Universos Alternativos
’Nam, The vol.1 (1986)
’Nam Magazine, The vol.1 (1988)
’Nam TPB, The vol.1 (1987)
5 Ronin vol.1 (2011)
Abominations Vol.1 (1996)
Adventures of Spider-Man, The vol.1 (1996)
Age of Apocalypse vol.1 (2012)
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, The vol.2 (2017)
Amazing Spider-Man The Great Newspaper Strip Pocket Books, The vol.1 (1980)
Avengers K vol.1 (2016)
Avengers of the Wastelands vol.1 (2020)
Avengers: Twilight vol.1 (2024)
Cosmic Ghost Rider vol.1 (2018)
Cosmic Ghost Rider vol.2 (2023)
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History vol.1 (2019)
Daredevil: End of Days vol.1 (2012)
Dead Man Logan vol.1 (2019)
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe - vol.1 (2012)
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again - vol.1 (2017)
Deadpool: Killustrated - vol.1 (2013)
Deadpool Pulp - vol.1 (2010)
Deadpool vs. X-Force - vol.1 (2014)
Deadpool: Wade Wilson's War - vol.1 (2010)
Deadpool's Art of War - vol.1 (2014)
Deathlok: The Demolisher - vol.1 (2010)
Dino Riders - vol.1 (1989)
Edge of Spider-Geddon - vol.1 (2018)
Edge of Spider-Verse - vol.1 (2014)
Edge of Venomverse - vol.1 (2017)
Fantastic Four: Grand Design - vol.1 (2019)
Ghost-Spider - vol.1 (2019)
Ghost-Spider Annual - vol.1 (2019)
Hero - vol.1 (1990)
Iron Man Noir vol.1 (2010)
Loki vol.1 (2004)
Luke Cage Noir vol.1 (200)
Machine Man vol.1 (1984)
Maestro vol.1 (2020)
Maestro: Symphony in a Gamma Key TPB (2021)
Maestro: War & Pax vol.1 (2020)
Maestro: War and Pax TPB (2021)
Maestro: World War M vol.1 (2022)
Maestro: World War M TPB (2022)
Marvel 1602 (2003)
Marvel 1602: New World (2005)
Marvel Mangaverse: The Punisher (2002)
Marvel Tsum Tsum vol.1 (2016)
Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher vol.1 (2010)
Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher HC (2010)
Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher TPB (2011)
Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine vol.1 (2011)
Marvel Zombies vol.1 (2006)
Marvel Zombies 5 vol.1 (2010)
Marvel Zombies Christmas Carol vol.1 (2011)
Marvel Zombies: Dead Days vol.1 (2007)
Marvel Zombies: Destroy! vol.1 (2012)
Marvel Zombies: Resurrection vol.1 (2019)
Marvel Zombies: The Covers (2007)
Marvel Zombies Vs. Army of Darkness vol.1 (2007)
Mega Morphs vol.1 (2005)
New Mutants Forever, The vol.1 (2010)
Night of the Living Deadpool vol.1 (2014)
Nth Man The Ultimate Ninja vol.1 (1989)
Old Man Hawkeye vol.1 (2019)
Old Man Quill vol.1 (2019)
Powerless vol.1 (2004)
Punisher: A Man Named Frank, The (1994)
Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe, The (1995)
Punisher Noir vol.1 (2009)
Return of the Living Deadpool vol.1 (2015)
Secret Warps: Arachknight Annual - Vol.1 (2019)
Secret Warps: Ghost Panther Annual - Vol.1 (2019)
Secret Warps: Iron Hammer Annual - Vol.1 (2019)
Secret Warps: Soldier Supreme Annual - Vol.1 (2019)
Secret Warps: Weapon Hex Annual - Vol.1 (2019)
Semper Fi’ - Vol.1 (1988)
Space: Punisher - Vol.1 (2012)
Spider-Gwen - Vol.1 (2015)
Spider-Gwen - Vol.2 (2015)
Spider-Gwen Annual - Vol.1 (2016)
Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider - Vol.1 (2018)
Spider-Man - Vol.3 (2019)
Spider-Man Annual presents Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham, The vol.1 (2019)
Spider-Man: Clone Saga - Vol.1 (2005)
Spider-Man: India - Vol.1 (2005)
Spider-Man: Life Story - vol.1 (2019)
Spider-Man: Life Story Annual - vol.1 (2021)
Spider-Man Magazine - vol.1 (1994)
Spider-Man Magazine for Kids - vol.1 (1996)
Spider-Man Noir - vol.1 (2009)
Spider-Man Noir - vol.2 (2020)
Spider-Man Noir: Twilight in Babylon (2020)
Spider-Man: Reign - Vol.1 (2007)
Spidey - Vol.1 (2016)
Squadron Supreme - Vol.1 (1985)
Steeltown Rockers - Vol.1 (1990)
Strange Tales - Vol.4 (2009)
Street-Poet-Ray - Vol.1 (1990)
Strikeforce: Morituri - Vol.1 (1986)
Strikeforce: Morituri - Electric Undertow - Vol.1 (1989)
Thor: For Asgard vol.1 (2010)
What If? Age of Ultron vol.1 (2014)
What If... AvX vol.1 (2010)
Wolverine: Revenge vol.1 (2024)
Wolverine: Revenge Red Band vol.1 (2024)
X-Campus vol.1 (2010)
X-Factor Forever vol.1 (2010)
X-Men '92 vol.2 (2016)
X-Men: Grand Design vol.1 (2018)
X-Men: Grand Design - Second Genesis vol.1 (2018)
X-Men: Grand Design - X-Tinction vol.1 (2019)
X-Men Forever vol.2 (2009)
X-Men Forever Annual vol.1 (2010)
X-Men Forever Giant Size vol.1 (2010)
X-Men: The End - vol.1 (2004)
X-Men: The End - vol.2 (2005)
You Are Deadpool vol.1 (2018)
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