'Nam vol.1, The (1986)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1 (1963)
1602 Witch Hunter Angela vol.1 (2015)
1602: Fantastick Four vol.1 (2006)
1872 vol.1 (2015)
2001: A Space Odyssey vol.1 (1976)
2099 A.D. (1995)
2099 A.D.: Apocalypse (1995)
2099 A.D.: Genesis (1996)
2099 Alpha (2020)
2099 Omega (2020)
2099 Unlimited vol.1 (1993)
5 Ronin vol.1 (2011)
A-Babies Vs. X-Babies (2012)
A-Force Vol.1 (2015)
A-Force Vol.2 (2016)
A-Team vol.1, The (1984)
A Mighty Marvel Team-Up: Spider-Man - Animals Assemble! (2023)
A Mighty Marvel Team-Up: Spider-Man - Quantum Quest! (2024)
A.X.E.: Avengers (2022)
A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants vol.1 (2022)
A.X.E.: Eternals (2022)
A.X.E.: Eve of Judgment (2022)
A.X.E.: Judgment Day Omega (2023)
A.X.E.: Judgment Day vol.1 (2022)
A.X.E.: Starfox (2022)
A.X.E.: X-Men (2022)
A+X vol.1 (2012)
Abominations Vol.1 (1996)
Absolute Carnage vol.1 (2019)
Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool vol.1 (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Captain Marvel (2020)
Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors vol.1 (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales vol.1 (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Scream vol.1 (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Symbiote of Vengeance (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Symbiote Spider-Man (2019)
Absolute Carnage: The Avengers (2019)
Absolute Carnage: The Immortal Hulk (2019)
Absolute Carnage: Weapon Plus (2020)
Adventure Into Fear vol.1 (1972)
Adventure Into Mystery vol.1 (1956)
Adventures into Terror vol.1 (1950)
Adventures into Weird Worlds vol.1 (1952)
Adventures of Captain America Vol.1 (1991)
Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix Vol.1, The (1994)
Adventures of Spider-Man vol.1, The (1996)
Adventures on the Planet of the Apes vol.1 (1975)
Age of Apocalypse vol.1 (2012)
Age of Apocalypse vol.2 (2015)
Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen (1995)
Age of Conan: Bêlit vol.1 (2019)
Age of Conan: Valeria vol.1 (2019)
Age of Heroes vol.1 (2010)
Age of Innocence: The Rebirth of Iron Man (1996)
Age of Ultron vol.1 (2013)
Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies vol.1 (2015)
Age of X-Man Alpha (2019)
Age of X-Man Omega (2019)
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse and The X-Tracts vol.1 (2019)
Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men vol.1 (2019)
Age of X-Man: Nextgen vol.1 (2019)
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X vol.1 (2019)
Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler vol.1 (2019)
Age of X-Man: X-Tremists vol.1 (2019)
Age of X Alpha (2011)
Age of X: Universe vol.1 (2011)
Agent Carter: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary (2015)
Agent X vol.1 (2002)
Agents of Atlas vol.1 (2006)
Agents of Atlas vol.2 (2009)
Agents of Atlas vol.3 (2019)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. vol.1 (2016)
Alf Annual vol.1 (1988)
Alf vol.1 (1988)
Alias Vol.1 (2001)
Alice Cooper: The Last Temptation vol.1 (1994)
Alien Annual vol.1 (2022)
Alien Annual vol.2 (2023)
Alien Legion vol.1, The (1984)
Alien Legion vol.2 (1987)
Alien vol.1 (2021)
Alien vol.2 (2022)
Alien vol.3 (2023)
Alien vol.4 (2024)
All-New Captain America Special (2015)
All-New Captain America vol.1 (2015)
All-New Captain America: Fear Him vol.1 (2015)
All-New Doop vol.1 (2014)
All-New Ghost Rider vol.1 (2014)
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy Annual vol.1 (2017)
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1 (2017)
All-New Hawkeye vol.1 (2015)
All-New Hawkeye vol.2 (2016)
All-New Inhumans vol.1 (2016)
All-New Invaders Vol.1 (2014)
All-New Marvel Now! Point One (2014)
All-New Miracleman Annual vol.1 (2015)
All-New Savage She-Hulk vol.1 (2009)
All-New Ultimates Vol.1 (2014)
All-New Wolverine Annual vol.1 (2016)
All-New Wolverine vol.1 (2016)
All-New X-Factor Vol.1 (2014)
All-New X-Men #1.MU (2017)
All-New X-Men Annual vol.1 (2015)
All-New X-Men Annual vol.2 (2017)
All-New X-Men Vol.1 (2013)
All-New X-Men Vol.2 (2016)
All-New, All-Different Avengers Annual vol.1 (2016)
All-New, All-Different Avengers vol.1 (2016)
All-New, All-Different Marvel Point One (2015)
All-Out Avengers vol.1 (2022)
All Access Vol.1 (1996)
All New Exiles vol.1, The (1995)
All New Exiles vs. X-Men, The (1995)
All Winners Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
Alpha Flight / Inhumans '98 (1998)
Alpha Flight Annual vol.1 (1986)
Alpha Flight Minus 1: In The Beginning (1997)
Alpha Flight Special (1992)
Alpha Flight vol.1 (1983)
Alpha Flight vol.2 (1997)
Alpha Flight vol.4 (2011)
Alpha Flight vol.5 (2023)
Alpha Flight: True North (2019)
Alpha: Big Time vol.1 (2013)
Amazing Adult Fantasy vol.1 (1961)
Amazing Adventures vol.1 (1961)
Amazing Adventures vol.2 (1970)
Amazing Fantasy vol.1 (2022)
Amazing Fantasy vol.1 (1962)
Amazing Fantasy Vol.2 (2004)
Amazing Fantasy vol.3 (2021)
Amazing Fantasy: Prelude (2021)
Amazing Mary Jane vol.1, The (2019)
Amazing Scarlet Spider Vol.1, The (1995)
Amazing Spider-Girl vol.1, The (2006)
Amazing Spider-Man '96, The (1996)
Amazing Spider-Man '97, The (1997)
Amazing Spider-Man '99, The (1999)
Amazing Spider-Man 2000, The (2000)
Amazing Spider-Man 2001, The (2001)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1998, The (1998)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual vol.1, The (1964)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual vol.2, The (2015)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual vol.3, The (2017)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual vol.4, The (2018)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual vol.5, The (2023)
Amazing Spider-Man Extra! vol.1, The (2008)
Amazing Spider-Man Family vol.1, The (2008)
Amazing Spider-Man Presents: American Son vol.1 (2010)
Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Anti-Venom - New Ways to Live vol.1, The (2009)
Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat vol.1 (2010)
Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Jackpot vol.1 (2010)
Amazing Spider-Man Special, The (2015)
Amazing Spider-Man Super-Special vol.1, The (1995)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1, The (1963)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol.2, The (1999)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol.3, The (2014)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol.4, The (2015)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5, The (2018)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.6, The (2022)
Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt vol.1, The (2024)
Amazing Spider-Man: Ends of the Earth, The (2012)
Amazing Spider-Man: Full Circle, The (2019)
Amazing Spider-Man: Gang War First Strike, The (2024)
Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big, The (2019)
Amazing Spider-Man: Grim Hunt - The Kraven Saga, The (2010)
Amazing Spider-Man: Origin of the Hunter, The (2010)
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows vol.1, The (2015)
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows vol.2, The (2017)
Amazing Spider-Man: Sins Rising Prelude, The (2020)
Amazing Spider-Man: Soul of the Hunter, The (1992)
Amazing Spider-Man: Spirits of the Earth, The (1990)
Amazing Spider-Man: Swing Shift Director's Cut, The (2008)
Amazing Spider-Man: The Short Halloween, The (2009)
Amazing Spider-Man: The Sins of Norman Osborn, The (2020)
Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. Alpha (2018)
Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. Omega (2018)
Amazing X-Men Annual Vol.1 (2014)
Amazing X-Men Vol.1 (1995)
Amazing X-Men Vol.2 (2014)
Amazon Vol.1 (1996)
America Chavez: Made in the USA vol.1 (2021)
America vol.1 (2017)
Angel: Revelations vol.1 (2008)
Angela: Asgard's Assassin vol.1 (2015)
Angela: Queen of Hel vol.1 (2015)
Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter in Guilty Plesures TPB vol.1 (2007)
Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter in Guilty Plesures vol.1 (2006)
Annex Vol.1 (1994)
Annihilation Conquest: Prologue (2007)
Annihilation Prologue Vol.1 (2006)
Annihilation Vol.1 (2006)
Annihilation: Conquest - Quasar Vol.1 (2007)
Annihilation: Conquest - Starlord Vol.1 (2007)
Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith Vol.1 (2007)
Annihilation: Conquest Vol.1 (2008)
Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus Vol.1 (2007)
Annihilation: Nova Vol.1 (2006)
Annihilation: Ronan Vol.1 (2006)
Annihilation: Scourge - Alpha (2020)
Annihilation: Scourge - Beta Ray Bill (2020)
Annihilation: Scourge - Fantastic Four (2020)
Annihilation: Scourge - Nova (2020)
Annihilation: Scourge - Omega (2020)
Annihilation: Scourge - Silver Surfer (2020)
Annihilation: Silver Surfer Vol.1 (2006)
Annihilation: Super-Skrull Vol.1 (2006)
Annihilators vol.1 (2011)
Annihilators: Earthfall vol.1 (2011)
Ant-Man's Big Christmas (2000)
Ant-Man & Wasp vol.1 (2011)
Ant-Man and The Wasp vol.1 (2018)
Ant-Man Annual vol.1 (2015)
Ant-Man vol.1 (2015)
Ant-Man vol.2 (2020)
Ant-Man vol.3 (2022)
Ant-Man: Last Days (2015)
Ant-Man: Season One (2012)
Apache Skies vol.1 (2002)
Archangel (1996)
Ares vol.1 (2006)
Armor Wars vol.1 (2015)
Asgardians of the Galaxy vol.1 (2018)
Askani' Son Vol.1 (1996)
Assassins Vol.1 (1996)
Assault on New Olympus Prologue (2010)
Astonishing Ant-Man vol.1, The (2015)
Astonishing Iceman vol.1 (2023)
Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine vol.1 (2010)
Astonishing Tales Vol.1 (1970)
Astonishing Tales Vol.2 (2009)
Astonishing Thor vol.1 (2011)
Astonishing Vol.1 (1951)
Astonishing X-Men Annual Vol.1 (2013)
Astonishing X-Men Annual vol.2 (2018)
Astonishing X-Men Sketchbook (2008)
Astonishing X-Men Vol.1 (1995)
Astonishing X-Men Vol.2 (1999)
Astonishing X-Men Vol.3 (2004)
Astonishing X-Men Vol.4 (2017)
Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes Vol.1 (2008)
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis Vol.1 (2010)
Atlas vol.1 (2010)
Avengers (2015)
Avengers (1999)
Avengers #1.MU, The (2017)
Avengers & The Infinity Gauntlet vol.1, The (2010)
Avengers & X-Men: Axis Vol.1 (2014)
Avengers / Squadron Supreme '98 (1998)
Avengers 1959 vol.1 (2011)
Avengers 1999 (1999)
Avengers A.I. vol.1 (2013)
Avengers Academy Giant-Size vol.1 (2011)
Avengers Academy vol.1 (2010)
Avengers and Moon Girl, The (2022)
Avengers Annual 2001 (2001)
Avengers Annual Vol.1 (2014)
Avengers Annual Vol.1, The (1967)
Avengers Annual vol.2, The (2012)
Avengers Annual vol.3, The (2021)
Avengers Annual vol.4, The (2023)
Avengers Arena vol.1 (2013)
Avengers Assemble Alpha (2023)
Avengers Assemble Annual vol.1 (2013)
Avengers Assemble Omega (2023)
Avengers Assemble vol.1 (2012)
Avengers Classic Vol.1 (2007)
Avengers Forever Vol.1 (1998)
Avengers Forever vol.2 (2022)
Avengers Halloween Special (2018)
Avengers Icons: The Vision Vol.1 (2002)
Avengers Inc. vol.1 (2023)
Avengers Infinity vol.1 (2000)
Avengers Mech Strike vol.1 (2021)
Avengers of the Wastelands vol.1 (2020)
Avengers Origins: Thor (2012)
Avengers Prime vol.1 (2010)
Avengers Spotlight Vol.1 (1989)
Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Alpha (2016)
Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Omega (2016)
Avengers Standoff: Welcome To Pleasant Hill (2016)
Avengers Two: Wonder Man and Beast Vol.1 (2000)
Avengers Undercover vol.1 (2014)
Avengers Unplugged vol.1 (1995)
Avengers vol.1 (2013)
Avengers vol.1, The (1963)
Avengers vol.1, The (1999)
Avengers vol.2, The (1996)
Avengers vol.3, The (1998)
Avengers vol.4, The (2010)
Avengers vol.5, The (2017)
Avengers vol.6, The (2018)
Avengers vol.7, The (2023)
Avengers vs. Atlas vol.1 (2010)
Avengers vs. X-Men Infinite Comics vol.1 (2012)
Avengers vs. X-Men vol.1 (2012)
Avengers West Coast Annual vol.1 (1989)
Avengers West Coast vol.1 (1989)
Avengers World vol.1 (2014)
Avengers/Defenders: Tarot vol.1 (2020)
Avengers/Invaders vol.1 (2008)
Avengers/JLA Vol.1 (2003)
Avengers/Thunderbolts Vol.1 (2004)
Avengers/Ultraforce vol.1 (1995)
Avengers: 1,000,000 B.C. (2022)
Avengers: Back to Basics, The (2018)
Avengers: Beyond vol.1 (2023)
Avengers: Celestial Quest Vol.1 (2001)
Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault (1991)
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes vol.1, The (2011)
Avengers: Empyre (2020)
Avengers: Empyre Aftermath (2020)
Avengers: Enemy Within (2013)
Avengers: Finale, The (2005)
Avengers: House of M vol.1 (2008)
Avengers: Loki Unleashed, The (2019)
Avengers: Millennium vol.1 (2015)
Avengers: No More Bullying (2015)
Avengers: No Road Home vol.1 (2019)
Avengers: Solo vol.1 (2011)
Avengers: Strikefile (1994)
Avengers: Tech-On Avengers vol.1 (2021)
Avengers: The Children's Crusade - Young Avengers (2011)
Avengers: The Children's Crusade vol.1 (2010)
Avengers: The Crossing (1995)
Avengers: The Initiative Annual Vol.1 (2008)
Avengers: The Initiative Featuring Reptil (2009)
Avengers: The Initiative Special (2009)
Avengers: The Initiative Vol.1 (2007)
Avengers: The Korvac Saga (1991)
Avengers: The Origin vol.1 (2010)
Avengers: The Terminatrix Objetive vol.1 (1993)
Avengers: The Ultron Imperative (2001)
Avengers: Timeslide (1996)
Avengers: Twilight vol.1 (2024)
Avengers: Ultron Forever, The (2015)
Avengers: War Across Time vol.1, The (2023)
Avengers: X-Sanction vol.1 (2012)
Avenging Spider-Man Annual vol.1 (2012)
Avenging Spider-Man vol.1 (2012)
AvX: Consequences vol.1 (2012)
AvX: Vs vol.1 (2012)
Axis Revolutions vol.1 (2014)
Axis: Carnage Vol.1 (2014)
Axis: Hobgoblin Vol.1 (2014)
Baby's First Deadpool Book (1998)
Backlash/Spider-Man Vol.1 (1996)
Badrock / Wolverine (1996)
Balder the Brave vol.1
Ballistic/Wolverine (1997)
Barbie Fashion vol.1 (1991)
Barbie vol.1 (1991)
Bat-Thing Vol.1 (1997)
Batman & Spider-Man (1997)
Batman / Captain America (1996)
Batman / Punisher: Lake of Fire (1994)
Battle Action vol.1 (1952)
Battle Ground vol.1 (1954)
Battle Scars vol.1 (2012)
Battle vol.1 (1951)
Battlefront vol.1 (1952)
Beast Vol.1 (1997)
Beauty and the Beast vol.1 (1984)
Beavis and Butt-Head vol.1 (1994)
Before The Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm and Logan Vol.1 (2000)
Before the Fantastic Four: Reed Richards Vol.1 (2000)
Before the Fantastic Four: The Storms Vol.1 (2000)
Ben Reilly: Spider-Man vol.1 (2022)
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider vol.1 (2017)
Best of Marvel Comics HC, The (1987)
Beta Ray Bill vol.1 (2021)
Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter vol.1 (2009)
Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain vol.1 (2023)
Beware the Planet of the Apes vol.1 (2024)
Beware! vol.1 (1973)
Beyond! vol.1 (2006)
Bishop Vol.1 (1994)
Bishop: The Last X-Man vol.1 (1999)
Bishop: XSE vol.1 (1998)
Bizarre Adventures vol.1
Black Bolt vol.1 (2017)
Black Cat Annual vol.1 (2020)
Black Cat Annual vol.2 (2021)
Black Cat vol.1 (2019)
Black Cat vol.2 (2021)
Black Dragon vol.1, The (1985)
Black Goliath Vol.1 (1976)
Black Knight vol.1 (1955)
Black Knight vol.4 (2016)
Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade vol.1 (2021)
Black Knight: Exodus (1996)
Black Order vol.1, The (2019)
Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda vol.1 (2019)
Black Panther Annual vol.1 (2008)
Black Panther Annual vol.2 (2018)
Black Panther Vol.1 (1977)
Black Panther Vol.2 (1988)
Black Panther Vol.3 (1998)
Black Panther Vol.4 (2005)
Black Panther Vol.5 (2009)
Black Panther Vol.6 (2016)
Black Panther Vol.7 (2018)
Black Panther Vol.8 (2022)
Black Panther Vol.9 (2023)
Black Panther vs. Deadpool vol.1 (2018)
Black Panther: Panther's Prey vol.1 (1991)
Black Panther: The Man Without Fear vol.1 (2011)
Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive vol.1 (2011)
Black Panther: World of Wakanda vol.1 (2017)
Black Widow & The Marvel Girls vol.1 (2010)
Black Widow Vol.1 (1999)
Black Widow Vol.2 (2001)
Black Widow vol.3 (2004)
Black Widow vol.4 (2010)
Black Widow vol.5 (2014)
Black Widow vol.6 (2016)
Black Widow vol.7 (2019)
Black Widow vol.8 (2020)
Black Widow: Deadly Origin vol.1 (2010)
Black Widow: Pale Little Spider (2002)
Black Widow: The Things They Say About Her vol.1 (2005)
Blackwulf Vol.1 (1994)
Blade (1998)
Blade vol.3 (2006)
Blade: Sins of the Father (1998)
Blade: The Vampire Hunter vol.1 (1994)
Blade: Vampire Nation (2023)
Blaze of Glory (2000)
Blaze vol.1 (1994)
Blaze: Legacy of Blood vol.1 (1993)
Blink vol.1 (2001)
Blood Hunt vol.1 (2024)
Blood Hunt: Red Band vol.1 (2024)
Blood: A Tale vol.1 (1987)
Books of Doom Vol.1 (2006)
Born vol.1 (2003)
Bounty Hunters vol.1 (2020)
Bozz Chronicles vol.1, The (1985)
Break-Thru vol.1 (1993)
Brotherhood vol.1, The (2001)
Bruce Wayne: Agent of SHIELD vol.1 (1996)
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier vol.1 (2014)
Bug (1997)
Bullet Points vol.1 (2007)
Bullets and Bracelets Vol.1 (1996)
Bullseye vol.1 (2017)
Bullseye: Greatest Hits vol.1 (2004)
Buzz Vol.1, The (2000)
C-3PO (2016)
Cable '99 Annual (1999)
Cable & Deadpool Annual vol.1 (2018)
Cable & Deadpool vol.1
Cable / Machine Man '98 (1998)
Cable and X-Force vol.1 (2013)
Cable Vol.1 (1993)
Cable vol.2 (2008)
Cable vol.3 (2017)
Cable vol.4 (2020)
Cable: Blood and Metal vol.1 (1992)
Cable: Reloaded (2021)
Cage Vol.2 (2002)
Cage! vol.1 (2016)
Captain America (2022)
Captain America & Black Widow Vol.1 (2011)
Captain America & Bucky Vol.1 (2011)
Captain America & Hawkeye Vol.1 (2011)
Captain America & Iron Man Vol.1 (2011)
Captain America & Namor vol.1 (2011)
Captain America 65th Anniversary Special Vol.1 (2006)
Captain America and the Falcon (2011)
Captain America and the Falcon vol.1 (2004)
Captain America and the Invaders: Bahamas Triangle (2019)
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers vol.1 (2015)
