Howard el pato

Esta sección ofrece un listado de las apariciones cronológicas de cada personaje.
Estas fichas están parcialmente basadas en los listados de Marvel Chronology Project y Master List Guide.

Howard the Duck Magazine vol.1 #6 (flashback) (fotos)
Howard The Duck vol.1 #13 (flashback)

Adventure Into Fear vol.1 #19 (primera aparición; aparece en el pantano de los Everglades y conoce al Hombre Cosa y a Korrek)

Man-Thing vol.1 #1
Giant-Size Man-Thing vol.1 #4/2 (vuelve a la Tierra)
Giant-Size Man-Thing vol.1 #5/2
Marvel Two-In-One vol.1 #46

Howard The Duck vol.1 #1 (conoce a Beverly Switzler y la libera de Pro-Rata)

Howard The Duck vol.1 #2 (flashback)
Howard The Duck vol.1 #2
Howard The Duck vol.1 #3 (aprende artes marciales)
Howard The Duck vol.1 #4
Howard The Duck vol.1 #5
Howard The Duck vol.1 #6
Howard The Duck vol.1 #7 (salva a un candidato a las elecciones a la presidencia que se retira asustado; le piden que se presente)
Marvel Treasury Edition vol.1 #12

Howard The Duck vol.1 #8 (lidera las encuestas pero publican fotos donde aparece en la bañera con Beverly para evitar que sea presidente)

Howard The Duck vol.1 #9
Howard The Duck vol.1 #10
Howard The Duck vol.1 #11
Howard The Duck vol.1 #12 (es internado en un manicomio)
Howard The Duck vol.1 #13
Howard The Duck vol.1 #14
Howard the Duck vol.1 #28 (flashback)
Howard the Duck vol.1 #28
Howard The Duck Annual #1
Howard The Duck vol.1 #15 (llega a la isla del Doctor Bong)
Howard The Duck vol.1 #17
Howard The Duck vol.1 #18
Howard The Duck vol.1 #19
Howard The Duck vol.1 #20
Howard The Duck vol.1 #21
Howard The Duck vol.1 #22
Howard The Duck vol.1 #23
Howard The Duck vol.1 #24
Howard The Duck vol.1 #25
Howard The Duck vol.1 #26
Howard The Duck vol.1 #27
Howard The Duck vol.1 #29
Howard The Duck vol.1 #30
Howard The Duck vol.1 #31
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #1
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #1/2
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #1/3
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #2
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #2/2
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #3
Howard the Duck Magazine vol.1 #4
Howard the Duck Magazine vol.1 #4/2 (flashback)
Howard the Duck Magazine vol.1 #4/2
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #5
Marvel Team-Up vol.1 #96
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #5/2
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #6
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #5/2
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #6
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #6/2
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #7
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #7/2
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #7/3
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #8
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #8/2
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #9
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #9/2
Howard The Duck Magazine vol.1 #9/3
Bizarre Adventures vol.1 #34/2
Howard The Duck vol.1 #32
Howard The Duck vol.1 #33
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #14
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #15
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #16
Sensational She-Hulk vol.1 #17
Slapstick vol.1 #1
Spider-Man Team-Up vol.1 #5/2 ~ Savage Dragon/ Destroyer Duck (Image) (fuera de continuidad)
Ghost Rider vol.3 #81
Ghost Rider vol.3 #82
Generation-X vol.1 #20
Generation-X vol.1 #21
Generation-X vol.1 #23
Howard the Duck Holiday Special
Generation-X vol.1 #25
Daydreamers vol.1 #1 (flashback)
Daydreamers vol.1 #1
Daydreamers vol.1 #2
Daydreamers vol.1 #3
Man-Thing vol.3 #5
Man-Thing vol.3 #6

Howard The Duck vol.2 #1 (es convertido en ratón)

Howard The Duck vol.2 #2
Howard The Duck vol.2 #3
Howard The Duck vol.2 #4
Howard The Duck vol.2 #5
Howard The Duck vol.2 #6
Gravity vol.1 #2 (tras las escenas)
She-Hulk vol.2 #3 (flashback)
She-Hulk vol.1 #9
She-Hulk vol.2 #3
Civil War: Choosing Sides vol.1 #1/5
Howard the Duck vol.3 #1 (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Howard the Duck vol.3 #1
Howard the Duck vol.3 #2
Howard the Duck vol.3 #3
Howard the Duck vol.3 #4
Secret Invasion vol.1 #6
Marvel Divas vol.1 #1 (tras las escenas)
Fear Itself: Fearsome Four vol.1 #3 (flashback)
Fear Itself: Fearsome Four vol.1 #1
Fear Itself: Fearsome Four vol.1 #2
Fear Itself: Fearsome Four vol.1 #3
Fear Itself: Fearsome Four vol.1 #4
Marvel Zombies 5 vol.1 #2 (flashback) (flashback) (tras las escenas)
Marvel Zombies 5 vol.1 #2 (flashback)
Marvel Zombies 5 vol.1 #1
Marvel Zombies 5 vol.1 #2
Marvel Zombies 5 vol.1 #3
Marvel Zombies 5 vol.1 #4
Marvel Zombies 5 vol.1 #5
Marvel Zombies: Destroy! vol.1 #1
Marvel Zombies: Destroy! vol.1 #2
Marvel Zombies: Destroy! vol.1 #3
Marvel Zombies: Destroy! vol.1 #4
Marvel Zombies: Destroy! vol.1 #5
Wolverine & the X-Men vol.1 #17 (flashback)
Web of Spider-Man vol.1 #129.2
She-Hulk vol.3 #12
Howard the Duck vol.4 #2/2
Howard the Duck vol.4 #3/2

Howard the Duck vol.4 #1 (conoce a Tara Tam)

Howard the Duck vol.4 #2/1
Howard the Duck vol.4 #3/1
Howard the Duck vol.4 #4/1 (flashback)
Howard the Duck vol.4 #4/1
Howard the Duck vol.4 #5
Howard the Duck vol.4 #4/2
SHIELD vol.3 #10

Copyright © Marvel Characters, Inc. New York