Noviembre 2018
Con fecha de portada de este mes se publicaron los siguientes cómics:
Ant-Man and The Wasp vol.1 #5
Asgardians of the Galaxy vol.1 #1
Astonishing X-Men vol.4 #15
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider vol.1 #23
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider vol.1 #24
Black Panther vol.7 #4
Captain America vol.9 #3
Captain America Annual vol.2 #1
Champions vol.1 #24
Cosmic Ghost Rider vol.1 #3
Daredevil vol.1 #608
Deadpool vol.7 #4
Death of The Inhumans vol.1 #3
Doctor Aphra Annual vol.1 #2
Doctor Strange vol.4 #5-LGY#395
Domino vol.3 #6
Domino Annual vol.1 #1
Edge of Spider-Geddon vol.1 #3
Exiles vol.3 #8
eXtermination vol.1 #3
Fantastic Four vol.6 #2
Iceman vol.4 #1
Infinity Warps: Iron Hammer vol.1 #1
Infinity Warps: Soldier Supreme vol.1 #1
Infinity Wars vol.1 #3
Journey Into Mystery: The Birth of Krakoa
Marvel 2-In-One: The Thing and The Human Torch vol.1 #10-LGY#110
Marvel Rising: Omega
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur vol.1 #35
Moon Knight vol.1 #199
Mr. and Mrs. X vol.1 #3
Ms. Marvel vol.4 #34-LGY#53
Multiple Man vol.1 #4
Old Man Hawkeye vol.1 #9
Old Man Logan vol.2 #47
Old Man Logan vol.2 #48
Old Man Logan Annual vol.1 #1
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 #309
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 #310
Poe Dameron vol.1 #30
Quicksilver: No Surrender vol.1 #5
Return of Wolverine vol.1 #1
Runaways vol.5 #13
Spider-Geddon vol.1 #0
Spider-Man/Deadpool vol.1 #38
Spider-Man/Deadpool vol.1 #39
Star Wars vol.2 #53
Star Wars vol.2 #54
Star Wars: The Last Jedi vol.1 #6
Thanos Legacy
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 #5-LGY#806
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 #6-LGY#807
The Amazing Spider-Man Annual vol.4 #1-LGY#43
The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows vol.2 #23
The Avengers vol.6 #7
The Avengers vol.6 #8
The Immortal Hulk vol.1 #4-LGY#721 (2ª impresión)
The Immortal Hulk vol.1 #5-LGY#722
The Immortal Hulk vol.1 #6-LGY#723
The Immortal Hulk TPB vol.1 #1
The Life of Captain Marvel vol.2 #3
The Punisher vol.10 #2
The Sentry vol.3 #4
The Silver Surfer Annual vol.2 #1
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl vol.2 #36
Thor vol.3 #5
Venom vol.4 #6
Venom: First Host vol.1 #2
Venom: First Host vol.1 #3
Venom: First Host vol.1 #4
Venom: First Host vol.1 #5
Weapon H vol.1 #7
Weapon X vol.3 #23
West Coast Avengers vol.2 #2
X-23 vol.3 #4
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB Vol.1 #7
X-Men: Blue vol.1 #35
X-Men: Blue vol.1 #36
X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.1 #3
X-Men: Gold vol.1 #35
X-Men: Gold vol.1 #36
X-Men Red vol.1 #8
Copyright © Marvel Characters, Inc. New York