Captain America and the Winter Soldier Special (2023)
Captain America Annual vol.1 (1971)
Captain America Ashcan Edition (1995)
Captain America Collectors' Preview (1995)
Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2011)
Captain America Comics vol.1 (1941)
Captain America Corps vol.1 (2011)
Captain America Finale (2023)
Captain America Theater of War: A Brother In Arms (2009)
Captain America Theater of War: America First! (2009)
Captain America Theater of War: America the Beautiful (2009)
Captain America Theater of War: Ghosts of My Country (2009)
Captain America Theater of War: Operation Zero-Point (2008)
Captain America Theater of War: Prisoners of Duty (2009)
Captain America Theater of War: To Soldier On (2009)
Captain America Vol.1 (1968)
Captain America Vol.2 (1996)
Captain America Vol.3 (1998)
Captain America Vol.4 (2002)
Captain America Vol.5 (2005)
Captain America Vol.6 (2011)
Captain America Vol.7 (2013)
Captain America vol.8 (2017)
Captain America vol.9 (2018)
Captain America vol.10 (2023)
Captain America/Black Panther: Flags of our Fathers vol.1 (2010)
Captain America/Iron Man vol.1 (2022)
Captain America: Cold War Alpha (2023)
Captain America: Cold War Omega (2023)
Captain America: Dead Men Running Vol.1 (2002)
Captain America: Forever Allies vol.1 (2010)
Captain America: Living Legend vol.1 (2013)
Captain America: Man out of Time vol.1 (2011)
Captain America: Patriot vol.1 (2010)
Captain America: Reborn Prologue (2009)
Captain America: Reborn vol.1 (2009)
Captain America: Red Glare / Marvel Premiere Classic
Captain America: Red, White & Blue (2002)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty Vol.1 (1998)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty vol.2 (2022)
Captain America: Symbol of Truth vol.1 (2022)
Captain America: The 1940s Newspaper Strip vol.1 (2010)
Captain America: The Chosen Vol.1 (2007)
Captain America: The End (2020)
Captain America: The Fighting Avenger (2011)
Captain America: The Ghost Army (2024)
Captain America: The Legend (1996)
Captain America: What Price Glory vol.1 (2003)
Captain America: White vol.1 (2008)
Captain America: White vol.1 (2008)
Captain America: Who will Wield the Shield? (2010)
Captain Britain and MI: 13 Annual vol.1 (2009)
Captain Britain and MI: 13 vol.1 (2008)
Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders vol.1 (2015)
Captain Carter vol.1 (2022)
Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps vol.1 (2015)
Captain Marvel Annual vol.1 (2022)
Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968)
Captain Marvel Vol.1 Bis (1995)
Captain Marvel vol.2 (1989)
Captain Marvel Vol.3 (1999)
Captain Marvel Vol.4 (2002)
Captain Marvel Vol.5 (2008)
Captain Marvel Vol.6 (2012)
Captain Marvel Vol.7 (2014)
Captain Marvel Vol.8 (2016)
Captain Marvel Vol.9 (2019)
Captain Marvel: Braver & Mightier (2019)
Captain Marvel: The End (2020)
Captain Phasma vol.1 (2017)
Captain Savage and his Battlefield Raiders Vol.1 (1968)
Captain Savage and his Leatherneck Raiders Vol.1 (1968)
Care Bears vol.1 (1985)
Carnage Forever (2022)
Carnage Reigns Alpha (2023)
Carnage Reigns Omega (2023)
Carnage U.S.A. vol.1 (2012)
Carnage vol.1 (2010)
Carnage vol.2 (2016)
Carnage vol.3 (2022)
Carnage vol.4 (2024)
Carnage: Black, White and Blood vol.1 (2021)
Carnage: It's a wonderful life (1996)
Carnage: Mind Bomb (1996)
Casanova vol.1 (2010)
Casper (1995)
Casper vol.1 (1997)
Castle: Richard Castle's Deadly Storm (2011)
Cat vol.1, The (1972)
Cataclysm Survive (2014)
Cataclysm: The Ultimates' Last Stand vol.1 (2014)
Cataclysm: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man vol.1 (2014)
Cataclysm: Ultimate X-Men vol.1 (2014)
Cataclysm: Ultimates vol.1 (2014)
Cavalry: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary, The (2015)
Challengers of the Fantastic Vol.1 (1997)
Chamber of Chills vol.1 (1972)
Chamber of Darkness vol.1 (1969)
Chamber vol.1 (2002)
Champions #1.MU (2017)
Champions Annual vol.1 (2019)
Champions vol.1 (2016)
Champions vol.1, The (1975)
Champions vol.2 (2019)
Champions vol.3 (2020)
Chaos War vol.1 (2010)
Chaos War: Alpha Flight (2011)
Chaos War: Ares (2011)
Chaos War: Chaos King (2011)
Chaos War: Dead Avengers vol.1 (2011)
Chaos War: God Squad (2011)
Chaos War: Thor vol.1 (2011)
Chaos War: X-Men vol.1 (2011)
Chewbacca vol.1 (2015)
Children of the Atom vol.1 (2021)
Children of the Vault vol.1 (2023)
Chris Claremont Anniversary Special (2021)
Citizen V and the V-Battalion Vol.1 (2001)
Citizen V and the V-Battalion: The Everlasting vol.1 (2002)
Civil War II Daily Bugle Newspaper (2016)
Civil War II vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: Gods of War vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: Kingpin vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: The Accused (2016)
Civil War II: The Fallen (2016)
Civil War II: The Oath (2017)
Civil War II: Ulysses vol.1 (2016)
Civil War II: X-Men vol.1 (2016)
Civil War Vol.1 (2006)
Civil War vol.2 (2015)
Civil War: Choosing Sides (2006)
Civil War: Front Line Vol.1 (2006)
Civil War: House of M vol.1 (2008)
Civil War: The Confession (2007)
Civil War: The Initiative (2007)
Civil War: The Return Vol.1 (2007)
Civil War: War Crimes (2007)
Civil War: X-Men vol.1 (2006)
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways Vol.1 (2006)
Clandestine Vol.1 (1994)
Clandestine Vol.2 (2008)
Classic X-Men vol.1 (1986)
Claws vol.1 (2006)
Clive Barker's Hellraiser vol.1 (1989)
Clive Barker's Night Breed vol.1 (1990)
Cloak and Dagger (2010)
Cloak and Dagger vol.1 (1983)
Cloak and Dagger vol.2 (1985)
Cloak and Dagger vol.3 (1988)
Clobberin' Time vol.1 (2023)
Clone Conspiracy vol.1, The (2016)
Clone Conspiracy: Omega, The (2017)
Code of Honor vol.1 (1997)
Colossus (1997)
Colossus: Bloodline vol.1 (2005)
Combat Kelly and the Deadly Dozen (1972)
Combat Kelly vol.1 (1951)
Conan 2099 (2020)
Conan of the Isles (1988)
Conan Saga vol.1 (1987)
Conan The Adventurer Vol.1 (1994)
Conan The Barbarian Annual Vol.1 (1973)
Conan The Barbarian Special Edition Vol.1 (Red Nails)
Conan The Barbarian Vol.1 (1970)
Conan The Barbarian Vol.2 (1997)
Conan The Barbarian vol.3 (2019)
Conan The Barbarian: Death Covered in Gold Vol.1 (1999)
Conan the Barbarian: Exodus (2019)
Conan The Barbarian: Flame & The Fiend Vol.1 (2000)
Conan The Barbarian: Lord of the Spiders Vol.1 (1998)
Conan The Barbarian: Return of Styrm Vol.1 (1998)
Conan The Barbarian: River of Blood Vol.1 (1998)
Conan The Barbarian: Scarlet Sword Vol.1 (1998)
Conan The Barbarian: The Horn of Azoth (1990)
Conan The Barbarian: The Skull of Set (1989)
Conan The Barbarian: The Usurper Vol.1 (1997)
Conan The King Vol.1 (1984)
Conan The Rogue (1991)
Conan The Savage vol.1 (1995)
Conan Vol.1 (1995)
Conan Vs. Rune (1995)
Conan: Battle for the Serpent Crown vol.1 (2020)
Conan: Serpent War vol.1 (2020)
Conan: The Ravagers Out of Time (1992)
Conspiracy vol.1 (1998)
Contagion vol.1 (2019)
Contest of Champions II vol.1 (1999)
Contest of Champions vol.2 (2015)
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History Vol.1 (2019)
Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol.1 (2018)
Cosmic Ghost Rider vol.2 (2023)
Cosmic Powers Unlimited (1995)
Cosmic Powers Vol.1 (1994)
Creatures on the Loose Vol.1 (1971)
Crime & Punishment: Marshal Law Takes Manhattan (1989)
Criminal vol.1 (2006)
Criminal vol.2 (2008)
Criminal: The Deluxe Edition vol.1 (2009)
Criminal: The Last of the Innocent vol.1 (2011)
Criminal: The Sinners vol.1 (2009)
Crypt of Shadows (2019)
Cult of Carnage: Misery vol.1 (2023)
Curse of Rune vol.1 (1995)
Cutting Edge Vol.1 (1995)
Cyberforce/X-Men (2007)
Cyblade/Ghost Rider (1997)
Cyclops vol.1 (2001)
Cyclops vol.2 (2014)
Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special Vol.1 (2006)
Daily Bugle Vol.1 (1996)
Daken: Dark Wolverine vol.1 (2010)
Damage Control vol.1 (1989)
Damage Control vol.2 (1989)
Damage Control vol.3 (1991)
Damnation: Johnny Blaze - Ghost Rider (2018)
Danny Ketch: Ghost Rider vol.1 (2023)
Daredevil / Shi (1997)
Daredevil and Batman (1997)
Daredevil Annual vol.1 (1967)
Daredevil Annual Vol.2 (2007)
Daredevil Annual Vol.3 (2012)
Daredevil Annual Vol.4 (2016)
Daredevil Annual Vol.5 (2018)
Daredevil Annual Vol.6 (2020)
Daredevil Noir vol.1 (2009)
Daredevil vol.1 (1964)
Daredevil vol.2 (1998)
Daredevil vol.3 (2011)
Daredevil vol.4 (2014)
Daredevil vol.5 (2016)
Daredevil vol.6 (2019)
Daredevil vol.7 (2022)
Daredevil vol.8 (2023)
Daredevil vs. Punisher Vol.1 (2005)
Daredevil/Deadpool '97 Annual (1997)
Daredevil/Spider-Man Vol.1 (2001)
Daredevil/The Punisher vol.1 (2016)
Daredevil: Battlin' Jack Murdock Vol.1 (2007)
Daredevil: Blood of The Tarantula (2008)
Daredevil: Cage Match (2010)
Daredevil: Dark Nights vol.1 (2013)
Daredevil: End of Days vol.1 (2012)
Daredevil: Father vol.1 (2004)
Daredevil: Gang War vol.1 (2024)
Daredevil: Ninja vol.1 (2000)
Daredevil: Reborn vol.1 (2011)
Daredevil: Redemption vol.1 (2005)
Daredevil: Season One (2012)
Daredevil: The Man Without Fear Vol.1 (1993)
Daredevil: The Movie (2003)
Daredevil: Woman Without Fear vol.1 (2022)
Daredevil: Yellow Vol.1 (2001)
Dark Ages vol.1 (2021)
Dark Avengers / Uncanny X-Men: Exodus (2009)
Dark Avengers / Uncanny X-Men: Utopia (2009)
Dark Avengers Annual vol.1 (2010)
Dark Avengers vol.1 (2009)
Dark Avengers: Ares vol.1 (2009)
Dark Claw Adventures Vol.1 (1997)
Dark Droids vol.1 (2023)
Dark Droids: D-Squad vol.1 (2023)
Dark Reign: Elektra vol.1 (2009)
Dark Reign: Fantastic Four vol.1 (2009)
Dark Reign: Hawkeye vol.1 (2009)
Dark Reign: Lethal Legion vol.1 (2009)
Dark Reign: Made Men (2009)
Dark Reign: Mister Negative vol.1 (2009)
Dark Reign: New Nation (2009)
Dark Reign: Sinister Spider-Man vol.1 (2009)
Dark Reign: The Cabal (2009)
Dark Reign: The Goblin Legacy (2009)
Dark Reign: The Hood vol.1 (2009)
Dark Reign: The List - Amazing Spider-Man (2010)
Dark Reign: The List - Avengers (2009)
Dark Reign: The List - Daredevil (2009)
Dark Reign: The List - Hulk (2009)
Dark Reign: The List - Punisher (2009)
Dark Reign: The List - Secret Warriors (2009)
Dark Reign: The List - Wolverine (2009)
Dark Reign: The List - X-Men (2009)
Dark Reign: Young Avengers vol.1 (2009)
Dark Reign: Zodiac vol.1 (2009)
Dark Tower: The Battle of Jericho Hill Vol.1, The (2010)
Dark Tower: The Fall of Gilead Vol.1, The (2009)
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - Evil Ground vol.1, The (2013)
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - Sheemie's Tale Vol.1, The (2013)
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - So Fell Lord Perth, The (2013)
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Battle of Tull Vol.1, The (2011)
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Journey Begins Vol.1, The (2010)
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Little Sisters of Eluria Vol.1, The (2011)
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Man in Black Vol.1, The (2012)
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Way Station Vol.1, The (2012)
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born Vol.1, The (2007)
Dark Tower: The Long Road Home Vol.1, The (2007)
Dark Tower: The Sorcerer, The (2009)
Dark Tower: Treachery Vol.1, The (2007)
Dark Web (2023)
Dark Web Finale (2023)
Dark Web: Ms. Marvel vol.1 (2023)
Dark Web: X-Men vol.1 (2023)
Dark Wolverine vol.1 (2009)
Dark X-Men vol.1 (2010)
Dark X-Men vol.2 (2023)
Dark X-Men: The Beginning vol.1 (2009)
Dark X-Men: The Confession (2009)
Darkdevil Vol.1 (2000)
Darkhawk Annual vol.1 (1992)
Darkhawk Vol.1 (1991)
Darkhawk vol.2 (2021)
Darkhawk: Heart of the Hawk (2021)
Darkhold Alpha (2021)
Darkhold: Black Bolt (2022)
Darkhold: Blade (2021)
Darkhold: Iron Man (2021)
Darkhold: Pages from the Book of Sins vol.1 (1992)
Darkhold: Spider-Man (2022)
Darkhold: Wasp (2022)
Darkman (1990)
Darkness/Wolverine, The (2006)
Darkseid Vs. Galactus: The Hunger (1995)
Darth Maul vol.1 (2017)
Darth Vader Annual vol.1 (2016)
Darth Vader vol.1 (2015)
Darth Vader vol.2 (2017)
Darth Vader vol.3 (2020)
Darth Vader: Black, White & Red vol.1 (2023)
Daughters of the Dragon Vol.1 (2006)
Daydreamers vol.1 (1997)
Dazzler Vol.1 (1981)
DC Special Series vol.1 (1981)
DC Versus Marvel / Marvel Versus DC Vol.1 (1996)
Dead Man Logan vol.1 (2019)
Dead of Night Featuring Werewolf By Night Vol.1 (2009)
Dead of Night vol.1 (1973)
Dead X-Men vol.1 (2024)
Deadly Foes of Spider-Man vol.1, The (1991)
Deadly Hands Of Kung Fu Special Album Edition vol.1, The (1974)
Deadly Hands Of Kung Fu vol.1, The (1974)
Deadly Hands Of Kung Fu: Gang War vol.1 (2024)
Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man vol.1 (2022)
Deadpool's Art of War vol.1 (2014)
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars vol.1 (2015)
Deadpool (2010)
Deadpool (2009)
Deadpool & Cable vol.1 (2010)
Deadpool & Cable: Split Second vol.1 (2016)
Deadpool & the Mercs For Money vol.1 (2016)
Deadpool & the Mercs For Money vol.2 (2016)
Deadpool / Death '98 (1998)
Deadpool / GLI Summer Fun Spectacular (2007)
Deadpool Annual vol.1 (2011)
Deadpool Annual vol.2 (2014)
Deadpool Annual vol.3 (2016)
Deadpool Annual vol.4 (2019)
Deadpool Bi-Annual vol.1 (2014)
Deadpool Corps vol.1 (2010)
Deadpool Kills Deadpool vol.1 (2013)
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again vol.1 (2017)
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe vol.1 (2012)
Deadpool MAX II vol.1 (2011)
Deadpool MAX vol.1 (2010)
Deadpool MAX X-Mas Special (2012)
Deadpool Nerdy 30 (2021)
Deadpool Pulp vol.1 (2010)
Deadpool Secret Comics
Deadpool Team-Up (1998)
Deadpool Team-Up vol.1 (2009)
Deadpool the Duck vol.1 (2017)
Deadpool v Gambit vol.1 (2016)
Deadpool Vol.1 (1993)
Deadpool Vol.2 (1994)
Deadpool Vol.3 (1997)
Deadpool Vol.4 (2008)
Deadpool Vol.5 (2013)
Deadpool Vol.6 (2016)
Deadpool Vol.7 (2018)
Deadpool vol.8 (2020)
Deadpool vol.9 (2023)
Deadpool vol.10 (2024)
Deadpool vs. Carnage vol.1 (2014)
Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan vol.1 (2017)
Deadpool vs. Thanos vol.1 (2015)
Deadpool vs. The Punisher vol.1 (2017)
Deadpool vs. X-Force vol.1 (2014)
Deadpool/Wolverine: WWIII vol.1 (2024)
Deadpool: Assassin vol.1 (2018)
Deadpool: Back in Black vol.1 (2016)
Deadpool: Badder Blood vol.1 (2023)
Deadpool: Black, White and Blood vol.1 (2021)
Deadpool: Dracula's Gauntlet vol.1 (2014)
Deadpool: Games of Death (2009)
Deadpool: Killustrated vol.1 (2013)
Deadpool: Last Days of Magic (2016)
Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth vol.1 (2009)
Deadpool: Samurai vol.1 (2022)
Deadpool: Seven Slaughters (2024)
Deadpool: Suicide Kings vol.1 (2009)
Deadpool: The End (2020)
Deadpool: Too Soon? vol.1 (2016)
Deadpool: Wade Wilson's War vol.1 (2010)
Death of Doctor Strange vol.1, The (2021)
Death of Doctor Strange: Blade, The (2022)
Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone, The (2022)
Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man, The (2022)
Death of Doctor Strange: The Avengers, The (2021)
Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox, The (2022)
Death of Doctor Strange: X-Men/Black Knight, The (2022)
Death of Dracula, The (2010)
Death of The Inhumans vol.1 (2018)
Death of the Venomverse vol.1 (2023)
Death of Wolverine vol.1 (2014)
Death of Wolverine: Deadpool and Captain America (2014)
Death of Wolverine: Life After Logan (2015)
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy vol.1 (2014)
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program vol.1 (2015)
Death of X vol.1 (2016)
Deathblow and Wolverine Vol.1 (1996)
Deathlok Annual vol.1 (1992)
Deathlok vol.1 (1990)
Deathlok vol.2 (1991)
Deathlok: The Demolisher vol.1 (2010)
Decimation: House of M - The Day After (2006)
Defenders Annual Vol.1, The (1976)
Defenders Vol.1 (2005)
Defenders vol.1, The (1972)
Defenders vol.2 (2021)
Defenders vol.2, The (2001)
Defenders vol.3, The (2012)
Defenders vol.4, The (2017)
Defenders: Beyond vol.1 (2022)
Defenders: The Best Defense (2019)
Demon Days: Blood Feud (2022)
Demon Days: Cursed Web (2021)
Demon Days: Mariko (2021)
Demon Days: Rising Storm (2022)
Demon Days: X-Men (2021)
Demon Wars: Down in Flames (2023)
Demon Wars: Scarlet Sin (2023)
Demon Wars: Shield of Justice (2023)
Demon Wars: The Iron Samurai (2022)
Dennis the Menace Comics Digest vol.1 (1982)
Dennis The Menace vol.1 (1981)
Despicable Deadpool vol.1, The (2017)
Destroyer vol.1 (2009)
Devil's Reign vol.1 (2022)
Devil's Reign: Moon Knight (2022)
Devil's Reign: Omega (2022)
Devil's Reign: Spider-Man (2022)
Devil's Reign: Superior Four vol.1 (2022)
Devil's Reign: Villains for Hire vol.1 (2022)
Devil's Reign: Winter Soldier (2022)
Devil's Reign: X-Men vol.1 (2022)
Devil Dinosaur (1997)
Devil Dinosaur Vol.1 (1978)
Dexter vol.1 (2013)
Dexter: Down Under vol.1 (2014)
Dinosaurs: A Celebration vol.1 (1992)
District X Vol.1 (2004)
Doc Samson Vol.1 (1996)
Doc Savage Vol.1 (1975)
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze Vol.1 (1972)
Doctor Aphra Annual vol.1 (2017)
Doctor Aphra vol.1 (2017)
Doctor Aphra vol.2 (2020)
Doctor Doom vol.1 (2019)
Doctor Spectrum Vol.1 (2004)
Doctor Strange #1.MU (2017)
Doctor Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment (1989)
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme vol.1 (2016)
Doctor Strange Annual vol.2 (2016)
Doctor Strange Annual vol.3 (2019)
Doctor Strange vol.1 (1968)
Doctor Strange vol.3 (2015)
Doctor Strange vol.4 (2018)
Doctor Strange vol.5 (2023)
Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol.1 (1988)
Doctor Strange: Damnation vol.1 (2018)
Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise vol.1 (2023)
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic (2016)
Doctor Strange: Season One (2012)
Doctor Strange: The Best Defense (2019)
Doctor Strange: The End (2020)
Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones (2016)
Doctor Strange: The Oath vol.1 (2006)
Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2007)
Doctor StrangeFate Vol.1 (1996)
Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural vol.1 (2009)
Domination Factor: Fantastic Four Vol.1 (1999)
Domination Factor: The Avengers Vol.1 (1999)
Domino Annual vol.1 (2018)
Domino Vol.1 (1997)
Domino Vol.3 (2018)
Domino: Hotshots vol.1 (2019)
Doom (2024)
Doom 2099 (2020)
Doom 2099 vol.1 (1993)
Doomwar vol.1 (2010)
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz vol.1 (2011)
Double Edge: Alpha (1995)
Double Edge: Omega (1995)
Dr. Strange Annual vol.1 (1976)
Dr. Strange vol.2 (1974)
Dr. Strange What is it that disturbs you, Stephen? (1997)
Dr. Strange: Surgeon Supreme vol.1 (2020)
Dracula Lives! Vol.1 (1973)
Dragon Lines vol.1 (1993)
Drax the Destroyer vol.1 (2005)
Drax vol.1 (2016)
Dreadlands vol.1 (1992)
Dreadstar Annual vol.1 (1983)
Dreadstar vol.1 (1982)
Dreadstar vol.2 (1994)
Dream Team (1995)
Druid Vol.1 (1995)
Dynomutt vol.1 (1977)
E is for Extinction vol.1 (2015)
Earth's Mightiest Heroes Vol.1 (2005)
Earth's Mightiest Heroes Vol.2 (2007)
Earth-X TPB (2006)
Earth-X Vol.1 (1999)
Earth-X: Sketchbook (1999)
Edge of Spider-Geddon vol.1 (2018)
Edge of Spider-Verse vol.1 (2014)
Edge of Spider-Verse vol.2 (2022)
Edge of Spider-Verse vol.3 (2023)
Edge of Spider-Verse vol.4 (2024)
Edge of Venomverse vol.1 (2017)
Elektra & Wolverine: The Redeemer Vol.1 (2002)
Elektra Assassin Vol.1 (1986)
Elektra Lives Again (1990)
Elektra Saga Vol.1, The (1984)
Elektra Vol.1 (1996)
Elektra Vol.2 (2002)
Elektra Vol.3 (2014)
Elektra vol.4 (2017)
Elektra/Cyblade (1997)
Elektra: Black, White and Blood vol.1 (2022)
Elektra: Root of Evil Vol.1 (1995)
Elektra: The Official Movie Adaptation (2005)
Emerald City of Oz vol.1, The (2013)
Emma Frost Vol.1 (2003)
Emma vol.1 (2011)
Empire of the Dead: Act One vol.1 (2014)
Empire of the Dead: Act Three vol.1 (2015)
Empire of the Dead: Act Two vol.1 (2014)
Empress vol.1 (2016)
Empyre vol.1 (2020)
Empyre: Captain America vol.1 (2020)
Empyre: Savage Avengers (2020)
Empyre: The Avengers vol.1 (2020)
Empyre: X-Men vol.1 (2020)
Ender's Game: Battle School vol.1 (2008)
Ender's Game: Command School vol.1 (2009)
Enter the Heroic Age (2010)
Epic Illustrated Vol.1 (1980)
Eternals Annual Vol.1 (2008)
Eternals Annual Vol.1, The (1977)
Eternals Vol.1 (2006)
Eternals vol.1, The (1976)
Eternals Vol.2 (2008)
Eternals vol.2, The (1985)
Eternals vol.3 (2021)
Eternals: Celestia (2021)
Eternals: Thanos Rises (2021)
Eternals: The Heretic (2022)
Eternals: The Herod Factor, The (1991)
Excalibur Annual vol.1 (1993)
Excalibur vol.1 (1988)
Excalibur vol.2 (2001)
Excalibur vol.3 (2004)
Excalibur vol.4 (2019)
Excalibur: Air Apparent (1991)
Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem (1989)
Excalibur: Sword is Drawn (1988)
Excalibur: The Possession (1991)
Excalibur: Weird War III (1990)
Excalibur: XX Crossing Special (1992)
Exceptional X-Men vol.1 (2024)
Exciting X-Patrol Vol.1, The (1997)
Exiled (2012)
Exiles Annual Vol.1 (2007)
Exiles Vol.1 (2001)
Exiles Vol.1 (Malibu)
Exiles Vol.2 (2009)
Exiles vol.3 (2018)
Exiles: Days of then and now (2008)
eXtermination vol.1 (2018)
Extraordinary X-Men Annual vol.1 (2016)
Extraordinary X-Men vol.1 (2016)
Extreme Carnage Alpha (2021)
Extreme Carnage: Agony (2021)
Extreme Carnage: Lasher (2021)
Extreme Carnage: Omega (2021)
Extreme Carnage: Phage (2021)
Extreme Carnage: Riot (2021)
Extreme Carnage: Scream (2021)
Extreme Carnage: Toxin (2021)
Extreme Venomverse vol.1 (2023)
Factor X vol.1 (1995)
Fafhrd and The Gray Mouser vol.1 (1990)
Falcon & Winter Soldier vol.1 (2020)
Falcon Vol.1, The (1983)
Falcon vol.2, The (2017)
Fall of the House of X vol.1 (2024)
Fall of the Hulks: Alpha (2010)
Fall of the Hulks: Gamma (2010)
Fall of the Hulks: MODOK (2010)
Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk vol.1 (2010)
Fall of the Hulks: The Savage She-Hulks vol.1 (2010)
Fallen Angels vol.1 (1987)
Fallen Angels vol.2 (2020)
Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel (2023)
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America Vol.1 (2007)
Fantastic 4th Voyage of Sinbad, The (2001)
Fantastic Force Vol.1 (1994)
Fantastic Force Vol.2 (2009)
Fantastic Four 1234 Vol.1 (2001)
Fantastic Four 1999 (1999)
Fantastic Four 2000 (2000)
Fantastic Four 2099 (2020)
Fantastic Four Annual 2001 (2001)
Fantastic Four Annual vol.1 (1963)
Fantastic Four Annual vol.2 (2014)
Fantastic Four Annual vol.3 (2023)
Fantastic Four In Ataque Del MODOK! (2010)
Fantastic Four Roast (1982)
Fantastic Four Special (2006)
Fantastic Four Special Edition Vol.1 (1984)
Fantastic Four Unlimited vol.1 (1993)
Fantastic Four Unplugged Vol.1 (1995)
Fantastic Four versus The X-Men Vol.1 (1987)
Fantastic Four Vol.1 (1961)
Fantastic Four Vol.2 (1996)
Fantastic Four Vol.3 (1998)
Fantastic Four Vol.4 (2013)
Fantastic Four Vol.5 (2014)
Fantastic Four Vol.6 (2018)
Fantastic Four Vol.7 (2023)
Fantastic Four Wedding Special (2019)
Fantastic Four/Fantastic 4 '98 (1998)
Fantastic Four: 4 Yancy Street (2019)
Fantastic Four: 40th Wedding Anniversary Special (2006)
Fantastic Four: A death in the family vol.1 (2006)
Fantastic Four: Antithesis vol.1 (2020)
Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising Vol.1 (1995)
Fantastic Four: Empyre (2020)
Fantastic Four: Empyre Fallout (2020)
Fantastic Four: Fireworks Vol.1 (1999)
Fantastic Four: First Family vol.1 (2006)
Fantastic Four: Foes Vol.1 (2005)
Fantastic Four: Grand Design vol.1 (2019)
Fantastic Four: Grimm Noir (2020)
Fantastic Four: House of M vol.1 (2005)
Fantastic Four: ¡Isla de la Muerte! (2007)
Fantastic Four: Life Story vol.1 (2021)
Fantastic Four: Marvel Action Hour vol.1 (1994)
Fantastic Four: Negative Zone (2020)
Fantastic Four: Reckoning War Alpha (2022)
Fantastic Four: Road Trip (2021)
Fantastic Four: Season One (2012)
Fantastic Four: The End Vol.1 (2007)
Fantastic Four: The Lost Adventure (2008)
Fantastic Four: The Movie (2005)
Fantastic Four: The World's Greatest Comics Magazine! vol.1 (2001)
Fantasy Masterpieces Vol.2
Fantomex MAX vol.1 (2013)
Fear Itself vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Black Widow (2011)
Fear Itself: Book of the Skull (2011)
Fear Itself: Deadpool vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Fearsome Four vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: FF (2011)
Fear Itself: Hulk vs. Dracula vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Sin's Past (2011)
Fear Itself: Spider-Man vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: The Deep vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: The Fearless vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: The Home Front vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: The Worthy (2011)
Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Wolverine vol.1 (2011)
Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt vol.1 (2011)
Fearless Defenders vol.1, The
Felicia Hardy: The Black Cat vol.1 (1994)
FF vol.1 (2011)
FF vol.2 (2013)
Fighting American (1989)
Firearm vol.1 (Malibu)
Firestar (2010)
Firestar vol.1 (1986)
First X-Men vol.1, The (2012)
Flash Gordon vol.1 (1995)
Flintstone Kids vol.1, The (1988)
Force Works 2020 vol.1 (2020)
Force Works Vol.1 (1994)
Force Works: Ashcan Edition (1993)
Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War vol.1 (2022)
Fraggle Rock vol.1 (1985)
Frank Castle, The Punisher Vol.1 (2009)
Franken-Castle vol.1 (2010)
Freddy Krueger's A Nightmare on Elm Street vol.1 (1989)
Free Comic Book Day: All-New Guardians of the Galaxy (2017)
Free Comic Book Day: Blood Hunt (2024)
Free Comic Book Day: Civil War II (2016)
Free Comic Book Day: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Free Comic Book Day: Infinity (2013)
Free Comic Book Day: Iron Man / Thor (2010)
Free Comic Book Day: Judgment Day (2022)
Free Comic Book Day: Marvel Adventures Iron Man & Hulk (2007)
Free Comic Book Day: Rocket Raccoon (2014)
Free Comic Book Day: Secret Empire (2017)
Free Comic Book Day: Secret Wars (2015)
Free Comic Book Day: Spider-Man (2019)
Free Comic Book Day: Spider-Man (2020)
Free Comic Book Day: Spider-Man/Ultimate Universe (2024)
Free Comic Book Day: Spider-Man/Venom (2021)
Free Comic Book Day: Spider-Man/Venom (2022)
Free Comic Book Day: Spider-Man/Venom (2023)
Free Comic Book Day: Steve Rogers: Captain America (2016)
Free Comic Book Day: The All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015)
Free Comic Book Day: The Amazing Spider-Man (2011)
Free Comic Book Day: The Amazing Spider-Man (2018)
Free Comic Book Day: The Avengers (2009)
Free Comic Book Day: The Avengers (2018)
Free Comic Book Day: The Avengers (2019)
Free Comic Book Day: The Avengers/Hulk (2021)
Free Comic Book Day: Uncanny Avengers (2023)
Free Comic Book Day: X-Men (2020)
Free Comic Book Day: X-Men & Runaways (2006)
Free Comic Book Day: X-Men 2008 (2008)
Freex vol.1 (Malibu)
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Annual vol.1 (2007)
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol.1 (2005)
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man vol.2 (2019)
Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera vol.1, The (1977)
Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix Vol.1 (1996)
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones vol.1, The (1983)
Fury (1994)
Fury (2023)
Fury Max Vol.1 (2012)
Fury Vol.3 (2001)
Fury/Agent 13 Vol.1 (1998)
Fury: Peacemaker vol.1 (2006)
Fury: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary (2015)
Fusion vol.1 (2009)
Future Foundation vol.1 (2019)
Future Imperfect vol.1 (2015)
G.I. Joe and the Transformers vol.1 (1987)
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero vol.1 (1982)
G.I. Joe: Yearbook vol.1 (1985)
G.I. Tales vol.1 (1957)
Galactic Guardians Vol.1 (1994)
Galactus the Devourer (1999)
Gambit & The X-Ternals Vol.1 (1995)
Gambit Vol.1 (1993)
Gambit Vol.2 (1997)
Gambit Vol.3 (1999)
Gambit vol.6 (2022)
Gargoyle vol.1, The (1985)
Gen 13 / Fantastic Four (2001)
Gen 13 / Generation X (1997)
Generation-X vol.1 (1994)
Generation-X vol.2 (2017)
Generation Hex Vol.1 (1997)
Generation Hope vol.1 (2011)
Generation M vol.1 (2006)
Generation Next vol.1 (1995)
Generation X '95 (1995)
Generation X '96 (1996)
Generation X '97 (1997)
Generation X / Dracula '98 (1998)
Generation X / Gen 13 (1997)
Generation X 1999 (1999)
Generation X Holiday Special (1998)
Generation X San Diego Con Edition (1994)
Generations: Banner Hulk and the Totally Awesome Hulk (2017)
Generations: Captain Marvel and Captain Mar-Vell (2017)
Generations: Hawkeye and Hawkeye (2017)
Generations: Iron Man and Ironheart (2017)
Generations: Miles Morales Spider-Man and Peter Parker Spider-Man (2017)
Generations: Ms. Marvel and Ms. Marvel (2017)
Generations: Phoenix and Jean Grey (2017)
Generations: Sam Wilson Captain America and Steve Rogers Captain America (2017)
Generations: The Unworthy Thor and The Mighty Thor (2017)
Generations: Wolverine and All-New Wolverine (2017)
Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel Vol.1 (2022)
Get Along Gang vol.1 (1985)
Get Kraven Vol.1 (2002)
Ghost-Spider Annual vol.1 (2019)
Ghost-Spider vol.1 (2019)
Ghost Racers Vol.1 (2015)
Ghost Rider 2099 vol.1 (1994)
Ghost Rider Annual Vol.1 (1993)
Ghost Rider Annual Vol.2 (2007)
Ghost Rider Annual Vol.3 (2023)
Ghost Rider Vol.1 (1973)
Ghost Rider Vol.1, The (1967)
Ghost Rider Vol.2 (1990)
Ghost Rider Vol.3 (2001)
Ghost Rider Vol.4 (2005)
Ghost Rider Vol.5 (2006)
Ghost Rider vol.8 (2019)
Ghost Rider vol.9 (2022)
Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Punisher: Hearts of Darkness (1991)
Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Punisher: The Dark Design (1994)
Ghost Rider/Ballistic (1997)
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance Vol.1 (1992)
Ghost Rider/Captain America: Fear (1992)
Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Alpha (2023)
Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Omega (2023)
Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch vol.1 (2008)
Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance vol.1 (2024)
Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance (2021)
Ghost Rider: Trail of Tears vol.1 (2007)
Ghost Rider: Vengeance Forever (2022)
Ghost Riders: Heaven's on Fire vol.1 (2009)
Giant-Man vol.1 (2019)
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: Chamaleon Conspiracy (2021)
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King's Ransom (2021)
Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men Vol.1
Giant-Size Avengers Vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Avengers Vol.2 (2008)
Giant-Size Black Cat: Infinity Score (2022)
Giant-Size Chillers Vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Conan the Barbarian Vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Creatures Vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Daredevil vol.2 (2024)
Giant-Size Defenders Vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Dracula Vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Fantastic Four (2024)
Giant-Size Fantastic Four vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Gwen Stacy (2022)
Giant-Size Hulk (2024)
Giant-Size Hulk Vol.2 (2006)
Giant-Size Incredible Hulk Vol.1 (2008)
Giant-Size Invaders vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size Little Marvel: AvX vol.1 (2015)
Giant-Size Man-Thing vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Marvel Adventures The Avengers vol.1 (2007)
Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Ms. Marvel Vol.1 (2006)
Giant-Size Rune Vol.1 (1995)
Giant-Size Spider-Man (2024)
Giant-Size Spider-Man vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Spider-Man vol.2 (2014)
Giant-Size Spider-Woman Vol.1 (2005)
Giant-Size Super-Heroes Vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Super-Stars Vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up Vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size Thor (2024)
Giant-Size Thor Finale (2010)
Giant-Size Werewolf vol.1 (1974)
Giant-Size Wolverine Vol.1 (2006)
Giant-Size X-Men vol.1 (1975)
Giant-Size X-Men: Fantomex (2020)
Giant-Size X-Men: Jean Grey + Emma Frost (2020)
Giant-Size X-Men: Magneto (2020)
Giant-Size X-Men: Nightcrawler (2020)
Giant-Size X-Men: Storm (2020)
Giant-Size X-Men: Thunderbird (2022)
Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Wein and Cockrum (2020)
Giant-Size X-Statix (2019)
GLA vol.1 (2005)
Gladiator / Supreme (1997)
GLX-Mas Special (2005)
GODS vol.1 (2023)
Godwheel vol.1 (1995)
Godwheel vol.1 (1995)
Gold Goblin vol.1 (2023)
Gorilla Man vol.1 (2010)
Green Goblin vol.1 (1995)
Green Lantern / Silver Surfer: Unholy Alliances (1995)
Groo Chronicles vol.1, The (1989)
Groo The Wanderer vol.1 (1985)
Groot vol.1 (2015)
Guardians 3000 vol.1 (2014)
Guardians of Infinity vol.1 (2016)
Guardians of Knowhere vol.1 (2015)
Guardians of The Galaxy #1.MU (2017)
Guardians of The Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha (2015)
Guardians of The Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex Omega (2015)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual vol.1 (1991)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual vol.2 (2015)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual vol.3 (2019)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual vol.4 (2021)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual vol.5 (2024)
Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1 (1990)
Guardians of The Galaxy vol.2 (2008)
Guardians of The Galaxy vol.3 (2013)
Guardians of The Galaxy vol.4 (2015)
Guardians of The Galaxy vol.5 (2019)
Guardians of The Galaxy vol.6 (2020)
Guardians of The Galaxy vol.7 (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy vol.1 (2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers (2013)
Guardians Team-Up vol.1 (2015)
Gunhawks (2019)
Gunsmoke Western vol.1 (1955)
Gwen Stacy vol.1 (2020)
Gwenpool Holiday Special (2016)
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix-up (2017)
Gwenpool Strikes Back vol.1 (2019)
Hail Hydra vol.1 (2015)
Halloween Special Issue (2008)
Hallows' Eve vol.1 (2023)
Halo Graphic Novel (2006)
Halo: Blood Line vol.1 (2010)
Halo: Helljumper vol.1 (2007)
Halo: Uprising vol.1 (2009)
Han Solo & Chewbacca vol.1 (2022)
Han Solo vol.1 (2016)
Hank Johnson, Agent of Hydra (2015)
Hanna-Barbera Spotlight vol.1 (1978)
Hardcase vol.1 (Malibu)
Haunt of Horror: Edgar Allan Poe vol.1 (2006)
Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft vol.1 (2008)
Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown vol.1 (1988)
Hawkeye & Mockingbird vol.1 (2010)
Hawkeye Annual Vol.1 (2013)
Hawkeye Vol.1 (1983)
Hawkeye Vol.2 (1994)
Hawkeye Vol.4 (2012)
Hawkeye Vol.5 (2017)
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool vol.1 (2014)
Hawkeye: Blindspot vol.1 (2011)
Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman (1998)
Hawkeye: Freefall vol.1 (2020)
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop vol.1 (2021)
Headmasters vol.1 (1987)
Heathcliff's Funhouse vol.1 (1987)
Heathcliff Annual vol.1 (1987)
Heathcliff vol.1 (1985)
Hedge Knight II: Sworn Sword vol.1, The (2007)
Hedge Knight vol.1, The (2003)
Hellions vol.1 (2020)
Hellstorm Omnibus By Warren Ellis (2018)
Hellstorm: Prince of Lies vol.1 (1993)
Hellverine vol.1 (2024)
Heralds vol.1 (2010)
Herc vol.1 (2011)
Hercules: Fall of an Avenger vol.1 (2010)
Hercules: Heart of Chaos Vol.1 (1997)
Hercules: Prince of Power Vol.1 (1982)
Hercules: Prince of Power Vol.2 (1984)
Heroes for Hire / Quicksilver '98 (1998)
Heroes for Hire Vol.1 (1997)
Heroes for Hire Vol.2 (2006)
Heroes for Hire Vol.3 (2011)
Heroes Reborn (1996)
