Junio 2016
Con fecha de portada de este mes se publicaron los siguientes cómics:
A Year of Marvels: The Amazing
A-Force vol.2 #4
Agents of SHIELD vol.1 #4
All-New, All-Different Avengers vol.1 #8
All-New Hawkeye vol.2 #6
All-New Inhumans vol.1 #6
All-New Wolverine vol.1 #7
All-New X-Men vol.2 #8
Angela: Queen of Hel vol.1 #7
Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Omega
Black Panther vol.6 #1
Black Widow vol.6 #2
Captain America: Road to War
Captain Marvel vol.8 #4
Captain Marvel: Earth's Mightiest Hero vol.1 #1
Carnage vol.2 #7
Contest of Champions vol.2 #7
Daredevil vol.5 #6
Darth Vader vol.1 #19
Deadpool vol.6 #9
Deadpool vol.6 #10
Deadpool & the Mercs For Money vol.1 #3
Doctor Strange vol.3 #7
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic
Drax vol.1 #6
Empress vol.1 #1
Extraordinary X-Men vol.1 #9
Guardians of Infinity vol.1 #5
Guardians of The Galaxy vol.4 #7
Hercules vol.2 #6
Howard The Duck vol.5 #6
Hyperion vol.1 #2
Illuminati vol.1 #6
International Iron Man vol.1 #2
Invincible Iron Man vol.1 #8
Karnak vol.1 #3
Marvel Custom Edition: Avengers Alliance vol.1 #4
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season 2: Civil War vol.1 #2
Marvel Universe: Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2 #7
Master of Kung Fu Omnibus vol.1 #1
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur vol.1 #6
Moon Knight vol.6 #1
Mockingbird vol.1 #2
Ms. Marvel vol.4 #6
Nova vol.6 #6
Obi-Wan & Anakin vol.1 #4
Old Man Logan vol.2 #4
Old Man Logan vol.2 #5
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! vol.1 #5
Poe Dameron vol.1 #1
Power Man and Iron Fist vol.3 #3
Red Wolf vol.2 #5
Rocket Raccoon and Groot vol.1 #4
Sam Wilson: Captain America vol.1 #8
Scarlet vol.1 #10
Scarlet Witch vol.2 #5
Silk vol.2 #7
Silver Surfer vol.8 #3
Spider-Gwen vol.2 #7
Spider-Man vol.2 #3
Spider-Man 2099 vol.3 #9
Spider-Man/Deadpool vol.1 #4
Spider-Woman vol.6 #6
Spider-Women Alpha
Spidey vol.1 #4
Spidey vol.1 #5
Squadron Supreme vol.4 #6
Squadron Supreme Classic Omnibus
Star Wars vol.2 #18
Star-Lord vol.1 #6
Starbrand and Nightmask vol.1 #5
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.4 #10
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.4 #11
The Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(Fly) Effect vol.1 #2
The Astonishing Ant-Man vol.1 #7
The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - Bitter Medicine vol.1 #1
The Haunted Mansion vol.1 #2
The Incredible Hulk Epic Collection TPB vol.1 #1
The Infinity Entity vol.1 #4
The Mighty Thor vol.4 #6
The New Avengers vol.3 #9
The New Avengers vol.3 #10
The Totally Awesome Hulk vol.1 #5
The Ultimates vol.4 #6
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl vol.2 #7
The Unbelievable Gwenpool vol.1 #1
The Uncanny Avengers vol.1 #8
The Uncanny Inhumans vol.1 #7
The Vision vol.2 #6
Uncanny X-Men vol.4 #6
Venom: Space Knight vol.1 #6
Web-Warriors vol.1 vol.1 #6
Weirdworld vol.2 #5
X-Men '92 vol.2 #2
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever vol.1 #3
Copyright © Marvel Characters, Inc. New York