Avengers: The Korvac Saga
Black Widow & The Marvel Girls vol.1 #1
Black Widow & The Marvel Girls vol.1 #2
Black Widow: Deadly Origin vol.1 #2
Captain America: Reborn vol.1 #5
Dark Avengers: Ares vol.1 #3
Dark X-Men vol.1 #2
Deadpool MAX vol.1 #3
Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth vol.1 #6
Deadpool Team-Up vol.1 #898
Deathlok: The Demolisher vol.1 #2
Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural vol.1 #3
Fantastic Four: In Search of Galactus
Ghost Riders: Heaven's on Fire vol.1 #5
Iron Man vs. Whiplash vol.1 #2
Ms. Marvel vol.2 #48
Nation X vol.1 #1
Nomad: Girl without a World vol.1 #4
Official Index to the Marvel Universe vol.1 #12
Psylocke vol.1 #2
Punisher Max vol.1 #2
Realm of Kings: Imperial Guard vol.1 #2
Realm of Kings: Inhumans vol.1 #2
S.W.O.R.D. vol.1 #2
Secret Warriors HC vol.1 #2
Spider-Man & The Secret Wars vol.1 #1
Spider-Man: Clone Saga vol.1 #4
Starr the Slayer vol.1 #4
Strange vol.2 #2
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #614
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #615
The Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 #616
The Marvels Project vol.1 #4
The Spectacular Spider-Girl vol.1 #10
Uncanny X-Men: First Class vol.1 #6
Vengeance of the Moon Knight vol.1 #4
War Machine vol.2 #12
Web of Spider-Man vol.2 #3
X-Babies vol.1 #3
X-Force Annual vol.2 #1
X-Men Forever vol.2 #13
X-Men Forever vol.2 #14