Heroes Reborn vol.1 (2021)
Heroes Reborn: American Knights (2021)
Heroes Reborn: Ashema (2000)
Heroes Reborn: Doom (2000)
Heroes Reborn: Doomsday (2000)
Heroes Reborn: Hyperion & the Imperial Guard (2021)
Heroes Reborn: Magneto & the Mutant Force (2021)
Heroes Reborn: Marvel Double Action (2021)
Heroes Reborn: Masters Of Evil (2000)
Heroes Reborn: Night-Gwen (2021)
Heroes Reborn: Peter Parker, the Amazing Shutterbug (2021)
Heroes Reborn: Rebel (2000)
Heroes Reborn: Remnants (2000)
Heroes Reborn: Siege Society (2021)
Heroes Reborn: Squadron Savage (2021)
Heroes Reborn: The Return vol.1 (1997)
Heroes Reborn: Weapon X & Final Flight (2021)
Heroes Reborn: Young Allies (2000)
Heroes Reborn: Young Squadron (2021)
Heroes Return (2021)
Heroic Age: One month to live vol.1 (2010)
Heroic Age: Prince of Power vol.1 (2010)
High Republic vol.1, The (2021)
High Republic vol.2, The (2022)
High Republic: Eye of the Storm vol.1, The (2021)
High Republic: The Blade vol.1, The (2021)
High Republic: Trail of Shadows vol.1, The (2021)
History of the Marvel Universe vol.1 (2019)
Hit-Girl vol.1 (2012)
Hood vol.1, The (2002)
Hook: The Official Movie Adaptation (1991)
House of M vol.1 (2005)
House of M vol.2 (2015)
House of X vol.1 (2019)
How to Read Comics the Marvel Way vol.1 (2021)
Howard The Duck Annual Vol.1 (1977)
Howard The Duck Holiday Special (1997)
Howard The Duck Vol.1 (1976)
Howard The Duck Vol.2 (2002)
Howard The Duck Vol.4 (2015)
Howard The Duck Vol.5 (2016)
Howard the Human (2015)
Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. vol.1 (2015)
Hulk '99 Annual (1999)
Hulk & Thing: Hard Knocks vol.1 (2004)
Hulk / Pitt (1996)
Hulk / Sub-Mariner '98 (1998)
Hulk / Wolverine: 6 Hours Vol.1 (2003)
Hulk Annual vol.1 (2014)
Hulk Annual vol.2 (2023)
Hulk Family vol.1 (2009)
Hulk Smash the Avengers vol.1 (2012)
Hulk Vol.1 (1999)
Hulk Vol.2 (2008)
Hulk Vol.3 (2014)
Hulk vol.4 (2017)
Hulk vol.5 (2022)
Hulk vs. Fing Fang Foom (2008)
Hulk vs. Hercules: When Titans Collide (2008)
Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War Alpha (2022)
Hulk! Vol.1, The (1978)
Hulk: Broken Worlds vol.1 (2009)
Hulk: Grand Design - Madness (2022)
Hulk: Grand Design - Monster (2022)
Hulk: Gray vol.1 (2003)
Hulk: Nightmerica vol.1
Hulk: Raging Thunder (2008)
Hulk: Season One (2012)
Hulk: The End (2002)
Hulk: The Movie Adaptation (2003)
Hulked Out Heroes vol.1 (2010)
Hulkling & Wiccan (2022)
Human Fly Vol.1, The (1977)
Human Torch Comics 70th Anniversary Special
Human Torch vol.1, The (1940)
Hunger vol.1 (2013)
Hunt for Wolverine (2018)
Hunt For Wolverine: Dead Ends (2018)
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor vol.1 (2018)
Hunt for Wolverine: The Adamantium Agenda vol.1 (2018)
Hunt for Wolverine: The Claws of a Killer vol.1 (2018)
Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost vol.1 (2018)
I (heart) Marvel: Masked Intentions (2006)
I (heart) Marvel: My Mutant Heart (2006)
I am an Avenger vol.1 (2010)
I Am Groot vol.1 (2017)
Iceman Vol.1 (1984)
Iceman Vol.2 (2001)
Iceman vol.3 (2017)
Iceman vol.4 (2018)
Identity Disc Vol.1 (2004)
Illuminati vol.1 (2016)
Immoral X-Men vol.1 (2023)
Immortal Hulk vol.1, The (2018)
Immortal Hulk: Flatline, The (2021)
Immortal Hulk: Great Power, The (2020)
Immortal Hulk: The Best Defense, The (2019)
Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place, The (2020)
Immortal Hulk: Time of Monsters, The (2021)
Immortal Iron Fist Annual Vol.1, The (2007)
Immortal Iron Fist Vol.1, The (2007)
Immortal Iron Fist: Orson Randall and the Death Queen of California, The (2008)
Immortal Iron Fist: Orson Randall and the Green Mist of Death, The (2008)
Immortal Iron Fist: The Origin of Danny Rand, The (2008)
Immortal She-Hulk, The (2020)
Immortal Thor vol.1, The (2023)
Immortal Weapons vol.1 (2009)
Immortal X-Men vol.1 (2022)
Imperial Guard Vol.1 (1997)
Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular vol.1, The (1990)
Incognito vol.1 (2008)
Incognito: Bad Influences vol.1 (2010)
Incognito: The Classified Edition (2012)
Incoming! (2020)
Incredible Hercules Vol.1, The (2008)
Incredible Hulk '97, The (1997)
Incredible Hulk Annual vol.1, The (1968)
Incredible Hulk vol.1, The (1962)
Incredible Hulk Vol.2, The (2000)
Incredible Hulk vol.3, The (2011)
Incredible Hulk vol.4, The (2023)
Incredible Hulk Vs. Superman, The (1999)
Incredible Hulk vs. Venom, The (1994)
Incredible Hulk: Blood Hunt, The (2024)
Incredible Hulk: Destruction Vol.1, The (2005)
Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect Vol.1, The (1992)
Incredible Hulk: Hercules Unleashed, The (1996)
Incredible Hulk: Last Call, The (2019)
Incredible Hulks Annual vol.1, The (2011)
Incredible Hulks Vol.1, The (2010)
Independence Day vol.1 (1996)
Indestructible Hulk Annual vol.1 (2014)
Indestructible Hulk vol.1 (2013)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom vol.1 (1984)
Infamous Iron Man vol.1 (2016)
Infernal Man-Thing Vol.1, The (2012)
Inferno vol.1 (2015)
Inferno vol.2 (2021)
Infinity Abyss Vol.1 (2002)
Infinity Countdown Prime (2018)
Infinity Countdown vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock (2018)
Infinity Countdown: Black Widow (2018)
Infinity Countdown: Captain Marvel (2018)
Infinity Countdown: Champions vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Countdown: Daredevil (2018)
Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Crusade Vol.1, The (1993)
Infinity Entity vol.1, The (2016)
Infinity Gauntlet Vol.1, The (1991)
Infinity Gauntlet vol.2, The (2015)
Infinity vol.1 (2013)
Infinity War Vol.1, The (1992)
Infinity Warps: Arachknight vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Warps: Ghost Panther vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Warps: Iron Hammer vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Warps: Soldier Supreme vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Warps: Weapon Hex vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Wars Prime (2018)
Infinity Wars vol.1 (2018)
Infinity Wars: &infin (2019)
Infinity Wars: Fallen Guardian (2019)
Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps vol.1 (2019)
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker vol.1 (2018)
Inhuman Annual vol.1 (2015)
Inhuman Special (2015)
Inhuman vol.1 (2014)
Inhumanity vol.1 (2014)
Inhumanity: The Superior Spider-Man (2014)
Inhumans Prime (2017)
Inhumans Vol.1, The (1975)
Inhumans Vol.2, The (1998)
Inhumans Vol.3, The (2000)
Inhumans vs. X-Men vol.1 (2017)
Inhumans: Attilan Rising vol.1 (2015)
Inhumans: Judgment Day (2018)
Inhumans: Once & Future Kings vol.1 (2017)
Inhumans: The Untold Saga, The (1990)
International Iron Man vol.1 (2016)
Into the Heartlands (2021)
Invaders Annual vol.1, The (1977)
Invaders vol.1 (2019)
Invaders Vol.1, The (1975)
Invaders vol.2, The (1993)
Invincible Iron Man '99 Annual, The (1999)
Invincible Iron Man Annual 2000, The (2000)
Invincible Iron Man Annual 2001, The (2001)
Invincible Iron Man Annual vol.2, The (2010)
Invincible Iron Man vol.1 (2015)
Invincible Iron Man vol.1, The (1968)
Invincible Iron Man vol.2 (2017)
Invincible Iron Man vol.2, The (1998)
Invincible Iron Man vol.3, The (2005)
Invincible Iron Man vol.4, The (2008)
Invincible Iron Man vol.5, The (2023)
Invisible Woman vol.1 (2019)
Iron Age 2020 (2020)
Iron Age vol.1, The (2011)
Iron Age: Alpha, The (2011)
Iron Age: Omega, The (2011)
Iron Cat vol.1 (2022)
Iron Fist vol.1 (1975)
Iron Fist vol.2 (1996)
Iron Fist vol.3 (1998)
Iron Fist vol.5 (2017)
Iron Fist vol.6 (2022)
Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon vol.1 (2021)
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon vol.1 (2014)
Iron Lantern Vol.1 (1997)
Iron Man (1999)
Iron Man & Captain America '98 (1998)
Iron Man / Thor vol.1 (2011)
Iron Man 2.0 vol.1 (2011)
Iron Man 2020 (1994)
Iron Man 2020 vol.1 (2020)
Iron Man and Sub-Mariner vol.1 (1968)
Iron Man Annual vol.1 (1970)
Iron Man Annual vol.2 (2014)
Iron Man Annual vol.3 (2021)
Iron Man Annual vol.4 (2023)
Iron Man Noir vol.1 (2010)
Iron Man vol.1
Iron Man vol.2 (1996)
Iron Man vol.3
Iron Man vol.4 (2013)
Iron Man vol.5 (2020)
Iron Man vs. Whiplash vol.1 (2010)
Iron Man/Captain America: Casualties of War (2007)
Iron Man/Hellcat Annual (2022)
Iron Man: Bad Blood vol.1 (2000)
Iron Man: Crash (1988)
Iron Man: Director of SHIELD Annual Vol.1 (2008)
Iron Man: Director of SHIELD Vol.1 (2005)
Iron Man: Enter the Mandarin Vol.1 (2007)
Iron Man: Golden Avenger (2008)
Iron Man: House of M vol.1 (2005)
Iron Man: Hypervelocity vol.1 (2007)
Iron Man: I am Iron Man vol.1 (2010)
Iron Man: Legacy of Doom vol.1 (2008)
Iron Man: Legacy vol.1 (2010)
Iron Man: Season One (2013)
Iron Man: The End (2009)
Iron Man: The Inevitable vol.1 (2006)
Iron Man: The Iron Age Vol.1 (1998)
Ironheart 2020 vol.1 (2020)
Irredeemable Ant-Man Vol.1, The (2006)
iWolverine 2020 vol.1 (2020)
Jack of Hearts Vol.1, The (1984)
Jackpot (2024)
Jane Foster & The Mighty Thor vol.1 (2022)
Jann of the Jungle Vol.1 (1955)
Jean Grey vol.1 (2017)
Jean Grey vol.2 (2023)
Jessica Jones vol.1 (2016)
Jessica Jones: Blind Spot (2018)
Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter (2019)
JLA/Avengers Vol.1 (2003)
JLX Unleashed! Vol.1 (1997)
JLX Vol.1 (1996)
Joe Fixit vol.1 (2023)
John Carter of Mars: A Princess of Mars vol.1 (2011)
John Carter, Warlord of Mars Annual vol.1 (1977)
John Carter, Warlord of Mars vol.1 (1977)
John Romita Jr. 30th Anniversary Special (2006)
Journey into Mystery Annual vol.1
Journey into Mystery vol.1 (1952)
Journey into Mystery vol.2 (1972)
Journey into Mystery: The Birth of Krakoa (2018)
Journey into Unknown Worlds (2019)
Journey into Unknown Worlds vol.1 (1950)
Jubilee vol.1 (2004)
Juggernaut (1997)
Juggernaut vol.1 (2020)
Juggernaut: The Eighth Day (1999)
Jungle Action vol.1 (1954)
Jungle Action vol.2 (1972)
Jungle Tales Vol.1 (1954)
Justice Vol.1 (1949)
Justice vol.2 (1986)
Ka-Zar '97 (1997)
Ka-Zar of the Savage Land (1997)
Ka-Zar The Savage vol.1 (1981)
Ka-Zar vol.1 (1970)
Ka-Zar vol.2 (1974)
Ka-Zar: Lord of the Hidden Jungle vol.1 (1974)
Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land vol.1 (2021)
Ka-Zar: Sibling Rivalry (1997)
Kanan: The Last Padawan vol.1 (2015)
Kang the Conqueror vol.1 (2021)
Karnak vol.1 (2015)
Kick-Ass 2 vol.1 (2010)
Kick-Ass 3 vol.1 (2013)
Kick-Ass vol.1 (2008)
Kid Colt Outlaw vol.1 (1948)
Killraven (2001)
Killraven vol.1 (2002)
King-Size Cable Spectacular (2008)
King-Size Conan (2021)
King-Size Hulk Vol.1 (2008)
King Conan Vol.1 (1980)
King Conan vol.2 (2022)
King in Black vol.1 (2021)
King in Black: Black Knight (2021)
King in Black: Black Panther (2021)
King in Black: Captain America (2021)
King in Black: Ghost Rider (2021)
King in Black: Gwenom Vs. Carnage vol.1 (2021)
King in Black: Iron Man/Doctor Doom (2021)
King in Black: Marauders (2021)
King in Black: Namor vol.1 (2021)
King in Black: Planet of the Symbiotes vol.1 (2021)
King in Black: Return of the Valkyries vol.1 (2021)
King in Black: Scream (2021)
King in Black: The Amazing Spider-Man (2021)
King in Black: The Immortal Hulk (2021)
King in Black: Thunderbolts vol.1 (2021)
King in Black: Wiccan and Hulkling (2021)
King Thor vol.1 (2019)
Kingpin vol.1 (2003)
Kingpin vol.2 (2017)
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine vol.1 (1984)
Kitty Pryde: Agent of SHIELD vol.1 (1997)
Kitty Pryde: Shadow & flame vol.1 (2005)
Klaws of the Panther vol.1 (2010)
Knights of X vol.1 (2022)
Korvac Saga vol.1 (2015)
Kree-Skrull War starring The Avengers / Special Edition vol.1, The
Kull and the Barbarians Vol.1 (1975)
Kull The Conqueror Vol.1 (1971)
Kull The Conqueror vol.2 (1982)
Kull The Conqueror vol.3 (1983)
Kull The Destroyer Vol.1 (1973)
Kull: The Vale of Shadow (1989)
Lando vol.1 (2015)
Lando: Double or Nothing vol.1 (2018)
Last American vol.1, The (1990)
Last Annihilation: Wakanda, The (2021)
Last Annihilation: Wiccan and Hulkling, The (2021)
Last Avengers Story vol.1, The (1995)
Last Defenders vol.1, The (2008)
Last Fantastic Four Story, The (2007)
League of Legends: Ashe vol.1 (2019)
League of Legends: Lux vol.1 (2019)
League of Legends: Zed vol.1 (2019)
Legendary Star-Lord vol.1 (2014)
Legends of the Dark Claw Vol.1 (1996)
Legion of Monsters Vol.1, The (1975)
Legion of Monsters: Man-Thing (2007)
Legion Of Monsters: Morbius the Living Vampire (2007)
Legion of Monsters: Satana (2007)
Legion of Monsters: Werewolf by Night (2007)
Legion of Night Vol.1, The (1991)
Legion of X vol.1 (2022)
Legion vol.1 (2018)
Lethal Foes Of Spider-Man vol.1 (1993)
Life of Captain Marvel vol.2, The (2018)
Life of Groo The Wanderer, The (1993)
Life of Pope John Paul II, The (1982)
Life With Millie Vol.1 (1960)
Light and Darkness War vol.1, The (1988)
Lobo The Duck Vol.1 (1997)
Logan's Run vol.1 (1977)
Logan vol.1 (2008)
Logan: Path of the Warlord (1996)
Logan: Shadow Society (1996)
Loki Vol.1 (2004)
Loki vol.2 (2010)
Loki vol.3 (2019)
Loki vol.4 (2023)
Loki: Agent of Asgard Vol.1 (2014)
Loners vol.1, The (2007)
Longshot (1998)
Longshot vol.1 (1985)
Lords of Empyre: Celestial Messiah (2020)
Lords of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling (2020)
Lords of Empyre: Swordsman (2020)
Lorna The Jungle Girl vol.1 (1953)
Lorna The Jungle Queen vol.1 (1953)
Love Romances (2019)
Love Romances vol.1 (1949)
Luke Cage Noir vol.1 (2009)
Luke Cage vol.1 (2017)
Luke Cage, Hero For Hire Vol.1 (1972)
Luke Cage, Power Man Vol.1 (1974)
Luke Cage: Gang War vol.1 (2024)
Mace Windu: Jedi of the Republic vol.1 (2017)
Machine Man / Bastion '98 (1998)
Machine Man 2020 vol.1 (2020)
Machine Man vol.1 (Serie limitada)
Machine Man vol.1 (Serie regular)
Madrox Vol.1 (2004)
Maestro vol.1 (2020)
Maestro: War & Pax vol.1 (2020)
Maestro: World War M vol.1 (2022)
Magdalena / Daredevil (2008)
Magik Vol.1 (1983)
Magnetic Men featuring Magneto Vol.1, The (1997)
Magneto and his Magnetic Men Vol.1 (1996)
Magneto Rex vol.1 (1999)
Magneto vol.1 (1996)
Magneto vol.3 (2014)
Magneto vol.4 (2023)
Magnificent Ms. Marvel Annual vol.1, The (2019)
Magnificent Ms. Marvel vol.1, The (2019)
Major X vol.1 (2019)
Man-Thing vol.1, The (1974)
Man-Thing vol.2, The (1979)
Man-Thing Vol.3 (1997)
Man-Thing vol.5 (2017)
Man Called Nova Vol.1, The (1978)
Man Without Fear Vol.1 (2019)
Mantra Vol.1 (1995)
Mantra Vol.1 (Malibu)
Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man, The (2010)
Marauders Annual vol.1 (2022)
Marauders vol.1 (2019)
Marauders vol.2 (2022)
Marc Spector: Moon Knight Special Edition (1992)
Marc Spector: Moon Knight vol.1 (1989)
March on Ultimatum Saga (2008)
Marines in Action vol.1 (1955)
Marines in Battle vol.1 (1954)
Marshal Law vol.1 (1987)
Marshal Law: Fear and Loathing (1990)
Marvel's Avengers: Black Widow (2020)
Marvel's Avengers: Captain America (2020)
Marvel's Avengers: Hulk (2020)
Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War Prelude vol.1 (2018)
Marvel's Avengers: Iron Man (2020)
Marvel's Avengers: Thor (2020)
Marvel's Black Panther Prelude vol.1 (2017)
Marvel's Captain America: Civil War Prelude Infinite Comic (2016)
Marvel's Captain America: Civil War Prelude vol.1 (2016)
Marvel's Doctor Strange Prelude Infinite Comic (2016)
Marvel's Doctor Strange Prelude vol.1 (2016)
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude vol.1 (2014)
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Prequel (2014)
Marvel's Iron Man 2 Adaptation vol.1 (2013)
Marvel's Iron Man 3 Prelude vol.1 (2013)
Marvel's Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes vol.1 (2020)
Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week vol.1 (2012)
Marvel's The Avengers vol.1 (2015)
Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude (2015)
Marvel's The Avengers: Black Widow Strikes vol.1 (2012)
Marvel's Voices (2020)
Marvel's Voices Legacy (2021)
Marvel's Voices: Comunidades (2021)
Marvel's Voices: Heritage (2022)
Marvel's Voices: Identity (2021)
Marvel's Voices: Identity (2022)
Marvel's Voices: Pride (2021)
Marvel's Voices: Pride (2022)
Marvel's Voices: Pride (2023)
Marvel's Voices: X-Men (2023)
Marvel 1602 Vol.1 (2003)
Marvel 1602: New World vol.1 (2005)
Marvel 2-In-One Annual vol.1 (2018)
Marvel 2-In-One: The Human Torch and The Invisible Woman vol.1 (2019)
Marvel 2-In-One: The Thing and Mr. Fantastic! vol.1 (2018)
Marvel 2-In-One: The Thing and The Human Torch vol.1 (2018)
Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration (2014)
Marvel 85th Anniversary Special (2024)
Marvel Action Hour, Featuring Iron Man Vol.1 (1994)
Marvel Action: Avengers vol.1 (2019)
Marvel Action: Avengers vol.2 (2020)
Marvel Action: Black Panther vol.1 (2019)
Marvel Action: Captain Marvel vol.1 (2019)
Marvel Action: Captain Marvel vol.2 (2021)
Marvel Action: Chillers vol.1 (2021)
Marvel Action: Origins vol.1 (2020)
Marvel Action: Spider-Man vol.1 (2019)
Marvel Action: Spider-Man vol.2 (2020)
Marvel Action: Spider-Man vol.3 (2021)
Marvel Adventures Hulk Vol.1 (2007)
Marvel Adventures Iron Man Vol.1 (2007)
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Vol.1
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Vol.2 (2010)
Marvel Adventures Vol.1 (1997)
Marvel Adventures: Super Heroes vol.1 (2008)
Marvel Adventures: Super Heroes vol.2 (2010)
Marvel Adventures: The Avengers vol.1 (2006)
Marvel Age Annual vol.1 (1985)
Marvel Age Fantastic Four Vol.1 (2004)
Marvel Age Power Pack vol.1 (2005)
Marvel Age Spider-Man Vol.1 (2004)
Marvel Age vol.1 (1983)
Marvel Age vol.1 (2023)
Marvel and DC Present The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans (1982)
Marvel Apes vol.1 (2008)
Marvel Apes: Grunt Line (2009)
Marvel Apes: Prime Eight (2009)
Marvel Apes: Speedball (2009)
Marvel Apes: The Amazing Spider-Monkey (2009)
Marvel Arts: Fantastic Four - Full Circle (2022)
Marvel Boy Vol.2 (2000)
Marvel Boy: The Uranian vol.1 (2010)
Marvel Chillers vol.1 (1975)
