Enero 2018
Con fecha de portada de este mes se publicaron los siguientes cómics:
All-New Wolverine vol.1 #27
America vol.1 #9
Astonishing X-Men vol.4 #5
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider vol.1 #10
Black Bolt vol.1 #7
Black Panther vol.1 #167
Cable vol.1 #151
Captain America vol.1 #695
Captain Marvel vol.1 #126
Champions vol.1 #14
Daredevil vol.1 #595
Darkhawk vol.1 #51
Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan vol.1 #2
Doctor Strange vol.1 #381
Doctor Strange TPB vol.1 #5
Generation-X vol.2 #8
Generation-X vol.2 #9
Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1 #146
Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1 #147
Hawkeye vol.5 #12
Iceman vol.3 #7
Inhumans: Once & Future Kings vol.1 #4
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB vol.1 #15
Iron Fist vol.1 #74
Jean Grey vol.1 #9
Jessica Jones vol.1 #14
Luke Cage vol.1 #167
Mace Windu: Jedi of the Republic vol.1 #4
Marvel Masterworks: Daredevil vol.12
Marvel's Black Panther Prelude vol.1 #2
Master of Kung Fu vol.1 #126
Monsters Unleashed! vol.3 #8
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur vol.1 #25
Ms. Marvel vol.4 #24
Moon Knight vol.1 #188
Moon Knight vol.1 #189
New Mutants: Back to School - The Complete Collection
Not Brand Echh vol.1 #14
Old Man Logan vol.2 #30
Old Man Logan vol.2 #31
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 #6
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man vol.1 #297
Poe Dameron vol.1 #21
Power Pack vol.1 #63
Punisher: The Platoon vol.1 #3
Royals vol.1 #10
Royals vol.1 #11
Runaways vol.5 #3
Secret Warriors vol.2 #8
Secret Warriors vol.2 #9
She-Hulk vol.1 #159
Silver Sable and the Wild Pack vol.1 #36
Spider-Gwen vol.2 #26
Spider-Man vol.1 #234
Spider-Man/Deadpool vol.1 #23
Spider-Man/Deadpool vol.1 #24
Spider-Men II vol.1 #5
Spirits of Vengeance vol.1 #2
Star Wars vol.2 #38
Star Wars vol.2 #39
Thanos vol.2 #13
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #791
The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows vol.2 #13
The Avengers vol.1 #673
The Despicable Deadpool vol.1 #289
The Incredible Hulk vol.1 #710
The Incredible Hulk Epic Collection TPB vol.1 #21
The Defenders vol.4 #7
The Falcon vol.2 #2
The Incredible Hulk Epic Collection TPB vol.1 #21
The Inhumans: Beware the Inhumans
The Invincible Iron Man vol.1 #594
The Mighty Thor vol.1 #701
The Punisher vol.1 #218
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl vol.2 #26
The Unbelievable Gwenpool vol.1 #22
The Uncanny Avengers vol.1 #29
U.S.Avengers vol.1 #12
Venom vol.1 #157
Venom vol.1 #158
Weapon X vol.3 #11
Werewolf by Night: The Complete Collection vol.1 #2
X-Men: Blue vol.1 #15
X-Men: Blue vol.1 #16
X-Men: Gold vol.1 #15
X-Men: Gold vol.1 #16
Copyright © Marvel Characters, Inc. New York