Abril 2015
Con fecha de portada de este mes se publicaron los siguientes cómics:
All-New Captain America: Fear Him vol.1 #1
All-New Captain America: Fear Him vol.1 #2
All-New Captain America: Fear Him vol.1 #3
All-New Captain America: Fear Him vol.1 #4
All-New Ghost Rider vol.1 #11
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier vol.1 #5
Captain Marvel vol.7 #12
Cyclops vol.2 #10
Captain Marvel TPB vol.3 #2
Deadpool Classic Companion vol.1 #1
Deathlok vol.4 #5
Guardians 3000 vol.1 #5
Hawkeye vol.4 #21
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon vol.1 #9
Legendary Star-Lord vol.1 #9
Magneto vol.3 #15
Marvel Universe: Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1 #1
Nightcrawler vol.4 #11
Operation SIN vol.1 #2
Return of the Living Deadpool vol.1 #1
S.H.I.E.L.D. vol.3 #3
Silk vol.1 #1
Spider-Gwen vol.1 #1
Spider-Man and the X-Men vol.1 #3
Star Wars vol.2 #1 (2ª Impresión)
Star Wars vol.2 #1 (3ª Impresión)
Star Wars vol.2 #2
Storm vol.3 #8
Thanos vs. Hulk vol.1 #3
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.3 #14
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.3 #15
The Avengers Epic Collection TPB vol.1 #4
Thor vol.2 #1 (4ª impresión)
Thor vol.2 #5
Thor Annual vol.2 #1
Weirdworld: Warriors of the Shadow Realm
Copyright © Marvel Characters, Inc. New York