Marvel Classics Comics vol.1 (1976)
Marvel Comics 1000 (2019)
Marvel Comics 1001 (2019)
Marvel Comics Presents vol.1 (1988)
Marvel Comics Presents vol.2 (2007)
Marvel Comics Presents vol.3 (2019)
Marvel Comics Super Special vol.1 (1977)
Marvel Comics Vol.1 (1939)
Marvel Divas vol.1 (2009)
Marvel Double-Shot vol.1 (2003)
Marvel Double Feature: The Avengers/Giant-Man vol.1 (1994)
Marvel Fanfare vol.1 (1982)
Marvel Fanfare vol.2 (1996)
Marvel Feature vol.1 (1971)
Marvel Feature vol.2 (1975)
Marvel Graphic Novel Vol.1 (1982)
Marvel Holiday Special 1991 (1991)
Marvel Holiday Special 1993 (1992)
Marvel Holiday Special 1994 (1993)
Marvel Holiday Special 1994 (1994)
Marvel Holiday Special 1996 (1996)
Marvel Holiday Special 2004 (2004)
Marvel Illustrated: Kidnapped! vol.1 (2009)
Marvel Illustrated: Moby Dick vol.1 (2008)
Marvel Illustrated: The Iliad vol.1 (2008)
Marvel Illustrated: The Last of the Mohicans vol.1 (2007)
Marvel Illustrated: The Man in the Iron Mask vol.1 (2007)
Marvel Illustrated: The Odyssey vol.1 (2008)
Marvel Illustrated: The Picture of Dorian Gray vol.1 (2008)
Marvel Illustrated: The Three Musketeers vol.1 (2008)
Marvel Illustrated: Treasure Island vol.1 (2007)
Marvel Knights 20th vol.1 (2019)
Marvel Knights Double-Shot vol.1 (2002)
Marvel Knights Vol.1 (2000)
Marvel Knights: 4 Vol.1 (2004)
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man & Wolverine vol.1 (2003)
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man vol.1 (2004)
Marvel Knights: Wolverine & Punisher vol.1 (2004)
Marvel Legacy (2017)
Marvel Mangaverse: Spider-Man (2002)
Marvel Meow (2021)
Marvel Mystery Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
Marvel Mystery Comics Vol.1 (1939)
Marvel Now! Point One (2012)
Marvel Premiere vol.1 (1972)
Marvel Presents vol.1 (1975)
Marvel Preview vol.1 (1975)
Marvel Riot (1995)
Marvel Rising vol.1 (2018)
Marvel Rising vol.2 (2019)
Marvel Rising: Alpha (2018)
Marvel Rising: Ms. Marvel & Squirrel Girl (2018)
Marvel Rising: Omega (2018)
Marvel Rising: Squirrel Girl & Ms. Marvel (2018)
Marvel Saga vol.1, The (1985)
Marvel Spotlight vol.1 (1971)
Marvel Spotlight vol.2 (1979)
Marvel Super-Heroes Special Vol.1 (1990)
Marvel Super-Heroes vol.1 (1967)
Marvel Super Action Featuring the Punisher (1976)
Marvel Super Action vol.1 (1977)
Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions Vol.1 (1982)
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld vol.1 (2024)
Marvel Super Special vol.1 (1977)
Marvel Super Stories (2023)
Marvel Tails Starring Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham vol.1 (1983)
Marvel Tales Vol.1 (1949)
Marvel Tales Vol.2 (1966)
Marvel Team-Up Annual Vol.1 (1976)
Marvel Team-Up Vol.1 (1972)
Marvel Team-Up Vol.2 (1997)
Marvel Team-Up Vol.3 (2005)
Marvel Team-Up vol.4 (2019)
Marvel Treasury Edition Vol.1 (1974)
Marvel Treasury Special: Captain America's Bicentennial Battles (1976)
Marvel Two-In-One Annual Vol.1 (1976)
Marvel Two-In-One Vol.1 (1974)
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season 2 vol.1 (2015)
Marvel Universe vol.1 (1998)
Marvel Universe vs. The Avengers vol.1 (2012)
Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher vol.1 (2010)
Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine vol.1 (2011)
Marvel Universe: Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1 (2015)
Marvel Universe: The Avengers - Earth's Mightiest Heroes Vol.1 (2012)
Marvel Universe: The End Vol.1 (2003)
Marvel Universe: Ultimate Spider-Man - Web-Warriors vol.1 (2015)
Marvel Universe: Ultimate Spider-Man vol.1 (2012)
Marvel Valentine Special (1997)
Marvel Vault: Doctor Strange (2011)
Marvel Vault: The Defenders (2011)
Marvel Vault: The Incredible Hulk and the Human Torch (2011)
Marvel Versus DC/DC Versus Marvel Vol.1 (1996)
Marvel vol.1 (2020)
Marvel Western: The Two-Gun Kid (2006)
Marvel Zombies / Army of Darkness Vol.1 (2007)
Marvel Zombies 2 Vol.1 (2007)
Marvel Zombies 3 Vol.1 (2008)
Marvel Zombies 4 Vol.1 (2009)
Marvel Zombies 5 Vol.1 (2010)
Marvel Zombies Christmas Carol vol.1 (2011)
Marvel Zombies Halloween (2012)
Marvel Zombies Return Vol.1 (2009)
Marvel Zombies Supreme Vol.1 (2011)
Marvel Zombies Vol.1 (2006)
Marvel Zombies vol.2 (2015)
Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood vol.1 (2023)
Marvel Zombies: Dead Days (2007)
Marvel Zombies: Destroy! vol.1 (2012)
Marvel Zombies: Resurrection (2019)
Marvel Zombies: Resurrection vol.1 (2020)
Marvel: 1985 vol.1 (2008)
Marvel: Heroes & legends (1996)
Marvel: Heroes & legends (1997)
Marvel: Now What?! (2013)
Marvel: Point One (2012)
Marvel: Shadows and Light (1997)
Marvel: The Lost Generation vol.1 (2000)
Marvelous Land of Oz vol.1, The (2010)
Marvels Epilogue (2019)
Marvels Project vol.1, The (2009)
Marvels Snapshots: Avengers (2021)
Marvels Snapshots: Captain America (2020)
Marvels Snapshots: Captain Marvel (2021)
Marvels Snapshots: Civil War (2021)
Marvels Snapshots: Fantastic Four (2020)
Marvels Snapshots: Spider-Man (2020)
Marvels Snapshots: Sub-Mariner (2020)
Marvels Snapshots: X-Men (2020)
Marvels Vol.1 (1994)
Marvels vol.1, The (2021)
Marvels X vol.1 (2020)
Marvels: Eye of the Camera vol.1 (2009)
Mary Jane & Black Cat vol.1 (2023)
Mary Jane & Black Cat: Beyond (2022)
Mary Jane Vol.1 (2004)
Mary Jane: Homecoming Vol.1 (2005)
Master of Kung Fu Annual Vol.1 (1976)
Master of Kung Fu Vol.1 (1974)
Master of Kung Fu vol.2 (2015)
Master of Kung Fu: Bleeding Black (1990)
Masters of Terror vol.1 (1975)
Masters of the Universe vol.1 (1986)
Masters of the Universe: The Motion Picture (1986)
Maverick (1997)
Maverick Vol.1 (1997)
MAX Comics: Punisher - Soviet vol.1 (2020)
MAX Punisher Presents: Barracuda vol.1 (2007)
Maximum Security Dangerous Planet (2000)
Maximum Security vol.1 (2000)
Mech Strike: Monster Hunters vol.1 (2022)
Meet The Skrulls vol.1 (2019)
Mekanix vol.1 (2002)
Men's Adventures Vol.1
Men of Wrath vol.1 (2014)
Menace Vol.1 (1953)
Mephisto vs... vol.1 (1987)
Merry X-Men Holiday Special, The (2019)
Micronauts vol.1, The (1979)
Micronauts: The New Voyages vol.1, The (1984)
Midnight Men vol.1 (1993)
Midnight Sons Unlimited vol.1 (1993)
Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt vol.1 (2024)
Midnight Suns vol.1 (2022)
Mighty Avengers Vol.1 (2013)
Mighty Avengers Vol.1, The (2007)
Mighty Captain Marvel vol.1, The (2017)
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers vol.1 (1995)
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Ninja Rangers/VR Troopers vol.1 (1995)
Mighty Thor Annual Vol.1, The (1966)
Mighty Thor Vol.1, The (1966)
Mighty Thor Vol.2, The (1998)
Mighty Thor Vol.3, The (2011)
Mighty Thor Vol.4, The (2016)
Mighty Thor: At The Gates of Valhalla, The (2018)
Mighty Valkyries vol.1, The (2021)
Miguel O'Hara: Spider-Man 2099 vol.1 (2024)
Miles Morales: Shock Waves (2021)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man and Moon Girl (2022)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual vol.1 (2021)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man vol.1 (2019)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man vol.2 (2023)
Miles Morales: Stranger Tides (2022)
Miles Morales: The End (2020)
Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man vol.1 (2014)
Millar & McNiven's Nemesis vol.1 (2010)
Millie the Model vol.1 (1945)
Minimum Carnage: Alpha (2012)
Minimum Carnage: Omega (2013)
Miracleman vol.1 (2014)
Miracleman vol.2 (2015)
Mockingbird vol.1 (2016)
Mockingbird: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary (2015)
MODOK Assassin vol.1 (2015)
MODOK: Head Games vol.1 (2021)
MODOK: Reign Delay (2009)
Monica Rambeau: Photon vol.1 (2023)
Monster-Size Hulk (2008)
Monster of Frankenstein Vol.1, The (1973)
Monsters of the Movies vol.1 (1974)
Monsters on the Prowl vol.1 (1971)
Monsters Unleashed! vol.1 (1973)
Monsters Unleashed! vol.2 (2017)
Monsters Unleashed! vol.3 (2017)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur vol.1 (2016)
Moon Knight Annual Vol.1 (2008)
Moon Knight Annual vol.2 (2019)
Moon Knight Annual vol.3 (2022)
Moon Knight Annual vol.4 (2023)
Moon Knight Vol.1 (1980)
Moon Knight Vol.2 (1998)
Moon Knight Vol.3 (2006)
Moon Knight Vol.4 (2011)
Moon Knight Vol.5 (2014)
Moon Knight Vol.6 (2016)
Moon Knight Vol.7 (2021)
Moon Knight: Black, White and Blood vol.1 (2022)
Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu vol.1 (1985)
Moon Knight: High Strangers Vol.1 (1999)
Moon Knight: Silent Knight (2009)
Moonshadow vol.1 (1985)
Morbius, the Living Vampire vol.1 (1992)
Morbius, the Living Vampire vol.3 (2020)
Mosaic vol.1 (2016)
Mr. and Mrs. X vol.1 (2018)
Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos vol.1 (2015)
Ms. Marvel & Moon Knight (2022)
Ms. Marvel & Venom (2022)
Ms. Marvel & Wolverine (2022)
Ms. Marvel Annual vol.1 (2008)
Ms. Marvel Special (2007)
Ms. Marvel Special: Storyteller (2009)
Ms. Marvel Vol.1 (1977)
Ms. Marvel Vol.2 (2006)
Ms. Marvel vol.3 (2014)
Ms. Marvel vol.4 (2016)
Ms. Marvel: Beyond the Limit vol.1 (2022)
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace vol.1 (2024)
Ms. Marvel: Stretched Thin (2021)
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant vol.1 (2023)
Multiple Man vol.1 (2018)
Muppet Babies vol.1 (1985)
Muppets Take Manhattan vol.1, The (1984)
Murderworld: Avengers (2023)
Murderworld: Game Over (2023)
Murderworld: Moon Knight (2023)
Murderworld: Spider-Man (2023)
Murderworld: Wolverine (2023)
Mutant-X Annual '99 (1999)
Mutant-X Vol.1 (1998)
Mutant Misadventures of Cloak and Dagger vol.1, The (1988)
Mutopia X Vol.1 (2005)
Mystery Tales vol.1 (1952)
Mystic Comics vol.1 (1940)
Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange, The (2010)
Mystic Vol.1 (1951)
Mystical Tales Vol.1 (1956)
Mystique and Sabretooth Vol.1 (1997)
Mystique vol.1 (2003)
Mythos: Captain America (2008)
Mythos: Fantastic Four (2007)
Mythos: Ghost Rider (2007)
Mythos: Hulk (2006)
Mythos: Spider-Man (2007)
Mythos: X-Men (2006)
Namor The Sub-Mariner: Conquered Shores vol.1 (2022)
Namor vol.1 (2003)
Namor vol.2 (2024)
Namor, the Sub-Mariner Annual vol.1 (1991)
Namor, The Sub-Mariner vol.1 (1990)
Namor: The Best Defense (2019)
Namor: The First Mutant Annual vol.1 (2011)
Namor: The First Mutant vol.1 (2010)
Namora (2010)
Nation X vol.1 (2010)
Nation X: X-Factor (2010)
Navy Action vol.1 (1954)
Navy Combat vol.1 (1955)
New Avengers Annual Vol.1 (2014)
New Avengers Annual Vol.1, The (2006)
New Avengers Annual vol.2, The (2011)
New Avengers vol.1 (2013)
New Avengers vol.1, The (2005)
New Avengers vol.2, The (2010)
New Avengers vol.3, The (2015)
New Avengers: Finale, The (2010)
New Avengers: Illuminati Vol.1, The (2006)
New Avengers: Illuminati Vol.2, The (2007)
New Avengers: Luke Cage vol.1, The (2010)
New Avengers: The Reunion vol.1 (2009)
New Avengers: Ultron Forever, The (2015)
New Defenders vol.1, The (1983)
New Eternals: Apocalypse Now, The (2000)
New Excalibur vol.1 (2006)
New Exiles Annual vol.1 (2009)
New Exiles vol.1 (2008)
New Fantastic Four vol.1 (2022)
New Invaders Vol.1, The (2004)
New Mutants Annual vol.1, The (1984)
New Mutants Forever Vol.1 (2010)
New Mutants Special Edition, The (1985)
New Mutants Summer Special, The (1990)
New Mutants Vol.1 (2003)
New Mutants Vol.1, The (1983)
New Mutants Vol.2 (2009)
New Mutants Vol.3 (2020)
New Mutants: Dead Souls vol.1, The (2018)
New Mutants: Lethal Legion vol.1 (2023)
New Mutants: Truth or Death vol.1, The (1997)
New Mutants: War Children, The (2019)
New Thunderbolts vol.1 (2005)
New Warriors Annual Vol.1, The (1991)
New Warriors vol.1, The (1990)
New Warriors Vol.2, The (1999)
New Warriors vol.3 (2005)
New Warriors vol.4 (2007)
New Warriors vol.5 (2014)
New X-Men Annual 2001 (2001)
New X-Men Vol.1 (2001)
New X-Men vol.2 (2006)
New X-Men: Academy-X vol.1 (2004)
New X-Men: Academy X Yearbook Vol.1 (2005)
New X-Men: Hellions Vol.1 (2005)
Newuniversal Vol.1 (2007)
Nextwave vol.1 (2006)
Nexus War: Thor (2020)
Nick Fury vol.1 (2017)
Nick Fury vs. SHIELD vol.1 (1988)
Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD Vol.1 (1968)
Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD vol.3 (1989)
Night Man vol.1, The (1995)
Night Man vol.1, The (Malibu)
Night Man vs. Wolverine, The (1995)
Night of the Living Deadpool vol.1 (2014)
Night Thrasher Vol.1 (1993)
Night Thrasher: Four Control Vol.1 (1992)
Nightcrawler Vol.1 (1985)
Nightcrawler Vol.2 (2002)
Nightcrawler vol.4 (2014)
Nightcrawlers vol.1 (2023)
Nightstalkers vol.1 (1992)
Nightwatch vol.1 (1994)
Nocturne vol.1 (1995)
Nomad vol.1 (1990)
Nomad Vol.2 (1992)
Nomad: Girl without a World vol.1 (2009)
Non-Stop Spider-Man vol.1 (2021)
Northstar vol.1 (1994)
Not Brand Echh Vol.1 (1967)
Nova Annual vol.1 (2008)
Nova Annual vol.2 (2015)
Nova Vol.1 (1976)
Nova Vol.2 (1994)
Nova vol.4 (2007)
Nova vol.5 (2013)
Nova vol.6 (2016)
Nova vol.7 (2017)
Nova: The Human Rocket vol.1 (1999)
Nova: The Origin of Richard Rider (2009)
Nth Man The Ultimate Ninja vol.1 (1989)
NYX vol.1 (2003)
NYX: No Way Home vol.1 (2008)
Obi-Wan & Anakin vol.1 (2016)
Obi-Wan vol.1 (2022)
Occupy Avengers vol.1 (2017)
Official Handbook of the Conan Universe, The (1986)
Old-Man Logan Giant-Size Special (2009)
Old Man Hawkeye vol.1 (2018)
Old Man Logan Annual vol.1 (2018)
Old Man Logan vol.1 (2015)
Old Man Logan vol.2 (2016)
Old Man Quill vol.1 (2019)
Olympians vol.1, The (1991)
Omega Flight Vol.1 (2007)
Omega The Unknown Vol.1 (1976)
Omega The Unknown vol.2 (2007)
Onslaught Unleashed vol.1 (2011)
Onslaught: Epilogue (1997)
Onslaught: Marvel Universe (1996)
Onslaught: X-Men vol.1 (1996)
Order Vol.2, The (2007)
Origin II Vol.1 (2014)
Original Graphic Novels: Avengers - Rage Of Ultron (2015)
Original Graphic Novels: Deadpool - Bad Blood (2017)
Original Graphic Novels: Spider-Man - Family Business (2014)
Original Graphic Novels: The Avengers - Endless Wartime (2013)
Original Graphic Novels: The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2016)
Original Graphic Novels: X-Men - No More Humans (2014)
Original Sin Annual vol.1 (2014)
Original Sin vol.1 (2014)
Original Sins vol.1 (2014)
Origins of Siege (2010)
Osborn vol.1 (2011)
Our Love Story vol.1 (1969)
Outlaw Kid vol.1 (1954)
Outlawed (2020)
Oz Primer (2011)
Ozma of Oz vol.1 (2011)
Paradise X vol.1 (2002)
Paradise X: A (2003)
Paradise X: Devils (2002)
Paradise X: Heralds vol.1 (2002)
Paradise X: Ragnarok vol.1 (2003)
Paradise X: Xen (2002)
Patsy Walker vol.1 (1945)
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! vol.1 (2016)
Patsy Walker: Hellcat vol.1 (2008)
Penance: Relentless vol.1 (2007)
Peter Parker & Miles Morales: Spider-Men - Double Trouble vol.1 (2023)
Peter Parker vol.1 (2010)
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual vol.1 (1979)
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol.1 (1976)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man '97 (1997)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man '99 (1999)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man & Elektra '98 (1998)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man Annual 2000 (2000)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man Annual 2001 (2001)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man Vol.1 (1996)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man Vol.2 (1999)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual vol.1 (2018)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 (2017)
Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham vol.1 (1985)
Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham vol.2 (2020)
Phoenix Resurrection vol.1 (2018)
Phoenix Resurrection, The (1996)
Phoenix Resurrection: Aftermath, The (1996)
Phoenix Resurrection: Genesis, The (1995)
Phoenix Resurrection: Revelations, The (1995)
Phoenix vol.1 (2024)
Phoenix: The Untold Story (1984)
Pinhead vs. Marshal Law: Law In Hell vol.1 (1993)
Pizzazz vol.1 (1977)
Planet-Size X-Men (2021)
Planet Hulk vol.1 (2015)
Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker vol.1 (2023)
Planet of the Apes vol.1 (1974)
Planet of the Apes vol.2 (2023)
Planet Skaar Prologue (2009)
Planet Terry vol.1 (1985)
Poe Dameron Annual vol.1 (2017)
Poe Dameron vol.1 (2016)
Police Academy vol.1 (1989)
Power Man and Iron Fist vol.1 (1978)
Power Man and Iron Fist vol.3 (2016)
Power Man and Iron Fist: Sweet Christmas (2017)
Power Man Vol.1 (1977)
Power Pack Vol.1 (1984)
Power Pack vol.3 (2020)
Power Pack: Grow Up! (2019)
Power Records: Book and Record Set vol.1 (1974)
Powerless Vol.1 (2004)
Powers Annual vol.1 (2008)
Powers of X vol.1 (2019)
Powers TPB vol.1 (2004)
Powers vol.1 (2000)
Powers vol.2 (2004)
Powers vol.3 (2009)
Powers: Bureau vol.1 (2013)
Predator versus Wolverine vol.1 (2023)
Predator vol.1 (2022)
Predator vol.2 (2023)
Prelude to Deadpool Corps vol.1 (2010)
Presidents' Day Special: The Amazing Spider-Man (2009)
Pride & Prejudice vol.1 (2009)
Prime vol.1 (Malibu)
Prime vs. The Incredible Hulk (1995)
Prince Namor, The Sub-Mariner vol.1 (1968)
Prince Namor, The Sub-Mariner vol.2 (1984)
Prince Valiant vol.1 (1994)
Princess Leia vol.1 (2015)
Prodigal Sun: Fantastic Four, The (2019)
Prodigal Sun: Guardians of the Galaxy, The (2019)
Prodigal Sun: Silver Surfer, The (2019)
Professor Xavier and the X-Men vol.1 (1995)
Prophet / Cable Vol.1 (1997)
Prototype vol.1 (Malibu)
Prowler Vol.1 (1994)
Prowler vol.2 (2016)
Pryde and Wisdom vol.1 (1996)
Psi-Force vol.1 (1986)
Psylocke & Archangel: Crimson Dawn vol.1 (1997)
Psylocke Vol.1 (2010)
Pulse Vol.1, The (2004)
Pulse: House of M Special vol.1, The (2005)
Punisher / Painkiller Jane, The (2001)
Punisher 2099 vol.1 (1993)
Punisher 2099, The (2020)
Punisher And Wolverine: Damaging Evidence vol.1 (1993)
Punisher Annual Vol.1 (2009)
Punisher Annual Vol.1, The (1988)
Punisher Annual vol.2, The (2007)
Punisher Annual vol.4, The (2019)
