
New Mutants vol.2 #20
New Mutants vol.2 #21
X-Men: To Serve and Protect vol.1 #3/4
X-Men vol.2 #2
Curse of the Mutants: Storm & Gambit (flashback)
Curse of the Mutants: Storm & Gambit
X-Men vol.2 #3
Namor: the First Mutant vol.1 #2
Curse of the Mutants: X-Men vs. Vampire vol.1 #2/4
Curse of the Mutants: Smoke and Blood
X-Men vol.2 #4
X-Men vol.2 #5
X-Men vol.2 #6
Young Allies vol.2 #6
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #526/1
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #527
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #528
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #529 (páginas 1 - 16)
Generation Hope vol.1 #4
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #530 (flashback)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #529 (páginas 17 - 22)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #530
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #531
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #532
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #533
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #534
X-Men: To Serve and Protect vol.1 #1/2
Generation Hope vol.1 #5
X-Men: To Serve and Protect vol.1 #4/2 (tras las escenas)
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #36
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #37
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #39
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #41
Curse of the Mutants: Wolverine & Jubilee vol.1 #1
Curse of the Mutants: Wolverine & Jubilee vol.1 #4
Uncanny X-Men Annual vol.2 #3
Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier Annual #1
Namor: the First Mutant Annual #1
Fantastic Four vol.1 #584
Fantastic Four vol.1 #588/1
X-23 vol.2 #1
X-23 vol.2 #3
Wolverine vol.4 #5/1
Wolverine vol.4 #6 (flashback)
Wolverine vol.4 #6
Wolverine vol.4 #7
Wolverine vol.4 #8
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #534.1
New Mutants vol.2 #25
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #535
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #536
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #537
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #244
Age of X: Universe vol.1 #1 (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Age of X: Universe vol.1 #2 (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Age of X: Alpha (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Age of X: Alpha (tras las escenas)
Age of X: Universe vol.1 #1 (tras las escenas)
Age of X: Universe vol.1 #2 (tras las escenas)
Age of X: Universe vol.1 #3 (tras las escenas)
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #245
New Mutants vol.2 #22 (tras las escenas)
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #246 (tras las escenas)
New Mutants vol.2 #23 (tras las escenas)
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #247 (tras las escenas)
New Mutants vol.2 #24
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #248
Namor: the First Mutant vol.1 #6 (flashback)
Namor: the First Mutant vol.1 #6
Namor: the First Mutant vol.1 #11
X-Men Giant-Size vol.1 #1
X-Men vol.2 #12
X-Men vol.2 #13
X-Men vol.2 #14
X-Men vol.2 #15
New Mutants vol.2 #28
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #43
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #540
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #541
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #542
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #543
Avengers: The Children's Crusade vol.1 #6
Avengers: The Children's Crusade vol.1 #7
Avengers: The Children's Crusade vol.1 #8
Avengers: The Children's Crusade vol.1 #9
Avengers vol.4 #24.1
X-Men vol.2 #7
X-Men vol.2 #8
X-Men vol.2 #9
X-Men vol.2 #10
Herc vol.1 #7
Herc vol.1 #8
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #670
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #672
Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #673
Fear Itself: the Fearless vol.1 #8
Wolverine vol.4 #16
X-Men vol.2 #16
X-Men vol.2 #17
X-Men vol.2 #18
X-Men vol.2 #19
X-Men: Schism vol.1 #1
X-Men: Prelude To Schism vol.1 #1 (página 1)
X-Men: Prelude To Schism vol.1 #1 (página 2) (tras las escenas)
X-Men: Prelude To Schism vol.1 #2
X-Men: Prelude To Schism vol.1 #1 (páginas 3 - 22)
X-Men: Prelude To Schism vol.1 #3
X-Men: Schism vol.1 #2
Generation Hope vol.1 #10 (páginas 5 - 11)
X-Men: Schism vol.1 #3 (páginas 1 - 6)
Generation Hope vol.1 #10 (página 13)
X-Men: Schism vol.1 #3 (páginas 8 - 12)
X-Men: Schism vol.1 #3 (páginas 13 - 16) ~ Generation Hope vol.1 #10 (páginas 15 - 16)
X-Men: Schism vol.1 #3 (páginas 18 - 22)
X-Men: Schism vol.1 #4
X-Men: Schism vol.1 #5 (páginas 1 - 12)
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #250/2 (flashback)
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #259
X-Men Regenesis
X-Men: Schism vol.1 #5 (páginas 18 - 23)
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #260
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #544

Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #1 (miembro del Equipo Extinción; pierde un brazo en su forma de diamante)

Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #2
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #3
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #44
Astonishing X-Men vol.3 #47
Fantastic Four vol.1 #600/1
X-Club vol.1 #1
X-Club vol.1 #2
X-Club vol.1 #3
X-Club vol.1 #4
X-Club vol.1 #5
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #8
Avengers Academy vol.1 #22
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #9
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #10
Generation Hope vol.1 #13
Generation Hope vol.1 #14
Generation Hope vol.1 #15
Generation Hope vol.1 #16
Generation Hope vol.1 #17
Magneto: Not a Hero vol.1 #1
Magneto: Not a Hero vol.1 #4
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #0
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #1 (páginas 1 - 22)
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #11 (páginas 1 - 4)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #1 (páginas 24 - 26)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #1 (páginas 27 - 31) ~ Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #11 (páginas 5 - 7)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #1 (páginas 32 - 34)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #2 (página 1)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #2 (página 2 viñeta 1) ~ Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #11 (página 8 viñeta 2)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #2 (páginas 6 - 21)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #3 (página 3 - 7)
Wolverine & the X-Men vol.1 #10
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #12 (páginas 1 - 3)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #4 (páginas 8 - 15)
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #12 (páginas 19 - 20)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #4 (páginas 20 - 22)
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #13 (página 1)

Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #5

Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #13 (página 20)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #5
Avengers Academy vol.1 #32 (video)
Avengers Academy vol.1 #32
Avengers Academy vol.1 #33
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #6
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #6 (flashback)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #6
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #15
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #16
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #17
Avengers vol.4 #28
Wolverine & the X-Men vol.1 #13
Wolverine & the X-Men vol.1 #16
AvX: Vs vol.1 #5/1
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #7 (páginas 1 - 14)
AvX: Vs vol.1 #4/2
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #7 (páginas 18 - 20)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #8
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #18
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #9
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #10

Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 #11

The Avengers vol.4 #30
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 #19
New Avengers vol.2 #30
AvX: Consequences vol.1 #3
All-New X-Men vol.1 #3 (flashback) (es liberada por Cíclope y Magneto)
All-New X-Men vol.1 #1
All-New X-Men vol.1 #3
All-New X-Men vol.1 #4
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #1 (flashback)
All-New X-Men vol.1 #9
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #2
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #3
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #4 (páginas 1 - 9, 12 - 13) ~ All-New X-Men vol.1 #10 (página 5 viñeta 1 - página 11)
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #4 (páginas 14 - 20)
All-New X-Men vol.1 #10 (páginas 19 - 20)
All-New X-Men vol.1 #11
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #4 (páginas 22)
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #5 (flashback)
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #5
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #6
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #7 (flashback)
Uncanny X-Force vol.2 #13
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #8
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #9
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #10
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #11
A+X vol.1 #13/2
A+X vol.1 #15/2
A+X vol.1 #16/2
A+X vol.1 #17/2
A+X vol.1 #18/2
X-Men: Legacy vol.2 #15
X-Men: Legacy vol.2 #16
X-Men: Legacy vol.2 #17
X-Men: Legacy vol.2 #18
X-Men: Legacy vol.1 #300 (flashback)
X-Men: Legacy vol.2 #22
X-Men: Battle of the Atom vol.1 #1
All-New X-Men vol.1 #16
X-Men vol.3 #5
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #12
Wolverine & The X-Men vol.1 #36
All-New X-Men vol.1 #17
X-Men vol.3 #6
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #13
Wolverine & The X-Men vol.1 #37
X-Men: Battle of the Atom vol.1 #2
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #14
All-New X-Men vol.1 #18 (página 2)
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #18 (flashback) (página 12)
All-New X-Men vol.1 #18 (páginas 3 - 13)
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #18 (flashback) (páginas 15 - 18)
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #15.INH
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #16
Wolverine & the X-Men vol.1 #38
Amazing X-Men vol.2 #6
Revolutionary War: Omega
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #17
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #18
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #19.NOW
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #20
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #21
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #22
Original Sin vol.1 #1
Original Sin vol.1 #2
Original Sin vol.1 #3
Original Sin vol.1 #4
Original Sin vol.1 #5
Original Sin vol.1 #6
Original Sin vol.1 #7
Original Sin vol.1 #8
X-Men: No More Humans vol.1 #1
All-New X-Men vol.1 #27
All-New X-Men vol.1 #28
All-New X-Men vol.1 #29
All-New X-Men vol.1 #30
All-New X-Men vol.1 #31
All-New X-Men vol.1 #37 (le dice a Jean Grey que casi ha recuperado sus poderes)
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #31
The Uncanny X-Men vol.3 #32 (flashback)
The Uncanny X-Men vol.1 #600

Copyright © Marvel Characters, Inc. New York