Punisher Kill Krew vol.1 (2019)
Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe (1995)
Punisher Max vol.1 (2010)
Punisher Max X-Mas Special (2009)
Punisher Max: Butterfly (2010)
Punisher Max: Get Castle (2010)
Punisher Max: Happy Ending (2010)
Punisher Max: Hot Rods of Death (2010)
Punisher Max: Tiny Ugly World (2010)
Punisher Noir vol.1 (2009)
Punisher Vol.1, The (1986)
Punisher Vol.2 (2009)
Punisher Vol.2, The (1987)
Punisher vol.3 (2022)
Punisher Vol.3, The (1998)
Punisher Vol.4, The (2000)
Punisher Vol.5, The (2001)
Punisher Vol.6, The (2004)
Punisher Vol.7, The (2011)
Punisher Vol.8, The (2014)
Punisher Vol.9, The (2016)
Punisher Vol.10, The (2018)
Punisher Vs. Bullseye Vol.1 (2005)
Punisher War Journal Annual Vol.1 (2009)
Punisher War Journal Vol.1 (2006)
Punisher War Journal Vol.1, The (1988)
Punisher War Journal: Base (2023)
Punisher War Journal: Blitz (2022)
Punisher War Journal: Brother (2022)
Punisher War Zone Annual vol.1, The (1993)
Punisher War Zone vol.1, The (1992)
Punisher/Batman: Deadly Knights (1994)
Punisher/Black Widow: Spinning Doomsday's Web
Punisher: Bloody Valentine (2006)
Punisher: Force of Nature, The (2008)
Punisher: In the Blood vol.1 (2011)
Punisher: Little Black Book, The (2008)
Punisher: Naked Kill, The (2009)
Punisher: Nightmare vol.1 (2013)
Punisher: P.O.V. Vol.1 (1991)
Punisher: Red X-Mas (2005)
Punisher: Return to Big Nothing, The (1989)
Punisher: Silent Night (2006)
Punisher: The Cell (2005)
Punisher: The End vol.1 (2004)
Punisher: The Movie vol.1, The (2004)
Punisher: The Platoon vol.1 (2017)
Punisher: The Trial of the Punisher Vol.1 (2013)
Punisher: The Tyger (2006)
Punisher: War Zone vol.1 (2009)
Punisher: War Zone vol.2 (2012)
Punisher: X-Mas Special (2006)
Punisher: Year One vol.1, The (1994)
Quake: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary (2015)
Quasar vol.1 (1989)
Quicksilver Vol.1 (1997)
Quicksilver: No Surrender vol.1 (2018)
Raiders of the Lost Ark vol.1 (1981)
Rampaging Hulk Vol.1, The (1977)
Rampaging Hulk Vol.2, The (1998)
Ravage 2099 vol.1 (1992)
Ravencroft vol.1 (2020)
Rawhide Kid vol.1 (1955)
Rawhide Kid vol.1, The (1985)
Rawhide Kid vol.3 (2003)
Realm of Kings (2010)
Realm of Kings: Imperial Guard vol.1 (2010)
Realm of Kings: Inhumans vol.1 (2010)
Realm of Kings: Son of Hulk vol.1 (2010)
Realm of X vol.1 (2023)
Reckoning War: Trial of The Watcher (2022)
Red Goblin vol.1 (2023)
Red Goblin: Red Death (2019)
Red Raven Comics vol.1 (1940)
Red Skull vol.1 (2011)
Red Sonja Vol.1 (1977)
Red Sonja Vol.2 (1983)
Red Sonja Vol.3 (1983)
Red Sonja: Scavenger Hunt (1995)
Rescue 2020 vol.1 (2020)
Resurrection of Magneto vol.1 (2024)
Return of the Living Deadpool vol.1 (2015)
Return of Wolverine vol.1 (2018)
Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol.1 (2020)
Ringo Kid Vol.1 (1955)
Ringo Kid vol.1, The (1970)
Ringo Kid Western Vol.1 (1954)
Riri Williams: Ironheart vol.1 (2019)
Rise of Apocalypse Vol.1, The (1996)
Rise of Kylo Ren vol.1, The (2020)
Rise of the Powers of X vol.1 (2024)
Road to Empyre: The Kree/Skrull War (2020)
Road to Oz vol.1 (2012)
Robocop (1990)
Robocop 2 Magazine (1990)
Robocop vol.1 (1990)
Rocket and Groot: The Hunt for Star-Lord (2024)
Rocket Raccoon and Groot vol.1 (2016)
Rocket Raccoon vol.1 (1985)
Rocket Raccoon vol.2 (2014)
Rocket Raccoon vol.3 (2017)
Rocket vol.1 (2017)
Rogue & Gambit vol.1 (2018)
Rogue & Gambit vol.2 (2023)
Rogue One vol.1 (2017)
Rogue One: Cassian and K2-S0 Special (2017)
Rogue vol.1 (1995)
Rogue Vol.2 (2001)
Rogue vol.3 (2004)
Rom Annual Vol.1 (1982)
Rom vol.1 (1979)
Roxxon Presents: Thor (2024)
Royals vol.1 (2017)
Ruins of Ravencroft: Carnage (2020)
Ruins of Ravencroft: Dracula (2020)
Ruins of Ravencroft: Sabretooth (2020)
Ruins vol.1 (2009)
Runaways Saga (2007)
Runaways vol.1 (2003)
Runaways vol.2 (2005)
Runaways vol.3 (2008)
Runaways vol.4 (2015)
Runaways vol.5 (2017)
Rune vol.1 (1994)
Rune/Silver Surfer (1995)
S.H.I.E.L.D. Infinity (2011)
S.H.I.E.L.D. vol.1 (2010)
S.H.I.E.L.D. vol.2 (2011)
S.H.I.E.L.D. vol.3 (2015)
S.W.O.R.D. vol.1 (2010)
S.W.O.R.D. vol.2 (2021)
Sabretooth & the Exiles vol.1 (2023)
Sabretooth Special '95 (1995)
Sabretooth vol.1 (1993)
Sabretooth vol.3 (2022)
Sabretooth: Back to Nature (1998)
Sachs & Violens vol.1 (1993)
Saga of the Original Human Torch vol.1, The (1990)
Saga of the Sub-Mariner vol.1, The (1988)
Sam Wilson: Captain America vol.1 (2015)
Sana Starros vol.1 (2023)
Savage Avengers Annual vol.1 (2019)
Savage Avengers vol.1 (2019)
Savage Avengers vol.2 (2022)
Savage Axe of Ares, The (2010)
Savage Hulk vol.1 (2014)
Savage Hulk, The (1996)
Savage She-Hulk Vol.1, The (1980)
Savage Spider-Man vol.1 (2022)
Savage Sword of Conan Annual vol.1, The (1975)
Savage Sword of Conan vol.1 (2019)
Savage Sword of Conan vol.1, The (1974)
Savage Tales vol.1 (1971)
Savage Tales vol.2 (1985)
Savage Wolverine vol.1 (2013)
Scarlet Spider Unlimited vol.1 (1996)
Scarlet Spider Vol.1 (1995)
Scarlet Spider Vol.2 (2012)
Scarlet Spiders Vol.1 (2015)
Scarlet vol.1 (2010)
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver vol.1 (2024)
Scarlet Witch Annual vol.1 (2023)
Scarlet Witch vol.1 (1994)
Scarlet Witch vol.2 (2016)
Scarlet Witch vol.3 (2023)
Scooby-Doo vol.1 (1977)
Scream: Curse of Carnage vol.1 (2020)
Season's Beatings (2019)
Secret Agent Deadpool (2019)
Secret Avengers vol.1 (2010)
Secret Avengers vol.2 (2013)
Secret Avengers vol.3 (2014)
Secret Defenders Vol.1, The (1993)
Secret Empire vol.1 (2017)
Secret Empire: Brave New World vol.1 (2017)
Secret Empire: Omega (2017)
Secret Empire: Underground (2017)
Secret Empire: United (2017)
Secret Empire: Uprising (2017)
Secret Invasion Aftermath: Beta Ray Bill: The Green Eden (2009)
Secret Invasion Prologue (2008)
Secret Invasion Saga (2008)
Secret Invasion Vol.1 (2008)
Secret Invasion vol.2 (2023)
Secret Invasion: Dark Reign (2008)
Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four vol.1 (2008)
Secret Invasion: Front Line vol.1 (2008)
Secret Invasion: Inhumans vol.1 (2008)
Secret Invasion: Requiem (2009)
Secret Invasion: Runaways & Young Avengers (2008)
Secret Invasion: The Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 (2008)
Secret Invasion: Thor vol.1 (2008)
Secret Invasion: War of Kings (2009)
Secret Invasion: Who do you trust? (2008)
Secret Invasion: X-Men vol.1 (2008)
Secret Reverse (2022)
Secret Service vol.1, The (2012)
Secret War Vol.1 (2004)
Secret War: From the Files of Nick Fury (2005)
Secret Warriors vol.1 (2009)
Secret Warriors vol.2 (2017)
Secret Wars 2099 vol.1 (2015)
Secret Wars II Omnibus (2009)
Secret Wars II Vol.1 (1985)
Secret Wars Too (2016)
Secret Wars Vol.1 (1984)
Secret Wars vol.2 (2015)
Secret Wars: Agents of Atlas (2015)
Secret Wars: Battleworld vol.1 (2015)
Secret Wars: Journal vol.1 (2015)
Secret Wars: Secret Love (2015)
Secret X-Men (2022)
Semper Fi’ Vol.1 (1988)
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1, The (1989)
Sensational She-Hulk vol.2, The (2023)
Sensational Spider-Man '96, The (1996)
Sensational Spider-Man Annual vol.2, The (2007)
Sensational Spider-Man Vol.1, The (1996)
Sensational Spider-Man Vol.2, The (2006)
Sensational Spider-Man: Self-Improvement, The (2019)
Sense & Sensibility vol.1 (2010)
Sentinel Squad O*N*E vol.1 (2006)
Sentry / Fantastic Four Vol.1, The (2001)
Sentry / Hulk Vol.1, The (2001)
Sentry / Spider-man Vol.1, The (2001)
Sentry / X-Men Vol.1, The (2001)
Sentry Vol.1, The (2000)
Sentry Vol.2, The (2005)
Sentry vol.3, The (2018)
Sentry Vs. The Void Vol.1, The (2001)
Sentry: Fallen Sun, The (2010)
Sergio Aragon s Massacres Marvel (1996)
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos Vol.1 (1974)
Sgt. Fury Annual Vol.1 (1965)
Sgt. Fury Vol.1 (1963)
Shadowland vol.1 (2010)
Shadowland: After the Fall (2010)
Shadowland: Blood on the Streets vol.1 (2010)
Shadowland: Bullseye (2010)
Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow vol.1 (2010)
Shadowland: Elektra (2010)
Shadowland: Ghost Rider (2010)
Shadowland: Moon Knight vol.1 (2010)
Shadowland: Power Man vol.1 (2010)
Shadowland: Spider-Man (2010)
Shadows & Light vol.1 (1998)
Shame Itself (2012)
Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings vol.1 (2022)
Shang-Chi vol.1 (2020)
Shang-Chi vol.2 (2021)
Shang-Chi: Master of Kung-Fu vol.1 (2002)
Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu (2009)
Shang-Chi: Master of the Ten Rings vol.1 (2023)
Shanna The She-Devil Vol.1 (1972)
Shanna The She-Devil Vol.2 (2005)
Shatterstar vol.1 (2018)
She-Hulk Annual vol.1 (2019)
She-Hulk Vol.1 (2004)
She-Hulk Vol.2 (2005)
She-Hulk Vol.3 (2014)
She-Hulk Vol.4 (2022)
She-Hulk: Cosmic Colision (2009)
She-Hulks Vol.1 (2011)
Shi / Daredevil (1997)
Shroud vol.1, The (1994)
Shuri vol.1 (2018)
Siege Vol.1 (2010)
Siege vol.2 (2015)
Siege: Captain America (2010)
Siege: Embeded Vol.1 (2010)
Siege: Loki (2010)
Siege: Secret Warriors (2010)
Siege: Spider-Man (2010)
Siege: The Cabal (2010)
Siege: Young Avengers (2010)
Silent War Vol.1 (2007)
Silk vol.1 (2015)
Silk vol.2 (2016)
Silk vol.3 (2021)
Silk vol.4 (2022)
Silver Sable and the Wild Pack vol.1 (1992)
Silver Surfer Annual vol.1, The (1988)
Silver Surfer Vol.1, The (1968)
Silver Surfer Vol.2 (1982)
Silver Surfer Vol.3, The (1987)
Silver Surfer Vol.4, The (1988)
Silver Surfer Vol.5 (2003)
Silver Surfer Vol.6 (2011)
Silver Surfer vol.7 (2014)
Silver Surfer vol.8 (2016)
Silver Surfer, The (1978)
Silver Surfer/Superman (1997)
Silver Surfer/Thor '98 (1998)
Silver Surfer/Warlock: Resurrection vol.1 (1993)
Silver Surfer/Weapon Zero (1997)
Silver Surfer: Black vol.1 (2019)
Silver Surfer: Dangerous Artifacts (1996)
Silver Surfer: Ghost Light vol.1 (2023)
Silver Surfer: Homecoming, The (1991)
Silver Surfer: In Thy Name Vol.1 (2007)
Silver Surfer: Judgment Day, The (1988)
Silver Surfer: Rebirth - Legacy vol.1 (2023)
Silver Surfer: Rebirth vol.1 (2022)
Silver Surfer: Requiem Vol.1 (2007)
Silver Surfer: The Best Defense, The (2019)
Sinister War vol.1 (2021)
Sins of Sinister (2023)
Sins of Sinister: Dominion (2023)
Siren vol.1 (1995)
Skaar, Son of Hulk Presents: Savage World of Sakaar (2008)
Skaar: King of the Savage Land vol.1 (2011)
Skaar: Son of Hulk vol.1 (2008)
Skrull Kill Krew vol.1 (1995)
Skrull Kill Krew vol.2 (2009)
Skull the Slayer vol.1 (1975)
Sludge vol.1 (Malibu)
Solitaire vol.1 (Malibu)
Solo Avengers Vol.1 (1987)
Solo Vol.1 (1994)
Solution vol.1, The (Malibu)
Son of Hulk vol.1 (2009)
Son of M vol.1 (2006)
Son of Satan vol.1, The (1975)
Special Edition X-Men (1983)
Special Marvel Edition Vol.1 (1971)
Spectacular Scarlet Spider Vol.1, The (1995)
Spectacular Spider-Man Magazine vol.1, The (1968)
Spectacular Spider-Man Super-Special, The (1995)
Spectacular Spider-Man Vol.1, The
Spectacular Spider-Man Vol.2, The (2003)
Spectacular Spider-Men vol.1, The (2024)
Speed Demon Vol.1 (1996)
Spellbound Vol.1 (1952)
Spider-Boy Team-Up Vol.1 (1997)
Spider-Boy Vol.1 (1996)
Spider-Boy vol.2 (2024)
Spider-Force vol.1 (2018)
Spider-Geddon vol.1 (2018)
Spider-Geddon: Spider-Man Noir Video Comic (2019)
Spider-Girl Annual Vol.1 (1999)
Spider-Girl vol.1 (1998)
Spider-Girl vol.2 (2011)
Spider-Girls vol.1 (2018)
Spider-Gwen Annual vol.1 (2016)
Spider-Gwen Annual vol.2 (2023)
Spider-Gwen vol.1 (2015)
Spider-Gwen vol.2 (2015)
Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider vol.1 (2018)
Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse vol.1 (2022)
Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clones vol.1 (2023)
Spider-Gwen: The Ghost Spider vol.1 (2024)
Spider-Ham Hollywood May-Ham (2022)
Spider-Ham: Great Power, No Responsibility (2021)
Spider-Island Vol.1 (2015)
Spider-Island: Avengers (2011)
Spider-Island: Cloak & Dagger vol.1 (2011)
Spider-Island: Deadly Foes (2011)
Spider-Island: Deadly Hands Of Kung-Fu vol.1 (2011)
Spider-Island: Heroes for Hire (2011)
Spider-Island: I Love New York City (2011)
Spider-Island: Spider-Woman (2011)
Spider-Island: The Amazing Spider-Girl vol.1 (2011)
Spider-Man's Tangled Web Vol.1 (2001)
Spider-Man & the Human Torch in... Bahía de los Muertos! (2009)
Spider-Man & The Secret Wars Vol.1 (2010)
Spider-Man & Venom: Double Trouble vol.1 (2019)
Spider-Man / Gen 13 (1996)
Spider-Man / Kingpin: to the Death
Spider-Man / Marrow (2001)
Spider-Man / Punisher / Sabretooth: Designer Genes (1993)
Spider-Man / Punisher: Family Plot Vol.1 (1996)
Spider-Man / Red Sonja Vol.1 (2007)
Spider-Man 1602 vol.1 (2009)
Spider-Man 2: The Official Movie Adaptation (2004)
Spider-Man 2099 (2020)
Spider-Man 2099 Annual vol.1 (1994)
Spider-Man 2099 meets Spider-man
Spider-Man 2099 Special vol.1 (1995)
Spider-Man 2099 Vol.1 (1992)
Spider-Man 2099 Vol.2 (2014)
Spider-Man 2099 vol.3 (2015)
Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis vol.1 (2023)
Spider-Man 2099: Exodus Alpha (2022)
Spider-Man 2099: Exodus Omega (2022)
Spider-Man 2099: Exodus vol.1 (2022)
Spider-Man Adventures Vol.1 (1994)
Spider-Man and Batman (1995)
Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four Vol.1 (2007)
Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four Vol.2 (2010)
Spider-Man and the X-Men vol.1 (2015)
Spider-Man and X-Factor: Shadowgames vol.1 (1994)
Spider-Man Annual vol.1 (2018)
Spider-Man Annual vol.2 (2023)
Spider-Man Chapter One Vol.1 (1998)
Spider-Man Family (2005)
Spider-Man Family featuring Spider-Man's Amazing Friends (2006)
Spider-Man Family Vol.1 (2007)
Spider-Man Holiday Special (1995)
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane Vol.1 (2006)
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane vol.2 (2008)
Spider-Man Noir vol.1 (2009)
Spider-Man Noir vol.2 (2020)
Spider-Man Noir: Eyes without a Face vol.1 (2009)
Spider-Man Special Edition: The trial of Venom (1992)
Spider-Man Special: Black and Blue and Read all over Vol.1 (2006)
Spider-Man Spectacular (2014)
Spider-Man Super-Special Vol.1 (1995)
Spider-Man Team-Up Vol.1 (1995)
Spider-Man Unlimited Vol.1 (1993)
Spider-Man Unlimited Vol.3 (2004)
Spider-Man versus The Punisher (2000)
Spider-Man versus Wolverine
Spider-Man vol.1 (1990)
Spider-Man vol.2 (2016)
Spider-Man vol.3 (2019)
Spider-Man vol.4 (2022)
Spider-Man/Badrock Vol.1 (1997)
Spider-Man/Badrock Vol.1 (1997)
Spider-Man/Black Cat: The evil that men do Vol.1 (2002)
Spider-Man/Daredevil Vol.1 (2001)
Spider-Man/Deadpool #1.MU (2017)
Spider-Man/Deadpool vol.1 (2016)
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure Vol.1 (2003)
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Year One Vol.1 (2004)
Spider-Man/Dr. Strange The Way to Dusty Death (1992)
Spider-Man/Human Torch Vol.1 (2005)
Spider-Man: 101 Ways to End the Clone saga Vol.1 (1997)
Spider-Man: Blue Vol.1 (2002)
Spider-Man: Breakout vol.1 (2005)
Spider-Man: City at War vol.1 (2019)
Spider-Man: Clone Saga vol.1 (2009)
Spider-Man: Dead Man's Hand (1997)
Spider-Man: Death & Destiny Vol.1 (2000)
Spider-Man: Fairy Tales vol.1 (2007)
Spider-Man: Fear Itself (2011)
Spider-Man: Fever Vol.1 (2010)
Spider-Man: Final Adventure Vol.1 (1995)
Spider-Man: Friends & Enemies Vol.1 (1995)
Spider-Man: Funeral for an Octopus Vol.1 (1995)
Spider-Man: Great Power, Great Mayhem (2023)
Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives Vol.1 (1997)
Spider-Man: Homecoming Prelude vol.1 (2017)
Spider-Man: House of M vol.1 (2005)
Spider-Man: India vol.1 (2005)
Spider-Man: Legacy of Evil (1996)
Spider-Man: Legend of the Spider-Clan vol.1 (2002)
Spider-Man: Life Line vol.1 (2001)
Spider-Man: Life Story Annual vol.1 (2021)
Spider-Man: Life Story vol.1 (2019)
Spider-Man: Made Men (1998)
Spider-Man: Maximum Clonage Alpha (1995)
Spider-Man: Maximum Clonage Omega (1995)
Spider-Man: Redemption Vol.1 (1996)
Spider-Man: Reign Vol.1 (2007)
Spider-Man: Revenge of the Green Goblin Vol.1 (2000)
Spider-Man: Season One (2012)
Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin vol.1 (2024)
Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow vol.1 (2021)
Spider-Man: Sweet Charity Vol.1 (2002)
Spider-Man: The Arachnis Project vol.1 (1994)
Spider-Man: The Clone Journal (1995)
Spider-Man: The Jackal Files (1995)
Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt Vol.1 (2023)
Spider-Man: The Lost Years Vol.1 (1995)
Spider-Man: The Lost Years Vol.1 (1995)
Spider-Man: The Mutant Agenda vol.1 (1994)
Spider-Man: The Mysterio Manifesto Vol.1 (2000)
Spider-Man: The Official Movie Adaptation (2002)
Spider-Man: The Osborn Journal (1997)
Spider-Man: The Parker Years (1995)
Spider-Man: The Power of Terror Vol.1 (1995)
Spider-Man: Velocity vol.1 (2019)
Spider-Man: Venom Agenda (1998)
Spider-Man: Web of Doom vol.1 (1994)
Spider-Man: With Great Power... vol.1 (2008)
Spider-Men II vol.1 (2017)
Spider-Men vol.1 (2012)
Spider-Verse Team-Up vol.1 (2015)
Spider-Verse vol.1 (2015)
Spider-Verse vol.2 (2015)
Spider-Verse vol.3 (2019)
Spider-Woman Vol.1 (1978)
Spider-Woman Vol.2 (1993)
Spider-Woman Vol.3 (1999)
Spider-Woman Vol.4 (2009)
Spider-Woman Vol.5 (2015)
Spider-Woman Vol.6 (2016)
Spider-Woman Vol.7 (2020)
Spider-Woman Vol.8 (2024)
Spider-Woman: Origin Vol.1 (2006)
Spider-Women Alpha (2016)
Spider-Women Omega (2016)
Spidey and His Amazing Friends: Let's Swing, Spidey Team! (2023)
Spidey and His Amazing Friends: Team Spidey Does It All! (2022)
Spidey and His Amazing Friends: Teamwork Saves the Day! (2024)
Spidey vol.1 (2016)
Spirits of Ghost Rider: Mother of Demons (2020)
Spirits of Vengeance vol.1 (2017)
Squadron Sinister vol.1 (2015)
Squadron Supreme Vol.1 (1985)
Squadron Supreme Vol.2 (2006)
Squadron Supreme Vol.4 (2016)
Squadron Supreme: Hyperion vs. Nighthawk vol.1 (2007)
Squadron Supreme: New World Order (1998)
Stan Lee meets Doctor Doom (2006)
Stan Lee meets Doctor Strange (2006)
Stan Lee meets Silver Surfer (2007)
Stan Lee meets The Amazing Spider-Man (2006)
Stan Lee meets The Thing (2006)
Stand: American Nightmares vol.1, The (2009)
Stand: Captain Trips vol.1, The (2008)
Stand: Hardcases vol.1, The (2010)
Stand: No Man's Land vol.1, The (2011)
Stand: Soul Survivors vol.1, The (2009)
Stand: The Night Has Come vol.1, The (2011)
Star-Lord And Kitty Pryde vol.1 (2015)
Star-Lord Annual vol.1 (2017)
Star-Lord the Special Edition vol.1 (1982)
Star-Lord vol.1 (2016)
Star-Lord vol.2 (2017)
Star Brand vol.1 (1986)
Star Masters vol.1 (1995)
Star Trek vol.1 (1980)
Star vol.1 (2020)
Star Wars Annual vol.1 (1979)
Star Wars Annual vol.2 (2016)
Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser: Halcyon Legacy vol.1 (2022)
Star Wars Shattered Empire vol.1 (2015)
Star Wars vol.1 (1977)
Star Wars vol.2 (2015)
Star Wars vol.3 (2020)
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Boba Fett (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Darth Vader (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Grand Moff Tarkin (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Han Solo (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Jabba the Hutt (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Lando Calrissian (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Luke Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Princess Leia (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Special (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Anakin Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Count Dooku (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Darth Maul (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Republic - General Grievous (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Jango Fett (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Obi-Wan Kenobi (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Padm Amidala (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Qui-Gon Jinn (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Republic Special (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Captain Phasma (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Finn (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - General Hux (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Kylo Ren (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Poe Dameron (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Rey (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Rose Tico (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Supreme Leader Snoke (2019)
Star Wars: Age of Resistance Special (2019)
Star Wars: Allegiance vol.1 (2019)
Star Wars: Beckett (2018)
Star Wars: Crimson Reign vol.1 (2022)
Star Wars: DJ - Most Wanted (2018)
Star Wars: Empire Ascendant (2020)
Star Wars: Han Solo - Imperial Cadet vol.1 (2019)
Star Wars: Hidden Empire vol.1 (2023)
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple vol.1 (2019)
Star Wars: Life Day (2022)
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi vol.1 (1983)
Star Wars: Revelations (2023)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens vol.1 (2016)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi vol.1 (2018)
Star Wars: The Mandalorian vol.1 (2022)
Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel (2017)
Star Wars: The Storms of Crait (2018)
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters - 4-Lom and Zuckuss (2021)
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters - Boushh (2021)
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters - IG-88 (2021)
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters - Jabba the Hutt (2021)
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha (2021)
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters vol.1 (2021)
Starblast vol.1 (1994)
Starbrand and Nightmask vol.1 (2016)
Starjammers vol.1 (1995)
Starlord vol.1 (1996)
Starr the Slayer vol.1 (2009)
Startling Stories: Banner! Vol.1 (2001)
Startling Stories: Fantastic Four - Unstable Molecules Vol.1 (2003)
Startling Stories: The megalomaniacal Spider-Man Vol.1 (2002)
Startling Stories: The Thing - Night Falls On Yancy Street vol.1 (2003)
Stephen King's N. vol.1 (2010)
Steve Rogers: Captain America vol.1 (2016)
Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier Annual vol.1 (2011)
Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier vol.1 (2010)
Stoker's Dracula vol.1 (2004)
Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants vol.1 (2023)
Storm vol.1 (1996)
Storm vol.2 (2006)
Storm vol.3 (2014)
Storm vol.4 (2023)
Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray vol.1 (2005)
Strange Academy Presents: The Death of Doctor Strange (2021)
Strange Academy vol.1 (2020)
Strange Academy: Finals vol.1 (2022)
Strange Academy: Miles Morales (2023)
Strange Academy: Moon Knight (2023)
Strange Academy: The Amazing Spider-Man (2023)
Strange Tales (1994)
Strange Tales Annual vol.1
Strange Tales of the Unusual vol.1
Strange Tales vol.1 (1951)
Strange Tales vol.2 (1987)
Strange Tales vol.4 (2009)
Strange Tales: Dark Corners (1998)
Strange vol.1 (2004)
Strange vol.2 (2010)
Strange vol.3 (2022)
Strange Worlds vol.1 (1955)
Strangers vol.1, The (Malibu)
Stray Toasters TPB (1991)
Stray Toasters vol.1 (1988)
Strikeforce vol.1 (2019)
Strong Guy Reborn (1997)
Stryfe's Strike File (1993)
Sub-Mariner Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
Sub-Mariner Comics Vol.1 (1941)
Sub-Mariner vol.2 (2007)
Sub-Mariner: The Depths vol.1 (2008)
Sunfire & Big Hero 6 Vol.1 (1998)
Super-Villain Classics vol.1 (1983)
Super-Villain Team-Up Vol.1 (1975)
Super-Villain Team-Up: MODOK's 11 vol.1 (2007)
Super Hero's Journey, The (2023)
Super Soldier Vol.1 (1996)
Super Soldier: Man of War Vol.1 (1997)
Supercrooks vol.1 (2012)
Superior Carnage Annual vol.1 (2014)
Superior Carnage vol.1 (2013)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man vol.1, The (2013)
Superior Iron Man vol.1 (2015)
Superior Octopus, The (2018)
Superior Spider-Man Annual vol.1, The (2014)
Superior Spider-Man Returns, The (2023)
Superior Spider-Man Team-up vol.1 (2013)
Superior Spider-Man vol.1 (2023)
Superior Spider-Man vol.1, The (2013)
Superior Spider-Man vol.2, The (2019)
Superior vol.1 (2010)
Superman Vs. The Amazing Spider-Man (1976)
Superman/Fantastic Four (1999)
Supernatural Thrillers Vol.1 (1972)
Supreme Power Vol.1 (2003)
Supreme Power: Hyperion vol.1 (2005)
Supreme Power: Nighthawk vol.1 (2005)
Suspense Vol.1 (1949)
Sword of Solomon Kane Vol.1, The (1985)
Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 vol.1 (2024)
Symbiote Spider-Man vol.1 (2019)
Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality vol.1 (2019)
Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads vol.1 (2021)
Symbiote Spider-Man: King in Black vol.1 (2021)
Takio (2011)
Tales from the Age of Apocalypse (1996)
Tales from the Age of Apocalypse: Sinister Bloodlines (1997)
Tales of Suspense vol.1 (1959)
Tales of Suspense: Captain America & Iron Man (2005)
Tales of the Marvel Universe (1997)
Tales of the Marvels: Blockbuster (1995)
Tales of the Marvels: Inner Demons (1996)
Tales of the Marvels: Wonder Years vol.1 (1995)
Tales of the Zombie Vol.1 (1973)
Tales To Astonish vol.1 (1959)
Tales to Astonish vol.3 (1994)
Tangled Web Vol.1 (2001)
Target Vader vol.1 (2019)
Tarzan: Lord of the Jungle vol.1 (1977)
Taskmaster vol.2 (2010)
Taskmaster vol.3 (2020)
Team X / Team 7 (1996)
Team X 2000 (1999)
Teen-Age Romance vol.1 (1960)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day - The Official Adaptation of the Hit Flm (1991)
Terror Inc. vol.2 (2007)
Thanos Annual vol.1 (2014)
Thanos Annual vol.2 (2018)
Thanos Imperative Vol.1, The (2010)
Thanos Imperative: Devastation, The (2011)
Thanos Imperative: Ignition, The (2010)
Thanos Legacy (2018)
Thanos Quest vol.1, The (1990)
Thanos Rising vol.1 (2013)
Thanos Vol.1 (2003)
Thanos vol.2 (2017)
Thanos vol.3 (2019)
Thanos vol.4 (2024)
Thanos vs. Hulk vol.1 (2015)
Thanos: A God Up There Listening vol.1 (2014)
Thanos: Death Notes (2023)
Thanos: The Infinity Conflict (2018)
Thanos: The Infinity Ending (2019)
Thanos: The Infinity Finale (2016)
Thanos: The Infinity Relativity (2015)
Thanos: The Infinity Revelation (2014)
Thanos: The Infinity Siblings (2018)
Thing & She-Hulk: The Long Night vol.1 (2002)
Thing Vol.1, The (1983)
Thing Vol.2, The (2006)
Thing vol.3, The (2022)
Thing: Freakshow Vol.1, The (2002)
Thor & Loki: Double Trouble vol.1 (2021)
Thor Annual vol.1 (2009)
Thor Annual vol.2 (2015)
Thor Annual vol.3 (2021)
Thor Annual vol.4 (2023)
Thor Corps Vol.1 (1993)
Thor Vol.1 (2007)
Thor Vol.2 (2014)
Thor vol.3 (2018)
Thor vol.4 (2020)
Thor Vs. Hulk: Champions Of The Universe (2018)
Thor: Ages of Thunder (2008)
Thor: Blood Oath Vol.1
Thor: First Thunder vol.1 (2010)
Thor: For Asgard vol.1 (2010)
Thor: God-Size Special (2009)
Thor: God of Thunder vol.1 (2013)
Thor: Godstorm Vol.1 (2001)
Thor: Man Of War (2008)
Thor: Ragnarok Prelude vol.1 (2017)
Thor: Reign of Blood (2008)
Thor: Season One (2013)
Thor: Son of Asgard vol.1 (2004)
Thor: The Legend (1996)
Thor: The Mighty Avenger vol.1 (2010)
Thor: The Rage of Thor (2010)
Thor: The Truth of History (2008)
Thor: The Worthy (2020)
Thor: Vikings vol.1 (2003)
Thorion of the New Asgods Vol.1 (1997)
Thors vol.1 (2015)
Thrawn vol.1 (2018)
Thunderbolts '97 (1997)
Thunderbolts Annual 2000 (2000)
Thunderbolts Annual vol.1 (2014)
Thunderbolts Minus One: Distant Rumblings (1997)
Thunderbolts presents: Zemo - Born Better vol.1 (2007)
Thunderbolts Vol.1 (1997)
Thunderbolts vol.2 (2013)
Thunderbolts vol.3 (2016)
Thunderbolts vol.4 (2022)
Thunderbolts: Breaking Point (2008)
Thunderbolts: Desperate Measures (2007)
Thunderbolts: International Incident (2008)
Thunderbolts: Life Sentences (2001)
Thunderbolts: Reason in madness (2008)
Thunderstrike Vol.1 (1993)
Tie Fighter vol.1 (2019)
Timeless (2022)
Timeless (2023)
Timeless (2024)
Timeslip Special: The Coming of the Avengers (1998)
Timestorm 2009 / 2099 vol.1 (2009)
Timestorm 2009 / 2099: Spider-Man (2009)
Timestorm 2009 / 2099: X-Men (2009)
Tomb of Dracula Presents: Throne of Blood (2011)
Tomb of Dracula Vol.1, The (1972)
Tomb of Dracula Vol.2, The (1979)
Tomb of Dracula Vol.3, The (1991)
Tony Stark: Iron Man vol.1 (2018)
Top Dog vol.1 (1985)
Tor vol.1 (1993)
Totally Awesome Hulk #1.MU, The
Totally Awesome Hulk vol.1, The (2016)
Tower of Shadows Vol.1 (1969)
Toxin vol.1 (2005)
Transformers Vol.1, The (1984)
Transformers: Headmasters Vol.1, The (1987)
Transformers: The Movie vol.1 (1987)
Transformers: The Movie vol.1, The (1986)
Trial of Thor, The (2009)
Trojan War vol.1 (2009)
Trouble vol.1 (2003)
Trouble With Girls: Night of the Lizard vol.1, The (1993)
Truth: Red, White & Black Vol.1 (2003)
Twelve vol.1, The (2008)
Twelve vol.1, The (2008)
Twelve: Spearhead, The (2010)
Two-Gun Kid Vol.1 (1948)
Two Gun Western vol.2 (1956)
Typhoid vol.1 (1995)
U.S.Agent vol.1 (1993)
U.S.Agent vol.3 (2021)
U.S.Avengers vol.1 (2017)
Ultimate Adventures vol.1 (2002)
Ultimate Black Panther vol.1 (2024)
Ultimate Captain America Annual vol.1 (2008)
Ultimate Civil War: Spider-Ham (2007)
Ultimate Comics: Armor Wars vol.1 (2009)
Ultimate Comics: Avengers 2 vol.1 (2010)
Ultimate Comics: Avengers 3 vol.1 (2010)
Ultimate Comics: Avengers vol.1 (2009)
Ultimate Comics: Avengers vs New Ultimates vol.1 (2011)
Ultimate Comics: Captain America vol.1 (2011)
Ultimate Comics: Cataclysm 0.1 (2013)
Ultimate Comics: Doom vol.1 (2011)
Ultimate Comics: Enemy vol.1 (2010)
Ultimate Comics: Fallout vol.1 (2011)
Ultimate Comics: Hawkeye vol.1 (2011)
Ultimate Comics: Iron Man vol.1 (2012)
Ultimate Comics: Mystery vol.1 (2010)
Ultimate Comics: New Ultimates vol.1 (2010)
Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man vol.1 (2009)
Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man vol.2 (2011)
Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates Vol.1 (2011)
Ultimate Comics: Thor vol.1 (2010)
Ultimate Comics: Wolverine vol.1 (2013)
Ultimate Comics: X-Men Vol.1 (2011)
Ultimate Comics: X vol.1 (2010)
Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra Vol.1 (2003)
Ultimate Elektra vol.1 (2004)
Ultimate End vol.1 (2015)
Ultimate Extinction Vol.1 (2006)
Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual Vol.1 (2008)
Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol.1 (2004)
Ultimate Fantastic Four/Ultimate X-Men Annual vol.1 (2008)
Ultimate Fantastic Four/X-Men (2006)
Ultimate FF Vol.1 (2014)
Ultimate Hulk Annual Vol.1 (2008)
Ultimate Human vol.1 (2008)
Ultimate Invasion vol.1 (2023)
Ultimate Iron Man II Vol.1 (2008)
Ultimate Iron Man vol.1 (2005)
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up Vol.1 (2001)
Ultimate Nightmare Vol.1 (2004)
Ultimate Origins vol.1 (2008)
Ultimate Power Vol.1 (2006)
Ultimate Secret Vol.1 (2005)
Ultimate Six Vol.1 (2003)
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual vol.1 (2005)
Ultimate Spider-Man Special Vol.1 (2002)
Ultimate Spider-Man vol.1 (2000)
Ultimate Spider-Man vol.1 (2004)
Ultimate Spider-Man vol.2 (2024)
Ultimate Spider-Man: Web-Warriors/Avengers Assemble Season 2 Halloween ComicFest (2015)
Ultimate Universe (2024)
Ultimate Vision Vol.2 (2007)
Ultimate War Vol.1 (2003)
Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk vol.1 (2006)
Ultimate X-Men Annual Vol.1 (2005)
Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001)
Ultimate X-Men vol.2 (2024)
Ultimate X-Men/Fantastic Four (2006)
Ultimate X-Men/Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual vol.1 (2008)
Ultimates Annual vol.1, The (2005)
Ultimates Saga, The (2007)
Ultimates Vol.1, The (2002)
Ultimates Vol.2, The (2005)
Ultimates Vol.3, The (2008)
Ultimates Vol.4, The (2016)
Ultimates vol.5, The (2024)
Ultimates2 Vol.1, The (2017)
Ultimatum vol.1 (2009)
Ultimatum: Fantastic Four Requiem (2009)
Ultimatum: Spider-Man Requiem Vol.1 (2009)
Ultimatum: X-Men Requiem (2009)
Ultraforce Marvel Vol.1 (1994)
Ultraforce Marvel Vol.2 (1995)
Ultraforce/Avengers Prelude vol.1 (1995)
Ultraforce/Avengers vol.1 (1995)
Ultragirl vol.1 (1996)
Ultraverse Origins (1994)
Ultraverse Premiere (1993)
Ultron (2013)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl vol.1, The (2015)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl vol.2, The (2015)
Unbelievable Gwenpool vol.1, The (2016)
Uncanny Avengers Annual vol.1 (2014)
Uncanny Avengers Annual vol.1, The (2016)
Uncanny Avengers vol.1 (2012)
Uncanny Avengers vol.1, The (2015)
Uncanny Avengers vol.2 (2015)
Uncanny Avengers vol.3 (2023)
Uncanny Avengers: Ultron Forever (2015)
Uncanny Inhumans #1.MU, The (2017)
Uncanny Inhumans Annual Vol.1, The (2016)
Uncanny Inhumans Vol.1, The (2015)
Uncanny Origins vol.1 (1996)
Uncanny Spider-Man vol.1 (2023)
Uncanny Tales Vol.1 (1952)
Uncanny X-Force vol.1 (2010)
Uncanny X-Force vol.2 (2013)
Uncanny X-Men '95 (1995)
Uncanny X-Men '96 (1996)
Uncanny X-Men '97 (1997)
Uncanny X-Men '99 (1999)
Uncanny X-Men / Fantastic Four '98 (1998)
Uncanny X-Men Annual 2000 (2000)
Uncanny X-Men Annual 2001 (2001)
Uncanny X-Men Annual vol.2 (2006)
Uncanny X-Men Annual vol.3 (2015)
Uncanny X-Men Annual vol.4 (2017)
Uncanny X-Men Annual vol.5 (2019)
Uncanny X-Men vol.1, The (1963)
Uncanny X-Men vol.2 (2012)
Uncanny X-Men vol.2, The (2024)
Uncanny X-Men vol.3 (2013)
Uncanny X-Men vol.4 (2016)
Uncanny X-Men vol.5 (2019)
Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special (2009)
Uncanny X-Men: First Class vol.1 (2009)
Uncanny X-Men: The Heroic Age (2010)
Uncanny X-Men: Winter's End, The (2019)
Uncle $crooge and the Infinity Dime (2024)
Unforgiven: Captain America (2023)
Unforgiven: Spider-Man (2023)
Unforgiven: X-Men (2023)
Unholy Union (2007)
Union Jack the Ripper: Blood Hunt vol.1 (2024)
Union Jack vol.1 (1998)
Union Jack vol.2 (2006)
Union vol.1, The (2021)
United States of Captain America vol.1, The (2021)
Universe X Omnibus (2001)
Universe X Special: Beasts (2001)
Universe X Special: Cap (2001)
Universe X Special: Four (2001)
Universe X Special: Iron Men (2001)
Universe X Special: Spidey (2001)
Universe X Vol.1 (2000)
Universe X: X (2001)
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction vol.1 (1975)
Unlimited Access Vol.1 (1997)
Unstoppable Wasp vol.1, The (2017)
Unstoppable Wasp vol.2, The (2018)
Untamed vol.1 (1993)
Untold Legend of Captain Marvel, The
Untold Tales of Spider-Man Annual '96 (1996)
Untold Tales of Spider-Man Annual '97 (1997)
Untold Tales of Spider-Man Vol.1 (1995)
Untold Tales of Spider-man: Strange Encounters (1998)
Untold Tales of The Punisher MAX vol.1 (2012)
Unworthy Thor vol.1, The (2017)
USA Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
Vader Down (2016)
Vader: Dark Visions vol.1 (2019)
Valkyrie (1997)
Valkyrie (2010)
Valkyrie: Jane Foster vol.1 (2019)
Vampire Tales vol.1 (1973)
Variants vol.1, The (2022)
Vault of Evil vol.1 (1973)
Vault of Spiders vol.1 (2018)
Vengeance of the Moon Knight vol.1 (2009)
Vengeance of the Moon Knight vol.2 (2024)
Vengeance vol.1 (2011)
Venom 2099 (2020)
Venom Annual vol.1 (2018)
Venom Annual vol.2 (2019)
Venom Annual vol.3 (2023)
Venom Super-Special vol.1 (1995)
Venom vol.1 (2003)
Venom vol.2 (2011)
Venom vol.3 (2017)
Venom vol.4 (2018)
Venom vol.5 (2021)
Venom vs. Carnage Vol.1 (2004)
Venom War vol.1 (2024)
Venom: Along came a Spider... vol.1 (1996)
Venom: Carnage Unleashed Vol.1
Venom: Dark Origin vol.1 (2008)
Venom: First Host vol.1 (2018)
Venom: Funeral Pyre Vol.1 (1993)
Venom: Lethal Protector vol.1 (1993)
Venom: Lethal Protector vol.2 (2022)
Venom: Lethal Protector vol.3 (2023)
Venom: License to Kill Vol.1 (1997)
Venom: Nights of Vengeance vol.1 (1994)
Venom: On Trial vol.1 (1997)
Venom: Seed of Darkness (1997)
Venom: Separation Anxiety Vol.1 (1994)
Venom: Sign of the Boss Vol.1 (1997)
Venom: Sinner Takes All Vol.1 (1995)
Venom: Space Knight vol.1 (2016)
Venom: The End (2020)
Venom: The Enemy Within Vol.1
Venom: The Finale vol.1 (1997)
Venom: The Hunger Vol.1 (1996)
Venom: The Hunted Vol.1 (1996)
Venom: The Mace Vol.1 (1994)
Venom: The Madness Vol.1 (1993)
Venom: Tooth and Claw Vol.1 (1996)
Venomized vol.1 (2018)
Venomverse vol.1 (2017)
Venomverse: War Stories (2017)
Venus vol.1 (1948)
Very Best of Dennis The Menace vol.1, The (1982)
Vision and the Scarlet Witch vol.1 (1982)
Vision and the Scarlet Witch vol.2, The (1985)
Vision vol.1, The (1994)
Vision vol.2, The (2016)
Vote Loki vol.1 (2016)
W.E.B. of Spider-Man vol.1 (2021)
Wakanda vol.1 (2022)
War Comics Vol.1 (1950)
War is Hell (2019)
War is Hell: The First Flight of The Phantom Eagle vol.1 (2008)
War Machine Vol.1 (1994)
War Machine Vol.2 (2009)
War Machine: Ashcan Edition (1994)
War Machine: Weapon of SHIELD Vol.1
War of Kings vol.1 (2009)
War of Kings: Ascension vol.1 (2009)
War of Kings: Darkhawk vol.1 (2009)
War of Kings: Savage World of Skaar (2009)
War of Kings: Warriors vol.1 (2009)
War of Kings: Who will rule? (2009)
War of the Realms Omega, The (2019)
War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Dark Elf Realm, The (2019)
War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants, The (2019)
War of the Realms Strikeforce: The War Avengers, The (2019)
War of the Realms vol.1, The (2019)
War Of The Realms: Journey Into Mystery vol.1, The (2019)
War Of The Realms: New Agents Of Atlas vol.1, The (2019)
War of the Realms: Spider-Man & the League of Realms vol.1, The (2019)
War of the Realms: The Punisher vol.1, The (2019)
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men vol.1, The (2019)
War of the Realms: War Scrolls vol.1, The (2019)
Warlock and The Infinity Watch vol.1 (1992)
Warlock Chronicles vol.1, The
Warlock Vol.1 (1972)
Warlock Vol.2 (1982)
Warlock Vol.4 (1998)
Warlock vol.5 (1999)
Warlock: Rebirth vol.1 (2023)
Warriors Three vol.1 (2011)
Wasp vol.1 (2023)
Wastelanders: Black Widow (2022)
Wastelanders: Doom (2022)
Wastelanders: Hawkeye (2022)
Wastelanders: Star-Lord (2022)
Wastelanders: Wolverine (2022)
Way of X vol.1 (2021)
Weapon-X Vol.1 (1995)
Weapon-X Vol.2 (2002)
Weapon-X Vol.2 (2002)
Weapon Plus: World War IV (2020)
Weapon X (1994)
Weapon X Noir (2010)
Weapon X vol.3 (2017)
Weapon X: First Class Vol.1 (2009)
Weapon X: The Draft - Agent Zero (2002)
Weapon X: The Draft - Kane (2002)
Weapon X: The Draft - Marrow (2002)
Weapon X: The Draft - Sauron (2002)
Weapon X: The Draft - Wild Child (2002)
Weapon Zero/Silver Surfer (1996)
Weapons of Mutant Destruction: Alpha (2017)
Web-Warriors vol.1 (2016)
Web of Black Widow vol.1 (2019)
Web of Carnage (2023)
Web of Scarlet Spider Vol.1 (1995)
Web of Spider-Man (2024)
Web of Spider-Man Annual vol.1 (1985)
Web of Spider-Man Super-Special (1995)
Web of Spider-Man vol.1 (1985)
Web of Spider-Man vol.2 (2009)
Web of Venom: Carnage Born (2019)
Web of Venom: Cult of Carnage (2019)
Web of Venom: Empyre's End (2020)
Web of Venom: Funeral Pyre (2019)
Web of Venom: The Good Son (2020)
Web of Venom: Ve'nam (2018)
Web of Venom: Venom Unleashed (2019)
Web of Venom: Wraith (2020)
Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man Vol.1 (1999)
Weird Wonder Tales vol.1 (1973)
Weirdworld vol.1 (2015)
Weirdworld vol.2 (2016)
Werewolf By Night Vol.1 (1972)
Werewolf By Night Vol.2 (1998)
Werewolf By Night vol.3 (2021)
Werewolf by Night: Blood Hunt (2024)
Werewolf By Night: Red Band vol.1 (2024)
West Coast Avengers Annual vol.1, The (1986)
West Coast Avengers Vol.1 (1984)
West Coast Avengers vol.1, The (1985)
West Coast Avengers vol.2 (2018)
Western Gunfighters vol.1 (1956)
Western Gunfighters vol.2 (1970)
Wha... Huh? (2005)
What If Karen Page Had Lived? (2005)
What If Magneto Had Formed the X-Men With Professor X? (2005)
What If Vol.1 (1977)
What If Vol.2 (1989)
What If... Aunt May had died instead of Uncle Ben? (2005)
What If... Doom had become The Thing? (2005)
What if... General Ross Had Become the Hulk? (2005)
What If... Jessica Jones had joined The Avengers? (2005)
What If... Miles Morales vol.1 (2022)
What If... This Was the Fantastic Four? (2008)
What If...? Dark: Carnage (2023)
What If...? Dark: Loki (2023)
What If...? Dark: Moon Knight (2023)
What If...? Dark: Spider-Gwen (2023)
What If...? Dark: The Tomb of Dracula (2024)
What If...? Dark: Venom (2023)
What If? Annihilation (2008)
What If? Astonishing X-Men (2010)
What If? Avengers Disassembled (2007)
What If? Civil War (2008)
What If? Dark Reign (2011)
What if? Fallen Son (2009)
What If? Flash Thompson Became Spider-Man (2018)
What If? House of M (2009)
What If? Iron Man: Demon in an Armor (2011)
What If? Magik Became Sorcerer Supreme (2018)
What If? Marvel Comics went Metal with Ghost Rider (2018)
What If? Peter Parker Became The Punisher (2018)
What If? Planet Hulk (2007)
What If? Secret Invasion (2010)
What If? Secret Wars (2009)
What If? Spider-Man Versus Wolverine (2008)
What If? Spider-Man: The Other (2007)
What if? The Amazing Spider-Man: Grim Hunt (2011)
What If? The X-Men (2018)
What If? Thor (2006)
What If? Thor was raised by Frost Giants (2018)
What If? Wolverine (2006)
What If? Wolverine: Enemy of the State (2007)
What If? Wolverine: Father (2011)
What If? World War Hulk (2009)
What If? X-Men Deadly Genesis (2007)
What If? X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (2007)
What If? X-Men: Rise and Fall of the Shi'Ar Empire (2008)
What The--?! vol.1 (1988)
Where Monsters Dwell Vol.1 (1970)
Where Monsters Dwell vol.2 (2015)
Widowmaker vol.1 (2011)
WildC.A.T.S / X-Men: The Golden Age (1997)
WildC.A.T.S / X-Men: The Modern Age (1997)
WildC.A.T.S / X-Men: The Silver Age (1997)
Willow vol.1 (1988)
Winter Soldier vol.1 (2012)
Winter Soldier vol.2 (2019)
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March vol.1 (2014)
Winter Soldier: Winter Kills (2007)
Wisdom vol.1 (2007)
Witchblade/Elektra (1997)
Witchblade/The Punisher (2007)
Witches Vol.1 (2004)
Wolverine '01 (2001)
Wolverine '95 (1995)
Wolverine '96 (1996)
Wolverine '97 (1997)
Wolverine '99 (1999)
Wolverine / Doop Vol.1 (2003)
Wolverine / Gambit: Victims vol.1 (1996)
Wolverine / Punisher: Revelation vol.1 (1999)
Wolverine + Captain America: Weapon Plus (2019)
Wolverine 1000 (2011)
Wolverine 900 (2010)
Wolverine and Jubilee vol.1 (2011)
Wolverine and The X-Men Annual vol.1 (2014)
Wolverine and The X-Men vol.1 (2011)
Wolverine and The X-Men vol.2 (2014)
Wolverine and The X-Men: Alpha & Omega vol.1 (2012)
Wolverine Annual Vol.1 (2007)
Wolverine Annual Vol.2 (2012)
Wolverine Annual Vol.3 (2014)
Wolverine Annual vol.4 (2019)
Wolverine Killing Made Simple (2008)
Wolverine MAX vol.1 (2012)
Wolverine Noir vol.1 (2009)
Wolverine Saga vol.1, The (1989)
Wolverine vol.1 (Serie limitada)
Wolverine vol.1 (Serie regular)
Wolverine Vol.1 (1999)
Wolverine vol.2 (2003)
Wolverine vol.3 (2010)
Wolverine vol.4 (2013)
Wolverine vol.5 (2014)
Wolverine vol.6 (2020)
Wolverine vs. Blade (2019)
Wolverine X-Isle Vol.1 (2003)
Wolverine/Cable: Guts and Glory (1999)
Wolverine/Captain America vol.1 (2004)
Wolverine/Hulk Vol.1 (2002)
Wolverine/Nick Fury: Scorpio Rising (1994)
Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection (1989)
Wolverine/Witchblade (1997)
Wolverine: Agent of Atlas vol.1 (2008)
Wolverine: Black Rio (1998)
Wolverine: Black, White and Blood vol.1 (2021)
Wolverine: Blood Hunt vol.1 (2024)
Wolverine: Bloodlust (1990)
Wolverine: Bloody Choices (1991)
Wolverine: Chop Shop (2009)
Wolverine: Dangerous Games (2008)
Wolverine: Days of Future Past vol.1 (1997)
Wolverine: Debt of Death (2011)
Wolverine: Deep Cut vol.1 (2024)
Wolverine: Doombringer (1997)
Wolverine: Evilution (1994)
Wolverine: Exit Wounds (2019)
Wolverine: Firebreak (2008)
Wolverine: First Class vol.1 (2008)
Wolverine: Infinity Watch vol.1 (2019)
Wolverine: Inner Fury (1992)
Wolverine: Killing (1993)
Wolverine: Knight of Terra (1995)
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights vol.1 (2024)
Wolverine: Manifest Destiny vol.1 (2008)
Wolverine: Origins Annual vol.1 (2007)
Wolverine: Origins vol.1 (2006)
Wolverine: Patch vol.1 (2022)
Wolverine: Rahne of Terra (1991)
Wolverine: Revenge Red Band vol.1 (2024)
Wolverine: Revenge vol.1 (2024)
Wolverine: Revolver (2009)
Wolverine: Season One (2013)
Wolverine: Snikt! Vol.1 (2003)
Wolverine: Soultaker Vol.1 (2005)
Wolverine: Switchback (2009)
Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man And Other Bloody Tales (2008)
Wolverine: The Anniversary (2009)
Wolverine: The Best There Is vol.1 (2011)
Wolverine: The End Vol.1 (2003)
Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure (1990)
Wolverine: The Long Night vol.1 (2019)
Wolverine: The Origin Vol.1 (2001)
Wolverine: The Road to Hell (2010)
Wolverine: Under the Boardwalk (2010)
Wolverine: Weapon-X vol.1 (2009)
Wolverine: Wendigo! (2010)
Wolverines vol.1 (2015)
Women of Marvel (2021)
Women of Marvel (2023)
Wonder Man Annual Vol.1 (1992)
Wonder Man Vol.1 (1991)
Wonderful Wizard of Oz Sketchbook, The (2008)
Wonderful Wizard of Oz vol.1, The (2009)
World of Fantasy Vol.1 (1956)
World of Mystery vol.1 (1956)
World of Suspense Vol.1 (1956)
World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker (2007)
World War Hulk Vol.1 (2007)
World War Hulk: Aftersmash! (2008)
World War Hulk: Aftersmash! - Damage Control vol.1 (2008)
World War Hulk: Front Line Vol.1 (2007)
World War Hulk: Gamma Corps Vol.1 (2007)
World War Hulk: Warbound Vol.1 (2008)
World War Hulk: X-Men Vol.1 (2007)
World War Hulks (2010)
World War Hulks: Captain America vs. Wolverine vol.1 (2010)
World War Hulks: Spider-Man vs. Thor vol.1 (2010)
Worlds Unknown Vol.1 (1950)
X-23 (2010)
X-23 vol.1 (2005)
X-23 vol.2 (2010)
X-23 vol.3 (2018)
X-23: Target X vol.1 (2007)
X-Babies: Murderama (1998)
X-Calibre vol.1 (1995)
X-Campus vol.1 (2010)
X-Cellent vol.1, The (2022)
X-Cellent vol.2, The (2023)
X-Corp vol.1 (2021)
X-Factor Annual vol.1
X-Factor Forever Vol.1 (2010)
X-Factor Special: Layla Miller (2008)
X-Factor Vol.1 (1986)
X-Factor Vol.2 (2006)
X-Factor vol.3 (2020)
X-Factor: Prisoner of Love
X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead (2008)
X-Force '99 Annual (1999)
X-Force & Cable '95 (1995)
X-Force & Cable '96 (1996)
X-Force & Cable '97 (1997)
X-Force / Cable: Messiah War (2009)
X-Force / Champions '98 (1998)
X-Force / Youngblood Vol.1 (1996)
X-Force Annual Vol.1 (1992)
X-Force Annual Vol.2 (2010)
X-Force Limited Series Vol.1 (2004)
X-Force Special: Ain't No Dog (2008)
X-Force Vol.1
X-Force Vol.2 (2008)
X-Force Vol.3 (2014)
X-Force vol.5 (2020)
X-Force vol.6 (2024)
X-Force: Killshot Anniversary Special (2022)
X-Force: Sex and Violence vol.1 (2010)
X-Infernus Vol.1 (2009)
X-Man '96 (1996)
X-Man '97 (1997)
X-Man / Hulk '98 (1998)
X-Man vol.1 (1995)
X-Man: All Saints' Day (1997)
X-Men '92 vol.1 (2015)
X-Men '92 vol.2 (2016)
X-Men '92: House of XCII vol.1 (2022)
X-Men '95
X-Men '96
X-Men '97
X-Men '97 vol.1 (2024)
X-Men '99 Annual
X-Men & ClanDestine vol.1 (1996)
X-Men / Alpha Flight Vol.1 (1998)
X-Men / Dr. Doom '98
X-Men / WildC.A.T.S: The Dark Age (1998)
X-Men 2 Movie (2003)
X-Men 2 Prequel: Nightcrawler (2003)
X-Men 2 Prequel: Wolverine (2003)
X-Men 2000
X-Men 2099
X-Men 2099 A.D. Special vol.1 (1995)
X-Men 2099: Oasis (1996)
X-Men Adventures vol.1 (1992)
X-Men Adventures vol.2 (1994)
X-Men Adventures vol.3 (1995)
X-Men and Alpha Flight Vol.1 (1985)
X-Men and Moon Girl (2022)
X-Men and Spiderman vol.1 (2009)
X-Men and the Micronauts Vol.1, The (1984)
X-Men Anniversary Magazine (1993)
X-Men Annual vol.1 (1992)
X-Men Annual Vol.1, The
X-Men Annual vol.2 (2006)
X-Men Annual vol.3 (2023)
X-Men Annual vol.4 (2023)
X-Men Blue: Origins (2024)
X-Men Chronicles vol.1 (1995)
X-Men Classic vol.2
X-Men Forever 2 Vol.1
X-Men Forever Alpha (2009)
X-Men Forever Annual Vol.1 (2010)
X-Men Forever Giant Size vol.1 (2010)
X-Men Forever Vol.1 (2001)
X-Men Forever Vol.2 (2009)
X-Men Forever vol.3 (2024)
X-Men Giant-Size vol.1 (2011)
X-Men Gold (2014)
X-Men Legacy Annual Vol.1 (2009)
X-Men Legacy Vol.1
X-Men Legacy vol.2 (2013)
X-Men Legends vol.1 (2021)
X-Men Legends vol.2 (2022)
X-Men Movie Adaption (2000)
X-Men Movie Prequel: Magneto (2000)
X-Men Movie Prequel: Rogue (2000)
X-Men Movie Prequel: Wolverine (2000)
X-Men Noir vol.1 (2009)
X-Men Noir: Mark of Cain vol.1 (2009)
X-Men Omega (1995)
X-Men Origins: Beast (2008)
X-Men Origins: Colossus (2008)
X-Men Origins: Cyclops (2010)
X-Men Origins: Deadpool (2010)
X-Men Origins: Emma Frost (2010)
X-Men Origins: Gambit (2009)
X-Men Origins: Iceman (2010)
X-Men Origins: Jean Grey (2008)
X-Men Origins: Nightcrawler (2010)
X-Men Origins: Sabretooth (2009)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
X-Men Prime (2017)
X-Men Rarities (1995)
X-Men Red Annual vol.1 (2018)
X-Men Red vol.1 (2018)
X-Men Red vol.2 (2022)
X-Men Spotlight on... Starjammers vol.1 (1990)
X-Men Unlimited Vol.1 (1994)
X-Men Unlimited Vol.2 (2002)
X-Men Unlimited: Latitude (2022)
X-Men Unlimited: X-Men Green vol.1 (2022)
X-Men Vol.1 (1991)
X-Men Vol.2 (2010)
X-Men Vol.3 (2013)
X-Men vol.4 (2019)
X-Men vol.5 (2021)
X-Men vol.6 (2024)
X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas vol.1 (2009)
X-Men vs. Hulk (2009)
X-Men Vs. The Avengers Vol.1, The (1987)
X-Men vs. The Brood vol.1 (1996)
X-Men/Fantastic Four vol.1 (2005)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse One Shot (2005)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse vol.1 (2005)
X-Men: Alpha (1994)
X-Men: Battle of the Atom vol.1 (2013)
X-Men: Before the Fall - Mutant First Strike (2023)
X-Men: Before The Fall - Sinister Four (2023)
X-Men: Before the Fall - Sons of X (2023)
X-Men: Before the Fall - The Heralds of Apocalypse (2023)
X-Men: Black - Emma Frost (2018)
X-Men: Black - Juggernaut (2018)
X-Men: Black - Magneto (2018)
X-Men: Black - Mojo (2018)
X-Men: Black - Mystique (2018)
X-Men: Blue Annual vol.1 (2018)
X-Men: Blue vol.1 (2017)
X-Men: Books of Askani (1995)
X-Men: Children of the Atom Vol.1
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - Blade (2010)
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - Smoke and Blood (2010)
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - Storm and Gambit (2010)
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - X-Men vs. Vampires vol.1 (2010)
X-Men: Days of Future Past - Doomsday vol.1 (2023)
X-Men: Deadly Genesis Vol.1 (2006)
X-Men: Die By the Sword vol.1 (2007)
X-Men: Divided We Stand vol.1 (2008)
X-Men: Emperor Vulcan Vol.1 (2007)
X-Men: Endangered Species (2007)
X-Men: Fairy tales (2006)
X-Men: First Class Finals vol.1 (2009)
X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special (2008)
X-Men: First Class Special (2007)
X-Men: First Class vol.1 (2006)
X-Men: First Class vol.2 (2007)
X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills Extended Cut vol.1 (2020)
X-Men: Gold Annual vol.1 (2018)
X-Men: Gold vol.1 (2017)
X-Men: Grand Design - Second Genesis vol.1 (2018)
X-Men: Grand Design - X-Tinction vol.1 (2019)
X-Men: Grand Design vol.1 (2018)
X-Men: Hellfire Club Vol.1 (2000)
X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2022)
X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2023)
X-Men: Kingbreaker vol.1 (2009)
X-Men: Liberators Vol.1
X-Men: Magneto Testament vol.1 (2008)
X-Men: Magneto War (1999)
X-Men: Manifest Destiny - Nightcrawler (2009)
X-Men: Manifest Destiny vol.1 (2008)
X-Men: Messiah Complex (2007)
X-Men: Odd Men Out (2008)
X-Men: Original Sin (2008)
X-Men: Phoenix Endsong Vol.1 (2005)
X-Men: Phoenix vol.1 (1999)
X-Men: Phoenix Warsong Vol.1 (2006)
X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back Vol.1 (2010)
X-Men: Prelude to Schism vol.1 (2011)
X-Men: Prime (1995)
X-Men: Regenesis (2011)
X-Men: Schism vol.1 (2011)
X-Men: Search for Cyclops Vol.1 (2000)
X-Men: Season One (2012)
X-Men: Second Coming Prepare (2010)
X-Men: Second Coming vol.1 (2010)
X-Men: Second Coming: Revelations - Blind Science (2010)
X-Men: Second Coming: Revelations - Hellbound vol.1 (2010)
X-Men: Sword of the Braddocks (2009)
X-Men: The 198 Vol.1 (2006)
X-Men: The End Vol.1 (2004)
X-Men: The End Vol.2 (2005)
X-Men: The End Vol.3 (2006)
X-Men: The Exterminated (2019)
X-Men: The Hidden Years vol.1 (1999)
X-Men: The Onslaught Revelation (2021)
X-Men: The Times and Life of Lucas Bishop vol.1 (2009)
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto vol.1 (2021)
X-Men: The Wedding Special (2018)
X-Men: The Wedding Special (2024)
X-Men: To Serve and Protect vol.1 (2011)
X-Men: True Friends Vol.1 (1999)
X-Men: Worlds Apart vol.1 (2008)
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever vol.1 (2016)
X-Men+Fantastic Four vol.1 (2020)
X-Necrosha (2009)
X-Necrosha: The Gathering (2010)
X-Patrol Vol.1
X-Statix Presents: Deadgirl Vol.1 (2006)
X-Statix Vol.1 (2002)
X-Termination vol.1 (2013)
X-Terminators Vol.1
X-Terminators vol.2 (2022)
X-Tinction Agenda vol.1 (2015)
X-Treme X-Men 2001
X-Treme X-Men vol.1
X-Treme X-Men vol.2 (2012)
X-Treme X-Men vol.3 (2023)
X-Treme X-Men: Savage Land Vol.1 (2001)
X-Treme X-Men: Xpose vol.1
X-Universe vol.1 (1995)
X-Women (2010)
X Deaths of Wolverine vol.1 (2022)
X Lives of Wolverine vol.1 (2022)
X of Swords: Creation (2020)
X of Swords: Destruction (2021)
X of Swords: Stasis (2020)
XSE vol.1 (1996)
Years of Future Past vol.1 (2015)
Yellow Claw Vol.1
Yoda vol.1 (2023)
Yogi Bear vol.1 (1977)
Yondu vol.1 (2020)
You Are Deadpool vol.1 (2018)
Young Allies Comics 70th Anniversary Special
Young Allies vol.2 (2010)
Young Avengers Presents vol.1 (2008)
Young Avengers Special
Young Avengers Vol.1
Young Avengers Vol.2 (2013)
Young Men vol.1 (1950)
Young X-Men vol.1 (2008)
Youngblood / X-Force Vol.1 (1996)
Ziggy Pig Silly Seal Comics (2019)
Zombie Vol.1 (2006)
Zombie: Simon Garth vol.1, The (2008)
Zombies Assemble 2 vol.1 (2017)
Zombies Assemble vol.1 (2017)
Última actualización: 15/02/2025